SEARCH KEYWORD -- Work place

  Tips for a better first-time hackathon experience

Here are a few things you can consider. These are by no means the only way to go about hackathons, just what's worked for me.ProjectI strongly strongly recommend doing something you haven't done before. Even if you're going into a hackathon with the intention of winning, trying something new is always fun and will keep you engaged throughout the event. Jump into mobile development, try hardware hacking, write a compiler, whatever; it's always fun to try out new things.Sticking to things you're c...

   hackathon     2014-03-31 07:25:09


As a developer, you are sitting on a goldmine. Do you even realize it? No, seriously, a @#$% goldmine!Never in modern history has it been so easy to create something from scratch, with little or no capital and a marketing model that is limited only by your imagination.Think about the biggest websites you visit or use on a regular basis: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Foursquare, or even Google for that matter -- all of them were created by developers who created something from little more than an id...

   Developer,Work,Startup,Money,Idea,Time     2011-11-06 14:35:48

  What Can We Learn From Dennis Ritchie?

As we noted earlier this week, one of the founding fathers of UNIX and the creator of C, Dennis Ritchie, passed away last weekend. While I feel that many in computer science and related fields knew of Ritchie’s importance to the growth and development of, well, everything to do with computing, I think it’s valuable to look back at his accomplishments and place him high in the CS pantheon already populated by Lovelace, Turing, and (although this crowing will be controversial, at lea...

   C,Father,Dennis Ritchie,Death,Father of C,UNIX     2011-10-17 10:12:02

  PHP 7 is coming soon

After a few RCs, PHP 7 will be officially released on November 12, 2015. This is a major release of PHP since PHP 5.6. @Laruence, one of the core contributors of PHP, has posted this news on Weibo(China's Twitter).  This is a one month later than the expected time as recorded in PHP 7 timeline. But it's not that late. The new release will come with a few features including: Scalar type declaration, you can define variable like int now Return type support. Besides declare scalar type ...

   RELEASE DATE,PHP7     2015-11-08 09:13:37

  Do designers need code?

So many problems in software occur because programmers and designers don't communicate well all the time. Why don't more designers learn to code themselves or have engineers build abstractions better suited to them? People's minds work in different ways, they can process thoughts differently, solve problems in completely different but equally valid ways. It's a mistake to assume everyone should possess the same skill set.  Also not everyone should be a full stack engineer although full stac...

   Design,Coding     2014-01-07 06:22:52

  Steve Jobs attacks Android just for show?

Steve Jobs has a famous statement which says Android is a stolen product. What does Google CEO Larry Page think about this statement? Recently, Page said in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek that Apple hates Android just for show. He believes people should not look only to the competitions, but should focus on the potential cooperation opportunities to make the world better.The following is overview of the interview:Q: When you took over as CEO, one of your goals was to take the cle...

   Steve Jobs,Android,Larry Page     2012-04-08 08:30:33

  Why do business analysts and project managers get higher salaries than programmers?

People get paid less than their employers' "reservation price" (the most they would ever pay), and more than their "marginal product" (the least they would ever work for). Your actual pay on that spectrum is based on your bargaining power, relative to your employer.Say your services to your company are worth $1000 a day. Under the gun, he would pay you that if he had no other choice. Say you would work for $100 a day if you had no other options. That's your range.Say you're new and independent a...

   Programmer,Program manager,Salary,Difference,Bargain power,Economic     2011-11-21 03:06:30

  Some Features of Windows 10 You Didn’t Know About

Since the launch of Windows 10 everyone around the world is crazy about it. No one wants to use the old Windows 7 and 8 anymore. Windows 10 is simple, light and has all the great features. The interface is awesome and gives it a techy look as well. Well, what if we told you that there are still some features of this great OS that are yet to be discovered? Yes, that is right. Today we will be discussing a few of the features that are not commonly known to people. Secret Start Menu That is right, ...

   WINDOWS 10, WINDOWS 10 FEATURES     2020-04-17 03:26:58

  The Windows 8.1 Update is here! What to Expect from it?

Windows has finally released the update for Windows phone, the Windows 8.1! Microsoft has finally released the version upgrade which has interesting enhancements. This may not seem like a major upgrade but it definitely looks interesting. This latest update has been released on the Lumia phones that were running using the 8.0 version. There is a lot to look forward to in this new update, and some of it will definitely feel interesting. Folders along Live Tiles For a long time, people were attrac...

   windows 8.1     2014-08-21 08:34:24

  5 essential job search tips for web designers

Being a web designer is about many things – an in-depth technical knowledge, a flair for great aesthetics and excellent communication skills. Even if it sounds complex (and perhaps precisely because it does), the job can be immensely rewarding and creatively stimulating. How to break in and go straight for success in this profession? Here are 5 essential tips for getting lots of web design work. 1. Develop technical skills that matter Before you enter the job market, you'll need to have a ...

   job search tips, job seekers, job search     2015-04-17 10:17:19