SEARCH KEYWORD -- long process

  I’m too lazy to be a HTML developer

There’s no denying it. I’m just to damn lazy to be an HTML developer. This really sunk in when I looked at a tutorial for doing a jQuery Lightbox – for a client project. The tutorial was titled “Super Simple Lightbox with CSS and jQuery” but after reading it over I thought a better title would be “A really freaking hard tutorial on the inane intricacies of doing something that looks simple but in reality is a skein of HTML, Javascript and CSS that no...

   Web design,HTML,JavaScript,Complexity,Messy     2011-12-18 10:42:45

  One of the Best Bits of Programming Advice I ever Got

Years ago (early 1992), I attached myself to this crazy skunkworks project that was using this weird language called Smalltalk. "Object Oriented" was in its infancy as a "hot" item. High paid consultants. Lots of people laying claim to what this new object religion was all about. This was 5 years before Alan Kay would make the statement "I invented the term 'Object Oriented Programming' and this {Java and C++} is not what I had in mind."Shortly after hooking up with this whacky group with t...

   Programming advice,OOP,Smalltalk,Better design     2011-11-28 03:14:25

  No support of $.browser in jQuery 1.9

Starting from jQuery 1.9, $.browser is no longer supported to detect the nrpwser type and version. The substitute is $.support. In the newer jQuery 2.x versions, IE 6/7/8 are also not supported. If users want to support IE 6/7/8, they must use jQuery 1.9. If you want to fully support IE and want to use jQuery 1.9 and jQuery 2.0, the official solution is: <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src='jquery-1.9.0.js'></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]> <script src=...

   jQuery,$.browser,$.browser.version     2013-08-27 03:10:12

  Steve Ballmer will retire from Microsoft within one year

Microsoft today announced on its official website that CEO Steve Ballmer will retire from Microsoft with 12 months. But he will remain as the CEO until the successor is named. Steve Ballmer commented on his retirement as : There is never a perfect time for this type of transition, but now is the right time, We have embarked on a new strategy with a new organization and we have an amazing Senior Leadership Team. My original thoughts on timing would have had my retirement happen in the middle of...

   Microsoft,CEO,Retirement     2013-08-23 08:34:10

  Where do software engineers get highest pay?

According to Tencent Tech, Tech companies are generous to engineers is not a secret because there is a lack of excellent engineers. These companies are willing to pay high salary and provide attractive welfare to attract these talented people. Recently, a list of companies which pay highest average salary to software engineers is published. The interesting thing is Apple, Google or Facebook is not the company which pays highest. Then which one? The answer is Juniper. The average salary in Junipe...

   Software engineer,Salary,Juniper     2013-04-12 21:06:52

  Learn about the Benefits of Providing an Engaging Onboarding Experience to your customers

Learn about the Benefits of Providing an Engaging Onboarding Experience to your customers A good onboarding experience helps create a positive first impression and makes your customers feel valued and helps convert leads into paying customers. Effective onboarding experiences also increase conversions and keep customers. High-quality onboarding experiences build brand awareness. Customers notice when businesses take time to engage with them. They even notice when businesses care about them and t...

   ELEARNING,EDUCATION     2022-08-26 21:41:17

  10 reasons why I "hate" working in Facebook

To me, the past two years in Facebook is simply a nightmare, To celebrate the upcoming 2 year anniversary, I decided to jump out of it. Facebook, I have so many reasons to hate you. However, for fear that readers find me too annoying, I take my complaints to be condensed into the top ten reasons.1. Why should submit so much code? In the past two years, the number of Facebook engineers is doubled, and the amount of code submitted by each engineer is also increased with the increase of the number ...

   Facebook,Hate,Leave     2012-08-17 13:34:05

  Java vs F#

Dr Cliff Click of Azul Systems, specialists in manycore JVM systems, recently published a blog post about the performance of Java compared primarily to C and C++ but also discussing C# and .NET. Three of Cliff's comments are of particular interest:Under the heading "Places where C/C++ beats Java for obvious reasons":"Value Types, such as a 'Complex' type require a full object in Java." - Dr Cliff ClickWhat Cliff forgot to mention is that .NET also provides value types and a far more compell...

   Java,F#,Performance,JVM     2012-03-07 05:07:31

  Microsoft Interview Riddle Questions

Every year, many people will send their resume to Microsoft and Google. So how do these IT companies hire people? What kind of interview questions will they ask. Let's see what Microsoft asked before in this article. These questions are more focusing on how you are reasoning, not necessary your technical skills. 1.  You’ve got someone working for you for seven days and a gold bar to pay them. The gold bar is segmented into seven connected pieces. You must give them a piece of gold at...

   Microsoft,Interview question,Riddle questions,Answer     2012-03-10 04:56:48

  Introducing the for-if anti-pattern

Over the years, I've seen a bunch of coding anti-patterns. I figured maybe I'll share a few. Today, I'll introduce what I'm calling the for-if anti-pattern, also known as "We'll sell you the whole seat, but you'll only need the edge." This is a special case of the for-case anti-pattern, where all but one of the cases is null. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (i == 42) { do_something(i); } } This can naturally be simplified to do_something(42); The for-if anti-pattern arises in ma...

   Programming,Anti-pattern,for-if,efficiency     2012-02-02 10:18:15