SEARCH KEYWORD -- Work place

  A simple example of git bisect command

git bisect is a very powerful command for finding out which commit is a bad commit when bug occurs.  The rationale behind this command is that it pin locates the bad commit by divide and conquer. It divides the commit history into two equal parts, then determines whether the bad commit is at the first half or at the other half. This process will continue until the bad commit is located. Here is a really good example created by bradleyboy, this is a simple git repository which demonstr...

   GITHUB,GIT,GIT BISECT     2019-07-12 10:31:51

  How to secure an Ubuntu Apache web server

Securing server software is not a straightforward task. Not all of our operating environments are the same, leading to a variety of potential security vulnerabilities. However, using a few basic configuration and security options, you can stay a little ahead of where you want to be. 1. Fail2ban Fail2ban is a Python-based intrusion prevention software that detects and blocks malicious IP addresses from multiple unsuccessful attempts at software logins. In other words, if someone is attempt...

   Unix server security,Log,.htaccess,Cache     2011-12-27 09:25:32

  What else is new in C# 5?

The big new feature in C# 5 is asynchronous programming support, which I wrote about last week. However, the C# folks have also slipped in a couple of smaller features and I thought I’d round things out by mentioning those. Method caller information There’s a complete style guide to be written on Writing Enterprisey Code, but one of my favourite “enterprisey” tells, after the use of Visual Basic, is obsessively logging every function you pass through: Function Ad...

   C# 5,New feature,Analysis     2012-03-20 07:45:11

  Wow: Intel unveils 1 teraflop chip with 50-plus cores

I thought the prospect of quad-core tablet computers was exciting.Then I saw Intel's latest -- a 1 teraflop chip, with more than 50 cores, that Intel unveiled today, running it on a test machine at the SC11 supercomputing conference in Seattle.That means my kids may take a teraflop laptop to college -- if their grades don't suffer too much having access to 50-core video game consoles.It wasn't that long ago that Intel was boasting about the first supercomputer with sustained 1 teraflop performan...

   Intel,Chip,Multi-core,teraflop     2011-11-16 08:15:39

  Want to Expand Your Customer Base Globally? A Global Phone Number Is Your First Step

If you want your establishment to connect to the world, you’re in luck. Thanks to technology development, it’s much easier to do this now more than ever. But with this global expansion, you should have a few assets to help you with your success. To maintain your business reachability no matter where your customer is, you can start with a global phone number provided by companies like Telnum. If you’re not sure if it’s the right move, we’ll help you decide whether i...

   VOIP,BUSINESS     2024-01-04 05:28:19

  Why I Hate Android

Why do I hate Android? It’s definitely one of the questions I get asked most often these days. And most of those that don’t ask probably assume it’s because I’m an iPhone guy. People see negative take after negative take about the operating system and label me as “unreasonable” or “biased” or worse. I should probably explain. Believe it or not, I actually don’t hate Android. That is to say, I don’t hate the concept of Androi...

   Android,Hate,Feature     2012-01-10 07:19:27

  C++11 multithreading tutorial

The code for this tutorial is on GitHub: In my previous tutorials I’ve presented some of the newest C++11 additions to the language: regular expressions, raw strings and lambdas. Perhaps one of the biggest change to the language is the addition of multithreading support. Before C++11, it was possible to target multicore computers using OS facilities (pthreads on Unix like systems) or libraries like OpenMP and MPI. This tutorial is meant to get you st...

   C++,Multithreading,Standard 11,Demo     2011-12-18 00:50:35

  A simple tutorial on writing Java native program

Java provides Java Native Interface(JNI) to enable developers to write programs which can utilize the underlying native libraries of the operating system. The benefits of writing native code are that they normally provide better performance compared to Java codes. Sometimes if you want to utilize some system specific functions you may also want to use JNI. One main drawback of writing native code is that your application may not be platform independent anymore. This is not what Java is desi...

   Java native interface, JNI, Native code, Sample     2015-08-15 08:28:15

  IoT System Cyber Attack Case Study 02: Python Deserialization Attack and Library Hijacking Attack

Project Design Purpose: The objective of this cyber attack case study is to develop a workshop that demonstrates how a red team attacker can permanently compromise a people detection radar IoT device. The attack path is achieved through a series of attacks, including traffic eavesdropping, data deserialization attacks, web shell attacks, remote command/code execution, and Python library hijacking attacks. This case study is intended for IoT and data security professional training, aiming to ill...

       2024-07-14 01:40:09

  Content based HTTP Cache

Browsers may cache the webpages we visited, when user types a URL on the address bar, the browser may cache the webpage returned from server while displaying it. If there is no update on the webpage, then next time when the browser requests the same page, it will not download the page again, instead it will load the cached page. If the website explicitly specify that the page is updated, then the browser will download the page again from the server. What's HTTP Cache? You may be familiar with th...

   HTTP Cache,Web crawler     2013-05-24 05:12:59