How to check when an API is introduced in GoLang

Normally people would not pay much attention to which GoLang version is being used as lots of functions are backward compatible. However there are cases where GoLang version does matter as some functions may not be supported by old version of GoLang. For example, strings.Builder is introduced in Go 1.10, but below code would fail to be compiled on Go 1.10. package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { var b strings.Builder b.WriteString("polarisxu") fmt.Println(b.Cap()) } The ...

   GOLANG,API VERSION,GO TOOL     2021-02-07 00:43:24

  Privileged users get removed from database in GoDaddy shared hosting

GaDaddy is a famous web hosting platform where many people put their websites on its platform. If one has low budget and wanna a shared hosting, you can buy the service at GoDaddy and share some hosting resource with others. In such cases, there would be resource limit based on different plans. In this post, we will discuss one scenario which caused our application down caused by database usage on shared hosting plan and hope it helps readers who encounter similar issues. The issue we encounter...


  Install and enable redis extension in PHP 5.X on Windows

Redis is frequently used as a caching layer for web applications to improve its performance. In PHP 5.x, if one wants to use Redis, the redis extension needs to be installed and enabled first. This post will show how to install and enable redis extension on Windows with PHP 5.X. Basically there are two dlls to be downloaded: php_redis.dll and php_igbinary.dll. Below are detailed steps Go to and find the respective php_redis zip ma...

   PHP,WINDOWS,REDIS,PHP 5.6     2021-07-11 03:52:18

  Why Math.min() > Math.max() is true in JavaScript


   JAVASCRIPT,MATH.MIN(),MATH.MAX(),COMPARISON     2022-05-02 05:27:07

  Encrypting and decrypting PGP file or text on MacOS

When doing data exchange among different parties, there is a frequent need of encrypting data or file and sending it to partner and asking partner to use corresponding key to decrypt the data or file. A famous way of exchanging data is using asymmetric keys where no secret key needs to be shared. One party can just use the public key shared by partner to encrypt the data and the other party uses the private key to decrypt the data. Today, we will introduce how to use PGP to encrypt and decrypt d...


  Certificate is invalid for localhost in Chrome
