SEARCH KEYWORD -- Work place

  4 types of programmers

Not every one who writes code is a programmer. Programmers are people who live with programming. There are 4 types of programmers: scientist, coder, expert and artisan.Scientist, they are more like mathematicians rather than programmers. They invented various theories, algorithms and terminologies. Proofs and calculations in textbooks are all from these people. Moreover other programmers more or less benefit from their work. Sometimes one paper published by them can change the way of thinking of...

   Programmer,Coder,Expert     2013-07-13 09:19:03

  Going Fullscreen with Canvas

As notes in the Release Notes, Firefox Aurora introduced the Fullscreen API. This means that it will appear in the release version of Firefox in about 3 months.This is one of several features that will be fantastic for games on the web. Other exciting APIs are theGamepad, Canvas, and Audio. Some of these APIs still need work to be suitable for real-time games, but it’s a great time to be involved in building games for the web.I wanted to try out the Fullscreen API so I...

   HTML5,Canvas,Full screen,2D,Drawing     2011-11-22 08:37:23

  The most stupid C bug ever

I have been programming for a number of years already. I have seen others introduce bugs, and I have also introduced (and solved!) many bugs while coding. Off-by-one, buffer-overflow, treating pointers as pointees, different behaviors or the same function (this is specially true for cross-platform applications), race conditions, deadlocks, threading issues. I think I have seen quite a few of the typical issues. Yet recently I lost a lot of time to what I would call the most stupid C bug in ...

   C,Bug,Comment,Back slash     2012-04-22 03:40:49

  The seven rules of Unobtrusive JavaScript

I've found the following rules over the years developing, teaching and implementing JavaScript in an unobtrusive manner. They have specifically been the outline of a workshop on unobtrusive JavaScript for the Paris Web conference 2007 in Paris, France. I hope that they help you understand a bit why it is a good idea to plan and execute your JavaScript in this way. It has helped me deliver products faster, with much higher quality and a lot easier maintenance. 1. Do no...

   JavaScript,Feature,Tips     2012-01-18 08:21:39

  Coming full circle

Experts often end up where they started as beginners.If you’ve never seen the word valet, you might pronounce it like VAL-it. If you realize the word has a French origin, you would pronounce it val-A. But the preferred pronunciation is actually VAL-it.Beginning musicians play by ear, to the extent that they can play at all. Then they learn to read music. Eventually, maybe years later, they realize that music really is about what you hear and not what you see.Beginning computer science stu...

   Expert,Life cycle,Work,Begin,End,Cycle     2011-10-30 12:18:33

  Should All Web Traffic Be Encrypted?

The prevalence of free, open WiFi has made it rather easy for a WiFi eavesdropper to steal your identity cookie for the websites you visit while you're connected to that WiFi access point. This is something I talked about in Breaking the Web's Cookie Jar. It's difficult to fix without making major changes to the web's infrastructure. In the year since I wrote that, a number of major websites have "solved" the WiFi eavesdropping problem by either making encrypted HTTPS web traffic an accou...

   Web traffic,Security,HTTPS.Encryption,Wifi     2012-02-24 05:02:58

  The Value of the Designer Who Codes

"Well, it's a start, but basically it stinks," said Steve Jobs, telling early Apple engineer Chris Espinosa exactly how he felt about the company's first calculator application. Iteration after iteration, Jobs continued to be dissatisfied with the calculator. Espinosa continued to code, slowly inching his way to perfection. But nothing was quite right. In a flash of both brilliance and perhaps frustration, Espinosa put together a visual builder that let Jobs design the calculator himself...

   Designer,Coder,Value,Designer knows code     2012-01-03 10:49:39

  Inside Google's recruiting machine

FORTUNE -- In the hot war for talent being fought in Silicon Valley, no company has an arsenal quite like Google's. Named Fortune's Best Company to Work For in 2012, the search giant made a record 8,067 hires last year -- boosting total headcount by a third. The thirteen-year-old firm's recruiting has an almost mythical quality about it, particularly for the two million candidates applying to work there each year. In terms of elite American institutions, getting a job at Google ranks with b...

   Google,Recruiter,Contract,Recruit machine     2012-02-25 04:50:01

  How to Stream Your PC Games to Android with Steam Link

If you are a PC gamer who is in a hurry to compete, Steam Link is looking for a possible answer. With this on your Android phone, you can play games on your phone with your computer. What is steam link? Basically, steam link is a perspective of streaming your steam library in other gadgets. The first steam link is a physical set of the best box you share with your TV, and after using its gaming PC after playing the Fate Grand Order game in your TV. The steam link application is another Andr...

   PC GAMES TO ANDROID WITH STEAM LINK     2018-06-03 05:04:33

  Extension context menu is missing in Firefox after restart

If you have experience of writing Chrome extension, you may be familiar with how you can add a context menu for your extension. The code would be similar to below: chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); chrome.contextMenus.create({ "id": "your_id", "title": "Your Title", "contexts": ["all"] }); }); You need to add a listener listening to the extension install event. Once the extension is installed, create a contex...