SEARCH KEYWORD -- Work place

  Taking C Seriously

Dennis Ritchie, a co-creator of Unix and C, passed away a few weeks ago, and was honored with many online tributes this weekend for a Dennis Ritchie Day advocated by Tim O’Reilly.It should hardly be necessary to state the importance of Ritchie’s work. C is the #2 language in use today according to the TIOBE rankings (which, while criticized in some quarters, are at least the best system we currently have for gauging such things). In fact, TIOBE’s pre...

   C,Efficiency,Memorization,Dennis Ritchie     2011-11-03 13:42:14

  Implementing DESede/ECB/NoPadding cipher algorithm in GoLang

By default, GoLang doesn't provide the ECB mode cipher for DESede though there is CBC mode provided. In cases we need to encrypt/decrypt data with ECB mode, we need to implement those by ourselves. This mode is frequently used when encrypting/decrypting PIN block which is small block data less than 16 bytes. In this post, we will introduce how to implement the DESede/ECB/NoPadding algorithm in GoLang by using the existing cipher support. Here we will not cover how DESede works in detail, instead...

   SECURITY,SAMPLE,GOLANG,DES,DESEDE,3DES     2019-07-29 06:43:50

  Microsoft: Apple UI sucks, Metro UI is philosophy

Microsoft is a typical IT company of the last century - a huge strength, but turned a little less sensitive. Now, Microsoft is trying to change the tradition of no connection between home desktop and mobile system developers, the best indicator of this effort is their design.Microsoft products, especially software products, are now gradually using a simple, plain and neat appearance: Metro. But if you think the Metro is just on Windows 8, Windows Phone, the application market and Xbox Live,...

   Windows, Metro UI,Apple     2012-04-13 07:12:21

  How Java Application Developers Can Build Secure Internet Based Apps?

There are few compiled solution tested by experts to guide Java application development and maintenance team how they can start safe journey on Internet. Strong encryption, wise passwords, secure hardware are few of the tech tools that should be used by Java app development team to secure their Internet based apps.   The Internet is most amazing yet most risky platform where nobody knows either they are doing safe transaction on Internet or there is some dog watching out for data packets t...


  Learn about the Benefits of Providing an Engaging Onboarding Experience to your customers

Learn about the Benefits of Providing an Engaging Onboarding Experience to your customers A good onboarding experience helps create a positive first impression and makes your customers feel valued and helps convert leads into paying customers. Effective onboarding experiences also increase conversions and keep customers. High-quality onboarding experiences build brand awareness. Customers notice when businesses take time to engage with them. They even notice when businesses care about them and t...

   ELEARNING,EDUCATION     2022-08-26 21:41:17

  Stream API in Java 8

Overview In this lesson on Stream API in Java, we will study how we can put Streams to use to write efficient and much more maintainable code. We will also write code with and without Streams so that we are able to compare the two versions. Before doing all this, we must know how to create a Stream and process it and that is what we will get started with. Introduction to Streams We will be starting with creating Streams. Let us get started with the Stream<T> API which enables us to play w...

   STREAM API,JAVA 8,DEVELOPMENT,TEAM     2018-01-30 00:14:46

  High performance web apps with C++

It is Christmas over here, and it is time of giving. So I decided to give something back to the community. I guess this is as old as web programming itself. Trying to create C++ web framework. If you search on the web, you can find dozen of guys that had exactly the same idea. I am not different. For one of the previous projects(discontinued now) I created simple web framework in C++. If you like to hack in C++, here it is. Code is provided as-is, as part of larger application. You can ex...

   C++,Web apps,Web framework     2012-01-08 10:06:48

  How can I teach a bright person, with no programming experience, how to program?

I usually prescribe the same sequence for anyone who wants to learn programming. It's very theoretical, but it lays a good foundation. It should take three or four months of fulltime study, but programming isn't something you learn overnight.If you can't get through this sequence, you're not going to be able to program, so you might as well give up now.Code, by Charles Petzold.The C Programming Language, K&RThe Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Abelson and Sussman.My rule is...

   Steps,Programming,No experience,No knowledge     2011-11-07 08:27:48

  How Can Anyone Still Hate Bill Gates

David Coursey from Forbes has a nice article on Gates titled - How Can Anyone Still Hate Bill Gates?There were a couple of line in Coursey's article that rang very true.All that money you think Gates stole from you? He’s giving it back, with interest, to the world’s poorest.All that money you think Apple has overcharged people? Apple still has it and Steve got and kept his share.Steve Jobs has fittingly had a long list of tributes. He was among the greatest technologists, busi...

   Bill Gates,Steve Jobs,Glory,Competition,Good guy     2011-11-05 07:08:56

  Learning Server-Side JavaScript with Node.js

Node.js is all the buzz at the moment, and makes creating high performance, real-time web applications easy. It allows JavaScript to be used end to end, both on the server and on the client. This tutorial will walk you through the installation of Node and your first “Hello World” program, to building a scalable streaming Twitter server.What is Node.js?JavaScript has traditionally only run in the web browser, but recently there has been considerable interest in bringing it to the...

   JavaScript,Server side,Node.js.Implement     2011-09-20 13:33:15