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  Android hardware fails more than iPhone, BlackBerry; repairs cost carriers $2 billion

Repairs to Android smartphones cost wireless carriers $2 billion per year according to a new year-long WDS study that tracked 600,000 support calls around the globe. Android’s popularity and the introduction of a number of low-cost smartphones has put a strain on the wireless business model, WDS noted in its report. “Deployment by more than 25 OEMs and lower-cost product coming to market is leading to higher than average rates of hardware failures and, in turn, return and repair cos...

   Android,iPhone,Blackberry,Hardware,Cost     2011-11-03 13:26:42


What should a ‘cache’ be? It means a lot of things, but to my mind the default programming type should be: “keep around expensive-to-generate bits of read-only data in case we need them again, or until the computer really needs that RAM for something else” I was writing a custom video editing program in Python (interesting choice of language for that problem) and I wanted to cache decoded frames; but I just wasn’t happy with the memory management of explici...

   Buffer,Cache,Web browser,Memory,RAM     2012-02-24 05:10:10

  PHP to integrate with Sign in with Google

Google has a huge user base and hence it provides an authentication service for third party service to integrate with them so that people can sign in with Google in their services. Google also adopts OAuth 2 to provide this kind of Open ID connect service. This post will introduce how to integrate with sign in with Google functionality in your PHP website.  Create a client app on Google The first step you should follow is to create a Google app, you can follow the post here to create the p...

   PHP,GOOGLE API,OPEN API,SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE     2019-03-03 02:00:09

  Mozilla releases an online editing tool --Popcorn Maker

Firefox developer Mozilla has been sparing no effort to promote the development of HTML5 and Web App They officially released a product: Popcorn Maker 1.0. It lets people edit video online and produce video with interactive features. Popcorn Maker video editing website page is similar to the ordinary video editing software, but the interface is simple and easy-to-use. You can edit the video content with simple select and drop and drag options, including inserting text, links, maps, Twitter infor...

   Popcorn Maker,Mozilla,Video editing     2012-11-13 11:50:31

  Want to write some code? Get away from your computer!

I’ve recently realised something. The best place to write code isn’t in front of your computer, with your compiler, IDE and tools. The best place to write code is far, far away from any of these tools – somewhere where you can think properly. For a language with which you are fairly familiar, the mechanics of translating the program in your mind to a program that the compiler can compile (or the interpreter can interpret) is fairly easy – it’s coming ...

   Program,Goo dcode, Away, Use mind     2011-03-30 23:48:10

  3 ways to remove duplicates in List

Frequently, we may have an ArrayList which stores many values, and we need to process the ArrayList and get what are the distinct values in the list, or we may want to count occurrence of each value in the ArrayList. We can remove the duplicates in a few ways. Here we propose 3 methods :     public static void main(String[] args){        //SuperClass sub=new SubClass();                String[...

   Java,List,Duplicate,Clear     2012-09-03 09:44:32

  Why doesn't Google copy successful startup ideas?

Google is definitely one of the largest players in Internet world. It owns the most popular search engine, mobile operating system and mapping service. It not only has huge user base but also is extremely rich. It can copy and create any product that is proven to be successful with its talent pool and money. But why doesn't Google copy those successful startup ideas? Based on the current status quo and culture gene of Google, there are several reasons Google doesn't copy startup ideas. First, Go...

   Google,Startup,Copy     2013-09-11 07:03:02

  Migrate from MySQL to MariaDB in Ubuntu

The biggest movement of escaping from MySQL in this century starts, openSUSE,Fedora and Arch have started to use MariaDB instead of MySQL as their default database. Many people also dislike the attitude of Oracle on MySQL, so it's reasonable to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB. The whole process is not complicated. Here we share the steps to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB in Ubuntu. Installation procedure: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 0xcbcb082a1bb943db Modify /etc/a...

   MySQL,MariaDB,Ubuntu     2013-08-13 11:14:51

  Lessons from the Trenches

I believe that making a game is part art and part science, so it's no wonder that managing a game project is also part art and part science. Clearly if it was all science then the industry would get a collective F for not having made any significant progress over the last decade - all one has to do is just glance at the published postmortems to see that the same patterns are repeated over and over.A game has to be fun, engaging, grab users in the first two minutes and also keep their a...

   Game,Trenches,Tips,Game design,pattern     2011-10-10 05:08:50

  Optional arguments in PHP function

In PHP, we can define our own functions which can accept optional number of arguments. In this kind of functions, the optional argument should be set with default value.Fox example, the next code example will illustrate this:<?php function func($name,$type=NULL) { echo "$name $type"; } func("Hello"); echo "<br />"; func("Hello","world"); echo "<br />";?>Here $type is an optional argument. It must be set with a default value either NULL or some other value. Quite simple....

   PHP,optional,arguments,user defined func     2011-03-28 12:35:20