SEARCH KEYWORD -- Web traffic

  Why Flash didn’t work out on mobile devices

The debate over whether supporting the Adobe Flash plug-in on mobile devices is a feature or not is over. Last night, ZDNet got hold of a leaked Adobe announcement: It’s abandoning its work on Flash for mobile. It’s not a huge surprise that it came to this, since Adobe had been struggling to optimize the performance, and the tide has been turning toward HTML5.From the Adobe announcement ZDNet published:Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Fl...

   Flash,HTML5,Advantage,Merit,Mobile device,Support     2011-11-15 03:15:12

  Why Outsourcing .Net Services is a Growing Trend?

IT companies are focusing more on .net for application development. This is because; the .net platform empowers developers with a wide range of tools and libraries to create diverse applications in an easy and efficient manner. The dot net framework allows users i.e. developers, to design and develop applications that can interact with web services and a range of online devices. .Net programming language is richer than others in many contexts. It has several objects oriented features like proper...

   dot net services, outsourcing, .net, framework     2014-10-23 22:30:43

  JavaScript Attack/Defend

As developers and designers we work hard to build visually attractive, fast and easy to maintain applications. Our goals are to make sure the applications we build stick to users and keep them coming back for more. Security is not always at the forefront of our minds. No one intentionally builds insecure software but often a lack of security knowledge leads developers to build vulnerabilities into their applications. In this article we are going to examine two web security attacks, how they are ...

   JavaScript,Attack,Defend,Security,Cross site     2011-10-13 13:09:11

  The Go Programming Language Turns Two

Two years ago a small team at Google went public with their fledgling project - the Go Programming Language. They presented a language spec, two compilers, a modest standard library, some novel tools, and plenty of accurate (albeit succinct) documentation. They watched with excitement as programmers around the world began to play with Go. The team continued to iterate and improve on what they had built, and were gradually joined by dozens - and then hundreds - of programmers from the open source...

   Go,Google,Evolution,Development     2011-11-11 02:40:55

  Going Fullscreen with Canvas

As notes in the Release Notes, Firefox Aurora introduced the Fullscreen API. This means that it will appear in the release version of Firefox in about 3 months.This is one of several features that will be fantastic for games on the web. Other exciting APIs are theGamepad, Canvas, and Audio. Some of these APIs still need work to be suitable for real-time games, but it’s a great time to be involved in building games for the web.I wanted to try out the Fullscreen API so I...

   HTML5,Canvas,Full screen,2D,Drawing     2011-11-22 08:37:23

  Benefits and Drawback of a Layered Architecture

Most enterprises today are application centric. But the problem with the application is that their database schemas, user interfaces, programming interfaces and object models are tightly coupled and difficult to change. If you want to add a new field to a database table and you’re lucky, the change will reflect through the entire system. But often the change needs to be replicated manually across the entire system. And as applications are difficult to change, adding business rules or proce...


  Different ways to print "Hello world" in Java

This post is not about best practice to print "Hello world" in Java, it is about exploring different capabilities offered by Java. Also there are articles about printing "Hello world" in different programming languages, but this post is not about that. Standard literal The most commonly used way is to use System.out to print"Hello world". System.out.println("Hello world"); Enumeration An enumeration can define a set of values belonging to one category. For example, an enumeration for all months ...

   JAVA,FEATURE     2016-05-21 21:49:48

  SQL Injection through HTTP Headers

During vulnerability assessment or penetration testing, identifying the input vectors of the target application is a primordial step. Sometimes, when dealing with Web application testing, verification routines related to SQL injection flaws discovery are restricted to the GET and POST variables as the unique inputs vectors ever. What about other HTTP header parameters? Aren’t they potential input vectors for SQL injection attacks? How can one test all these HTTP parameters and whic...

   Code security,SQL injection,HTTP header     2012-04-05 11:42:04

  Slow Datagridview... Oh No!

So we all have been here, I had finished a project using VS2008, implementing  Datagridviews on litterally each and every form of the system. This had been a requirement from the onset as to ensure easy searching,navigation and capturing of data. So the data capture ladies start doing their thing and low and behold the dreaded call... they are unhappy with the speed of the DataGridView. I had to agree with them, the repaint of the and overall perfromance of the grid is ...

   C#,DataGridView,Slow,Solution     2012-02-07 07:12:26

  Simple PHP paging class

Frequently in our web applications, we may have many records in the database to display. In order to imrpove loading speed and efficiency, we may need to display some records at a time, so we need to paginate the records. For example, if we have 1 million book records and when users want to view the book list, it's inefficient to display all the records on the same page, we may need to have some pagination to allow displaying a portion of the records such as 20 records per page. This is a simple...

   PHP,Paging,Class     2012-09-10 20:23:33