SEARCH KEYWORD -- development code

  Creating Working application in 15 minutes in ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework and Scaffolded Items

You can create a working application in MVC at your place. development services providers bring this tutorial to make you learn about the use of Entity framework and Scaffolded items for mvc application development. Read this and share your experience at the end. In this post we going to use Microsoft technology to create a fully working web application which going to contain a fully featured CRUD capabilities. So first of all let’s create, a new table which going t...

   ASP.NET ,COMPANY,DEVELOPMENT,SERVICES     2016-12-21 00:10:00

  A walk through of different ways accessing Kubernetes application

When a web application is deployed on KUbernetes, to access the application, there must be some set up needs to be done so that external users can access the resource within the Kubernetes clusters. IN this post, we will walk through different ways to access application from outside. Before exploring different ways, let's set up a simple nginx eb application which will just serve the nginx welcome message when loading. # deployment.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: ngin...


  How to Ace a Google Interview

Imagine a man named Jim. He's applying for a job at Google. Jim knows that the odds are stacked against him. Google receives a million job applications a year. It's estimated that only about 1 in 130 applications results in a job. By comparison, about 1 in 14 high-school students applying to Harvard gets accepted. Jim's first interviewer is late and sweaty: He's biked to work. He starts with some polite questions about Jim's work history. Jim eagerly explains his short career. The intervi...

   Google,Interview,Questions and answers,Job     2011-12-26 09:17:36

  The Disruptor In The Valley

Justin Kan and Emmett Shear watched their first startup, an online calendar called Kiko, implode when Google decided to do the same thing in 2006. They sold Kiko's scraps on eBay for $258,000 and wondered what to do with their lives. So the pair did the only thing they could think of: They went to see Paul Graham at his house in Cambridge, Mass., near Harvard Square. Graham sat them down and helped bang out a plan to create, now the Web's biggest portal for live video, with 31 million ...

   Paul Graham,Creative,Programmer,Investme     2011-08-28 04:13:43

  The four key figures behind the success of JavaScript - Douglas Crockford

JavaScript's success can be attributed to at least four key figures: Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript Douglas Crockford, the creator of JSLint and JSON John Resig, the creator of jQuery Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js. We are already very familiar with Brendan Eich and the invention process of JavaScript, so let's start with Douglas Crockford, the second in command of JavaScript. Alliance In the 1990s, Microsoft's dominance overshadowed the whole world. At this time, two challengers e...


  About .NET memory leak--GC,Delegate and weak reference

Memory leak is always a headache for many programmers, the situation is much better now in some languages which have GC mechanism, but still we may face some memory leak issues when we write programs. 1. What is memory leak? Memory leak is not that the memory chip is broken. In short, it's about that the memory requested is not released at the expected time as an expect way. So what is the expected time? This is very important for you to understand memory leak. If the time an object taking the m...

   .NET,GC,Reference counting,Mark and sweep,Weak reference     2013-05-25 12:59:09

  How to check when an API is introduced in GoLang

Normally people would not pay much attention to which GoLang version is being used as lots of functions are backward compatible. However there are cases where GoLang version does matter as some functions may not be supported by old version of GoLang. For example, strings.Builder is introduced in Go 1.10, but below code would fail to be compiled on Go 1.10. package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { var b strings.Builder b.WriteString("polarisxu") fmt.Println(b.Cap()) } The ...

   GOLANG,API VERSION,GO TOOL     2021-02-07 00:43:24

  Install and configure git plugin in Eclipse

When developing using IDE, it's always a good experience if everything can be done in the IDE including development, testing and version control. This also applies to Eclipse.  In this post, we will show the process of installing and configuring git plugin in Eclipse. The pre-requisite is that you have git installed on your local machine.  The detailed steps for installing and configuring git plugin are below. 1. Installing Git plugin Install using "Install New Software..." menu. ...

   ECLIPSE,GITHUB,GIT PLUGIN     2018-10-13 04:22:06

  First impression of Github Copilot

It has been some time since I heard about the new generation of AI powered coding assistant -- Github Copilot. Don't get chance to experience it until obtained the tech preview access recently. So this post will document some first impression while using it. For now, this tool is only supported in VSCode and it can support various different programming languages. To enable it, just need to search and install the Github Copilot extension within VSCode. Once that is enabled, you will find that whe...

   GITHUB COPILOT,FIRST IMPRESSION     2021-08-13 22:45:31

  Chinese Developers Release CEC-IDE, Claimed as First Independently Developed IDE

China witnessed the recent launch of a new IDE called CEC-IDE, which boldly claims to be the first IDE independently developed by Chinese developers. Initially, this release was anticipated to be a moment of pride for the country, as it marked the availability of a homegrown IDE. However, the situation quickly took an embarrassing turn, and the entire narrative soon became a subject of ridicule. It has come to light that the so-called independently developed IDE, CEC-IDE, is actually built upon ...

   CHINA,CECIDE,CEC-IDE     2023-08-27 00:43:31