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  Only 4G can resolve the conflicts between China Telecom Carriers and WeChat ?

Why WeChat has made the three big Chinese telecom companies uncomfortable? Let's analyze from both technical and commercial levels. From a technical point of view, Mr. Huang, Dean of China Mobile Research Institute, described the impact of "always online service" applications like WeChat. Instead of using technical terms, we will explain in simple vivid phrases. First, mobile QQ, or WeChat, will have their own "request frequency". These requests are sent to the carrier network, to check the re...

   4G,WeChat,Telecom,China     2013-03-25 08:28:59

  $40 million per year to keep Wikipedia running

Wikipedia is an incredibly frugal and efficient nonprofit organization. It serves half a billion visits per month. But do you know how much it costs to keep this huge website running? According to 2012-13 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan, the expected spending is around $40 million. Some may argue that Wikipedia is just a site with "just text", why does it cost so much? Oliver Emberton shared his view. To keep Wikipedia running and serve 500 million visits per month. First, you're going to need ...

   Wikipedia,Spending,Cost     2013-09-24 23:05:10

  People, processes and tools

Some years ago, one of my managers used to repeat this "Accenture truism" (or so he designated it): to fix or improve something, first you need the right people, then you need the right processes to help those people work together, then finally you need the right tools to support those processes. People, processes, and tools - in that order.This is even more true for tech startups than for corporations. As geeks, whenever we face a problem, we often start by looking for a tool to fix it. "Our te...

   Work,People,Process,Tool,Importance,Priority     2011-10-24 11:36:14

  What Sort of Projects Can You Work on Using Web Scraping?

Image Source: Unsplash Web scraping is a technique used to extract large amounts of data from websites and save onto your computer in a database or time table format. There are many reasons businesses would use this information for lead generation, SEO, or to better understand their customers.  However, you can do a lot of fun projects in your free time that doesn’t have to be associated with work or a company. Before you start using your programming skills to find and extract inform...

   WEB SCRAPING     2020-09-10 09:16:44


More and more I see articles popping up that bash social networks for "violating" our privacy and selling our information to advertisers. Inevitably, Facebook has been at the center of many of these "scandals". Today on HN I came across this interviewwith Disconnect co-founder Casey Oppenheim and I just don't get it.In it, he bashes Facebook (and other online advertisers) for using our information in order to serve up targeted ads. He points out that many of the " “free” service...

   Social network,Facebook,Privacy,Data,Ads     2011-10-19 14:12:08

  There are no free lunches on the internet

Hot data: An IT technician checks the network servers at a data farm. Alamy Photograph: Juice Images/AlamyPhysics has Newton's first law ("Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed"). The equivalent forinternet services is simpler, though just as general in its applicability: it says that there is no such thing as a free lunch.The strange thing is that most use...

   Free lunch,Facebook,Google,Privacy information     2011-11-21 03:03:31

  Internet trends and your web development strategy

Takeaway: Ryan Boudreaux looks at some of the latest reports on how users are spending their time on the web. Keeping an eye on trends is one way for web developers to stay current. Recent figures in Internet activity include several interesting trends, including: the number of smartphone-user adoption rates Cyber Monday sales figures mobile banking app usage social networking on mobile social media hours spent online search habits Trends in worldwide Internet activity may or may not translate ...

   Internet trend,Mobile,Web design,Web app     2012-02-01 00:02:29

  Python SSH Connection Tools

Program Design Purpose: We aim to create a simple Python SSH tool library that facilitates SSH communication, SCP file transfer, and SSH port forwarding through multiple jump hosts in an SSH tunnel chain. The library is designed to provide a simple API for establishing nested SSH tunnel connections through multiple jump hosts with customizable TCP ports. This allows users or their programs to automate SSH tasks such as: Batch processing SSH connection tasks, such as connecting to multiple ser...

       2024-08-30 04:46:05

  Fun With Numbers

Yesterday the NPD Group issued a report on U.S. tablet sales in the U.S., from January through October of 2011. Worth noting up front is that the numbers in this report are about sales — actual tablets sold to actual customers — not “shipments” from the factory to stores and warehouses.Much-reported on is that second-place went to HP, after its fire sale on the discontinued TouchPad. What hasn’t gotten much commentary is the extraordinarily contort...

   Tablet,iPad,TouchPad,HP,Market share,2011     2011-11-24 09:12:58

  Web design trends for 2014

Now, it's age of web, many resource and manpower have been invested in web to extend and enhance the capability of web. Every year there are new web designs and technologies emerging. In recent years, with the popularity of handhold devices such as smart phones and smart devices like iPads,Surface, responsive design is becoming a requirement, also we can find flat design in many places. The web design trend is changing dramatically. Many people may wonder what's the web design trend in 2014? Jow...

   web design,trend,2014     2014-06-01 08:27:35