SEARCH KEYWORD -- Work place

  Future of Healthcare Application Development Goes Beyond Your Expectations

Healthcare application development sector is still progressing and growing with changing needs of medial sector. While healthcare apps are hot now, the future of healthcare app development sector lies in technology implementation and consultation. In this article, we will discuss majorly on four facts – Which healthcare apps are hot now? What is the future of medical health? Which medical apps you can trust? What to look for in medical health apps? Let us discuss on all of these fa...


  Why are column oriented databases so much faster than row oriented databases?

I have been playing around with Hybrid Word Aligned Bitmaps for a few weeks now, and they turn out to be a rather remarkable data structure.  I believe that they are utilized extensively in modern column oriented databases such as Vertica and MonetDB. Essentially HWABs are a data structure that allows you to represent a sparse bitmap (series of 0's and 1's) really efficiently in memory.  The key trick here is the use of run length encoding to compress the bitmap into fe...

   Database,Column oriented,Speed analysis,Vertica     2012-01-29 04:27:05

  Preprocessor magic:Default Arguments in C

This post is for programmers who like C or for one reason or another can't use anything else but C in one of their projects. The advantages of having default arguments is not something that needs convincing. It's just very nice and convenient to have them. C++ offers the ability to define them but C under the C99 standard has no way to allow it. In this post I will detail two ways I know of implementing default arguments in C. If a reader happens to know additional ways please share in ...

   C,Preprocessor,Default arguments     2012-02-19 06:17:04

  Node.js: Five Things Every PHP Developer Should Know

I recently started working on a few Node.js applications. Coming most recently from PHP (and Drupal in particular), I found the transition to Node.js to be surprisingly easy. Pleasurable, in fact. But I had to learn to think differently about a few things. Below I list the five things I think every PHP developer should know about Node.js. 1. Node.js Is Built On Chrome's JavaScript Engine Google's browser, Chrome, has a notoriously fast JavaScript engine called V8. And this JavaScript engine ...

   PHP,Node.js,Developer,Feature     2012-02-09 07:37:48

  How to be an excellent programmer

To use a programming language is very easy for a programmer, but it's a dream for many programmers to be an expert software developer. There are five levels of programmers: Novice, Senior novice, competent, proficient, and expert. Most programmers are senior novice. And programmer living in this level are a lot of people who have 1 to 10 years work experience.As a programmer, how to find the bottlenecks for your improvement and how to improve yourself quickly? This is really not an easy question...

   Programming,Tips,Habit     2013-03-26 09:53:38

  One of the Best Bits of Programming Advice I ever Got

Years ago (early 1992), I attached myself to this crazy skunkworks project that was using this weird language called Smalltalk. "Object Oriented" was in its infancy as a "hot" item. High paid consultants. Lots of people laying claim to what this new object religion was all about. This was 5 years before Alan Kay would make the statement "I invented the term 'Object Oriented Programming' and this {Java and C++} is not what I had in mind."Shortly after hooking up with this whacky group with t...

   Programming advice,OOP,Smalltalk,Better design     2011-11-28 03:14:25

  Send email using PHPMailer on GoDaddy hosting

According to PHPMailer troubleshooting guide, GoDaddy has a very strict rule on sending email using PHPMailer. Popular US hosting provider GoDaddy imposes very strict (to the point of becoming almost useless) constraints on sending an email. They block outbound SMTP to ports 25, 465 and 587 to all servers except their own. This problem is the subject of many frustrating questions on Stack Overflow. If you find your script works on your local machine, but not when you upload it to GoDaddy, ...

   PHP,PHPMAILER,GODADDY     2018-11-16 08:28:55

  PHP sucks (but, some frameworks don't)

I started web development with PHP, and I've decided I've had enough. Why? Keep reading.PHP (the language) sucks. There, I said it. 1029380128301928301823 GlobalsObject system hacked onC extension system sucksDocumentation sucks (read more; no, I'm not drunk)Has a terrible communityAll in all, designed by total idiots. You've probably heard this a ton of times before, but, here it is again. THERE ARE JUST WAY TOO MANY GLOBALS. Why in the world does md5() need to be global? Do you serio...

   PHP,Sucks,Framework,Good,Bad Design     2011-11-20 07:08:16

  Resolve stylesheet_link_tag fails to work in Ruby on Rails

When developing Ruby On Rails application, developers sometimes will see an unexpected behavior where the application cannot be loaded due to "TypeError: Object doesn't support this property or method" when invoking stylesheet_link_tag. The symptom looks like  And the Rails log will show something similar to below The error occurs because there is some problem finding the correct assets which are located in app/assets. To resolve the issue, you can following below steps. Add gem 'coffee-...


  Gmail supports 10 GB attachment after integrating with Google Drive

Google today announced Gmail allows users to send attachment up to 10GB after integrating with Google Drive, the attachment size can be 400 times larger than traditional mail attachment size.Google also added another feature recently, it will pop up a separate window when writing new email. The integration of Gmail with Google Drive will introduce one Google Drive button at the bottom of the popup window, as a solution for sending large attachment.At the same time, because the attachment will b...

   Google Drive, Gmail,SkyDrive,attachment     2012-11-28 11:12:56