SEARCH KEYWORD -- long process

  Why do so many technical recruiters suck?

It’s Tuesday, I get a call from an unknown number.  There is a little hesitation, but I finally pick it up.  My number is listed on my business card and I feel like I should get these calls unless I am in a meeting.- Hi, is this Mike?- Yes, speaking….- Hi Mike!  How are you today?- Fine…- I am calling from XYZ Co, and we deal with recruiting and staff augmentation.  I was wondering if you are looking for software developers.We are in San Francisco and itââ...

   Recruitment,HR,Sucks,Tech recruiter     2011-11-13 08:22:02

  Different ways of handling concurrent job in GoLang

GoLang provides very good support of concurrency and the way to make some code to run concurrent is pretty simple and straightforward. Adding a simple go before a normal function call will make the function call asynchronous. In real cases normally people would concurrently run some jobs to improve the speed and efficiency. One important part of running jobs concurrently is about aggregating results so that the consequent function call would be able to proceed. There are multiple ways handling t...


  Guest Post from a CodeBoy: The Five Stages of Debugging

Being confronted with a serious and difficult-to-diagnose bug can be one of the most traumatic and stressful experiences of a professional programmer's career. Those who have been through such an ordeal rate the stress as on a par with that accompanying serious injury, divorce, or the death of a family member. Researchers who have studied the psychology of computer programming have lately constructed a framework to understand the stages through which the programmer's mind progresses as she...

   Debug,Steps,Stages     2012-05-01 06:39:38

  Microsoft wakes up to Open Source … in a big way!

Contrary to popular belief, Microsoft loves open-source. No, really! Don’t believe me? Read on: Today, Microsoft announced that it is open-sourcing all of its flagship web/cloud platform: ASP.NET MVC Web Pages (aka Razor), Web API. Importantly … these projects will be publicly hosted and that the team will continue development in the open (you’ll be able to view the repository and see the code commits as they happen) and that Microsoft will even cons...

   Oepn source,Microsoft,Ruby     2012-04-01 04:23:42

  Best Tips for a brilliant responsive design

Portability of mobile devices have made it easier for the users to access internet. Consequently , this has increased a lot of of mobile traffic and has given birth to new terms such a mCommerce. Now the point is that as we know that technology is ephemeral , will we keep on investing time and money every time a new gadget is launched? Indeed yes, because this is what market demands!  But what if I say a that there is a technology which is independent of the size of the devices or a technol...

   responsive, mobile     2015-07-01 01:25:37

  Tencent released Q1 earning report of 2013

Tencent has released the earnings report of Q1 in 2013, the total revenue is $2.1611 billion which increases  11.5% compared to last quarter and increases 40.4% compared to the same time last year. The  profit is 649.4 million US dollars which increases 17.3% compared to last quarter and increases 37.4% compared last year.The three main profit generators are:1. Value-added services revenue of 1.7014 billion US dollars with an increase of 13.6% compared to last quarter and an increase o...

   Tencent,Earnings report,WeChat     2013-05-15 07:02:45

  Japanese Used Cars-Top Six Myths about Buying One in Russia

With the prices of brand new vehicles steadily increasing. Prospective car owners in Russia have started to move towards buying used vehicles. Being a reliable name in the automobile manufacturing world, Japanese used vehicles are playing a good contribution in fulfilling this increasing demand. Japanese used vehicles have become a major contributor to the overall trade of automotive industry. Keeping this fact in mind, it could be easily assumed that buying one should be a completely hassle-fr...

   JAPANESE USED CARS FOR SALE IN RUSSIA     2017-11-06 13:29:15

  Why I Won’t Hire You

I will be very honest with you in this post. Most interview articles only show obvious mistakes, as if most people don’t know showing up late is bad form. I will tell you the things I didn’t really know about until I was the one interviewing, and interviewing for a variety of positions and person-types. No interview prep article ever prepared me in the right way for how interviewers really think. That is what I will be sharing with you today. When you first walk in...

   Career,Hire,Preparartion,CV,Resume     2012-01-11 04:38:19

  Why Apple Mac switches its CPU? The war between Intel and ARM

About three months ago, the new iPad Pro was released and it supports touch pad and mouse. It conveys a clear message to users that they want people to treat iPad Pro as a laptop.  As we know, iPad and iPhone are both using iOS, if iOS can run on laptop,  it means MacOS and iOS can merge and become a unified OS. And if Mac and iPhone can share the same OS, it means the same app can run in all places. It is becoming clearer and clearer that Apple is planning to do this exact thing. Late...

   APPLE,INTEL,ARM,WWDC,A14     2020-06-20 00:19:02

  GitHub Copilot may generate code containing GPL code

GitHub Copilot is a new AI-powered code completion tool that can generate code snippets from natural language descriptions. It is powered by OpenAI Codex, a deep learning system that has been trained on billions of lines of public code. GitHub Copilot claims to be a “copilot, not a pilot”, meaning that it is not intended to write code for you, but rather to help you write code faster and better. However, some developers have raised concerns about the legal and ethical implications of...

   GITHUB COPILOT,GPL     2023-04-21 14:21:29