SEARCH KEYWORD -- long process

  jQuery 2.0 will drop support for some IE6/7/8 oddities

jQuery official website releases its road map for the future jQuery development. This road map reveals that jQuery 1.8 will be released within a month and other consecutive versions will follow the following release plan:jQuery 1.9 (early 2013): many of the interfaces already deprecated in version 1.8 will be removed; some of them will be available as plugins or alternative APIs supported by the jQuery project. IE 6/7/8 will be supported as today.jQuery 1.9.x (ongoing in 2013 and beyond): This v...

   jQuery 2.0,jQuery,IE support     2012-06-29 05:20:27

  Install LAMP in two easy steps

You might have seen my earlier post related to installing PHP, Apache and MySQL on UBUNTU 11.10. That process contains number of steps and some lengthy commands which we can not remember easily. After good comments from Gaurav and Coward I have managed to get that lengthy process in just 2 steps. So I thought its great to share with all readers to they can get benefit as...

   LAMP,PHP,Steps,Tutorial     2012-04-30 09:15:28

  Standardizing Python WSGI deployment

Over the past year I have been testing all of the new python platform as a service companies that have popped up, and I have posted my notes on my blog so that everyone can learn from my experiences.,,,,, Heroku, Django hosting roundup, All and all, the platforms were very similar, they allowed you to easily host your python/django project without having to worry about managing a server or other typical system administr...

   Python,Standard,WAR,Java     2011-12-31 15:39:44

  How to write good requirements

Requirements are pretty ubiquitous in the embedded world. They are used to define tasks, help coordinate large development efforts, and to communicate the behavior of the desired end product between the developers and the customer. When done right, requirements can be very useful. Unfortunately, if you spend much time working in the embedded world you quickly discover that there are a lot of bad requirements. And then when you try to go fix them, you quickly discover that writing good req...

   Requirement gathering,Good requirement     2012-02-18 12:53:15

  Why is single threaded Redis so fast

Redis is a high-performance, in-memory key-value database. According to official test reports, it can support around 100,000 QPS (queries per second) on a single machine. However, Redis uses a single-threaded architecture in its design. Why does Redis still have such high performance with a single-threaded design? Wouldn't it be better to use multiple threads for concurrent request processing? In this article, let's explore why Redis has a single-threaded architecture and still maintains its spe...


  C vs Java Complete Comparison

Similarities: Java and C have same syntax operators. Difference—thinking Two paradigms: Java: Object oriented language C: Structured language Differences: --Syntax No preprocessor Java does not include a preprocessor and does not define any analogs of the #define, #include, and #ifdef directives. Constant definitions are replaced with static final fields in Java. (See the java.lang.Math.PI field for an example.) Macro definitions are not available in...

   C,Java,Comparison,Difference,Similaritie     2011-10-06 12:46:39

  Are NSA engineers better than engieers at Microsoft?

NSA is the US government department which takes care of the information and data security of US. It's said to be one of the largest of U.S. intelligence organizations in terms of personnel and budget. There are many excellent engineers working on information and data security and developing algorithms and software help US government to collect intelligence information from all around the world. Many people may be curious about whether NSA has better engineers than IT companies like Microsoft and...

   NSA,Microsoft     2014-01-09 07:24:43

  Google Dart? Don’t bet against JavaScript

Procotols, programming languages and operating systems all compete in a constantly evolving software ecosystem. Out of that ecosystem only a few technologies truly have staying power and survive over the long term. An example? How about Ethernet? It’s been a survivor over the last thirty years despite existing in a constantly changing landscape that’s been populated with many worthy competitors. Ethernetâ€â„...

   Google Dart,JavaScript,Comparison,Future     2011-12-06 09:49:39


Note: Google was kind enough to invite me to give a short talk at their Zeitgeist conference earlier this week. It was a really interesting conference and I got a chance to meet a lot of people I admire. For my talk, I decided to use material from some of my blog posts over the years that I thought might appeal to a broader audience. Unfortunately, I was still recovering from a nastly cold/flu so I didn’t deliver the talk as well as I’d like.  Below is the text.Today, I wanted...

   Investor,Startup,Lesson,Experience,Investment     2011-10-12 11:47:02

  The Value of the Designer Who Codes

"Well, it's a start, but basically it stinks," said Steve Jobs, telling early Apple engineer Chris Espinosa exactly how he felt about the company's first calculator application. Iteration after iteration, Jobs continued to be dissatisfied with the calculator. Espinosa continued to code, slowly inching his way to perfection. But nothing was quite right. In a flash of both brilliance and perhaps frustration, Espinosa put together a visual builder that let Jobs design the calculator himself...

   Designer,Coder,Value,Designer knows code     2012-01-03 10:49:39