SEARCH KEYWORD -- Work place

  Why Does Work Start At 9 A.M.?

I prefer to come into work a little earlier before our 9 a.m. start time in order to leave before 5 p.m. My boss has no problem with my hours, though an older female colleague apparently does. She regularly tells me that this “special” work schedule is damaging my career trajectory and conveys to others that I am a diva. To that I reply, according to whom? There are many workplace assumptions that employees accept without question. Why does the traditional work day start at 9 a...

   Work,Start time,9 am,Reason,Women     2012-01-19 10:12:09

  Lessons Learned while Introducing a New Programming Language

I've used a lot of languages (professionally) over the years: (off the top of my head) Cold Fusion, HTML, Javascript, php, SQL, CSS, ASP(classic & .net), C#, Ruby, Flex, Java, & Clojure. Each language has pros and cons. Being a programmer, it's easiest to discuss the cons - and in general I believe it was best said:I hate all programming languages - Matt FoemmelI think it's important to start with this in mind. At some point you're going to hate what you're advocating, so imagine h...

   Experience,New language,Tips,Risk     2012-03-05 05:13:59

  Install Google services on Huawei MatePad

Since the trade war between China and US, lots of services are not allowed to be used on Huawei devices as a series of procedures enforced by US government to restrict China. These services include the Google Play services which are used for downloading Android apps on Android devices. This has brought big trouble to Huawei users as they are not able to download apps available for all other Android devices.  Fortunately, there are ways for people to get Google services installed on Huawei d...

   GOOGLE,PLAY STORE ,HUAWEI MATEPAD     2020-02-02 05:20:43

  How to choose quality painted auto parts

Selecting high-quality painted auto parts for your car is key to enhancing its attractiveness and increasing its resale value. In this article, you will learn how to wisely choose parts that not only perfectly fit your vehicle but also ensure its longevity and value. Dive into the topic Let's say you have a Mazda CX-5 that requires a bumper replacement. For example, here is such a rich selection of Mazda painted parts, that you might start to wonder about the differences between them. In genera...

   CAR,AUTO PARTS     2024-04-09 07:47:55

  Why is programming unique profession

Why programming is unique profession - Presentation Transcript Introduction Some people says programming is difficult and for some others it is so easy. It not only depends on your capabilities, but your attitude for work. Programming is hard indeed, but not at all as difficult as life of a crook or joker who pretend, lie and act for living. Knowing what you do, life is going to be much more interesting and enjoyable for a programmer. You play with a dumb machine Computer is dumb machine. Unless...

   Programming,Unique profession,Reason     2011-07-22 23:55:09

  PHP's Output Buffering

While profiling our application I came across a a rather strange memory usage by the ob_start() function. We do use ob_start() quite a bit to defer output of data, which is a common thing in many applications. What was unusual is that 16 calls to ob_start() up chewing through almost 700kb of memory, given that the data being buffered rarely exceeds 1-2kb, this was quite unusual. I started looking at the C code of the ob_start() function and found this interesting bit of code inside php_sta...

   PHP,Memory,ob_start(),source,40kB     2011-12-08 10:20:32

  Recent Online Scams You Need to Know About

It’s easy to forget that the internet is a dangerous place and that it’s easy to become a victim. Everyone wants to think that they’re too smart to fall for online scams or obvious fraud. Yet actions speak louder than words, and 97% of people still struggle to identify a phishing scam. Awareness is critical in beating the cybercriminals. So here are examples of the latest online scams and tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of similar attacks. What are Online Scams? Online s...

   DATA SECURITY,VPN     2019-12-12 07:18:36

  How To Find Link Prospects Without Using Google

I’m obsessed with Google. (I mean, you kind of have to be if you’re in this industry.) But sometimes, you need a break from the hand that feeds. There’s no denying the power of advanced search queries, but you’d be surprised how many other and different prospects you can find without using the search engine at all. Curated Lists OK, I lied. You do have to use Google for this, but not nearly in the capacity you would with normal searches. With lists, you have less ...

   Search engine,Web site prospect,SEO     2012-02-25 12:02:50

  Career Advancement: How to Achieve Success

Your career is key in terms of making the money that you want and providing a service that you've always dreamed of offering. Regardless of the type of career that you both want or have, there are many ways for you to advance within the field. By taking charge of your goals and doing something about them, you will be able to earn the amount of money that you want to become a true success. Get a More Specific Education Getting an education is a wonderful way for you to advance within your workpla...

   CAREER,EDUCATION     2020-03-17 01:41:39

  Writing great JavaScript

I probably could have named this post something like “Writing clean, validating and portable JavaScript”, but that would be no where near as catchy. The problem with “great” is it means different things to different people. I am going to show you my idea of great which may differ from many developers views, but I hope it helps someone improve their code. So what’s the point in this, why can’t you just carry on writing JavaScript as you have been for a...

   JavaScript,Great,Clean,Tips     2012-03-24 05:18:12