CSS Selector for Web Scraping

Creating a web scraper is no easy task. This is because it requires precision to identify the specific data points that we intend to collect for the end goal we are working towards.  Whether we are looking to create a marketing content database or analyze market trends, the last thing we need from our scraper is for it to return a lot of unnecessary data that will not help our cause. To avoid the inconvenience of going through huge amounts of data to get what we requested, it is crucial to ...

   CSS,WEB DESIGN,SELECTOR     2023-02-20 07:32:53

  How to Create Dynamic PDF with Image and Content in Asp.Net Development?

Aegissofttech .net developers are specialized in developing real time web applications. While working on one of such real time web app development projects, our development team discovered an easy way to create PDF template from user inputs. The developers used Java Script and web service to accomplish PDF template development. To learn how to develop these dynamic PDF with content and graphics, you can follow the below tutorial. In real time web applications, we often require to generat... development,     2015-04-27 01:11:40

  High performance web apps with C++

It is Christmas over here, and it is time of giving. So I decided to give something back to the community. I guess this is as old as web programming itself. Trying to create C++ web framework. If you search on the web, you can find dozen of guys that had exactly the same idea. I am not different. For one of the previous projects(discontinued now) I created simple web framework in C++. If you like to hack in C++, here it is. Code is provided as-is, as part of larger application. You can ex...

   C++,Web apps,Web framework     2012-01-08 10:06:48

  Why Javascript is a Joy

I’m probably a bit biased – being a front-end web developer for a few years will do that – but I really enjoy writing Javascript. I’ve recently retreated from pure coding the last few months, but I got an opportunity this past week to jump back into some tasks, and it has reminded me how fun it is to dive into our[1] front-end codebase. Yes, Javascript can be surprisingly elegant yet completely infuriating, and all on the same line of code; for a long time, ...

   JavaScript,Speed,Simplicity,Malleable     2012-03-26 15:00:31

  Google releases new app to improve the accuracy of indoor positioning

Google Maps, Bing Maps, and some map providers have offered indoor map service such as in  the airport, major shopping malls and stadiums for some time. The problem is that these indoor maps can not precisely tell you which floor you are on a map, the GPS obviously can not work very well in this environment, WiFi and GPRS positioning is not very precise. Google announced the improvement program of Google Maps for accurate indoor positioning. The current owners of these places will cooperat...

   Google Map,Indoor service,Positioning     2012-04-08 09:46:53

  HTTP is not a transport protocol, HTTP is not RPC

Recently there was a question on the forums asking why we encourage usage of HttpRequestMessage<T> / HttpResponseMessage<T> in the signature of a web api implementation. The point made in the post is that if you have an ICalculator contract which your API implements, then it’s violating SOC / inappropriate to have those messages as params and in the contract. The argument is valid when looking at HTTP from the standpoint of an RPC mechanism, which is actually a quite co...

   HTTP,Transport protocol,RPC     2012-01-19 10:14:26

  What do people think about IE?

Browser war among major browsers is continuing for a long time since last century. Just a few years ago, Internet Explorer was the most used web browser. But now the situation is completely different, people are making fun of Internet Explorer and switching to other browsers. Today we share some jokes about Internet Explorer, it's just for fun, so grab a cup of coffee and sit down and enjoy. Hmm, is IE so slow? What gun is it? Hmm, I am still one step behind And I am lost. Hey, what is HTML...

   IE,Joke,Chrome     2013-07-31 08:25:24

  The Art (and Science) of Consumer Experience

According to a new report on e-commerce spending and earning by eMarketer, global retail sales are set to touch $22.492 trillion in 2015, with a forecast for a steady rise over the next 3 years, i.e, until 2018. Over the years, online commerce conducted via the smartphone, tablet or even the desktop devices have steadily increased, owing to the increasing adoption of mobile devices. With more than 80% consumers accessing their mobile devices to compare products, redeem coupons or make purchases,...

   Ecommerce Web Development Company, Customer Loyalty Solutions, Ecommerce Development Company, Custom     2015-08-05 06:47:33

  How Cloud Computing is changing the Face of Business

The world of information is getting bigger and bigger and so does the need for cloud computing is felt broadly across various industries and platforms. The ever growing popularity and adoption are due to the fact that cloud computing is efficient, reliable and secure than any other business model. However, the way cloud computing is adopted across different enterprises may vary. How cloud computing has been adopted worldwide by companies- let us have a look at few statistics that would blow you...


  Turn Your Visitors Into Shoppers With Responsive Magento Website

In recent years, there has been an influential growth in the number of internet users across the world. If statistics are to be believed, almost 83% of the web users are engaged over smart devices like Tablets, Mobiles, Ipads, Laptops, Desktop, etc. In 2008, the core community of Magento released a spellbinding web development solution i.e Responsive Magento Website to uniformly serve the target audience. Due to technological advancement in digital realm, there has been a splurged introduction o...