SEARCH KEYWORD -- Video site

  Instagram gains 78% more visits after acquired by Facebook

Since Instagram was acquired by Facebook, its popularity continually heats up. Some  data shows that independent views of  Instagram surges 78%.In April, Instagram’s website saw a 78 percent uptick in unique visitors in the U.S., making the web property of the photo-sharing phenom the highest gaining site on the Internet for the month, according to analytics firm comScore.. For an application whose all functions are present in the mobile terminal, the site of Instagram is onl...

   Facebook,Instagram,App,Website     2012-05-28 05:45:32

  WireGuard VPN Troubleshooting

When you are working as a network/cluster admin for you team to config the WireGuard VPN for other members, you may meet some of the problems below and these are the solution you can try to fix them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem [1]: The WireGuard handshake request send from the client can be received from the server but the server's response was blocked at some where so the client can not receive serv...

   WIREGUARD,VPN,TROUBLESHOOTING     2021-12-14 09:17:46

  Is Facebook News Feed copied from Google+?

According to Sina Tech, Facebook released its new News Feed this week. However, this design is considered to be copied from Google social network the Google+.Google senior vice president of technology infrastructure Urs Holzle said: "Proud to see +Mark Zuckerberg promote G+.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!"Although technology companies will learn from each other's designs and there are not any effective ways to display pictures on the web and mobile devices, Facebook's ne...

   Facebook,News Feed,Google+     2013-03-10 04:37:18

  PHP Apache MySQL Set-up Note

With the emergence of WAMP, LAMP, PHP developers are liberated from the tedious work of setting up PHP environment. Since PHP, Apache and MySQL are so tightly bundled, WAMP and LAMP provide a setp solution for setting up a PHP environment which includes the programming programming environment, server and database. But for a PHP who wants to learn more, you have to try to set the PHP environment yourself by installing PHP, Apache and MySQL manually and configuring them. Below is a simple note on ...

   PHP,Apache,MySQL     2014-04-07 01:56:43

  9 fields platform companies need to fight for

If you are person reading technology news much, you will find a large part of the tech news are about a few companies : Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, in which the first four are today's "Big Four (platform)" as said by Google Chairman Eric Schmidt. These giants have both competition and cooperation in many areas, and each has its own place in the world, with Schmidt's words, Google dominates search, Apple designs device, Amazon occupies e-commerce and Facebook leads social. Alth...

   Big four, Future,Software and hardware     2012-10-20 09:50:43

  8 Optimization Rules To Improve Visibility Of your Ecommerce Store

The success of an Ecommerce store depends on its page rank. If your store pops up in first page then there are higher chances of getting noticed. But getting a spot in page 1 is no mean task as web crawlers are very smart in identifying a quality content. These crawlers follow a specific pattern in setting up a yardstick for a quality content. You need to understand what does a quality content mean from a search engine perspective. Here are the rules to be followed.   #1 Unique content is ...

   marketplace apptha, multi vendor marketplace, magento marketplace     2015-03-09 07:16:16

  Five Copyright Pitfalls Every Web Designer Should Avoid

If you work in the world of web design, it is crucial you do not infringe upon copyright laws. If you do, you could end up paying some hefty fines or even being prosecuted. So, check out these five common copyright pitfalls you need to avoid. Not Copyrighting Your Own Work While most copyright infringement pitfalls web designers face are to do with avoiding using copyrighted materials, you also need to know how to protect your own work to ensure no one else steals it. For things like patents, t...

   COPYRIGHT,WEB DESIGN,PATENT     2021-02-18 02:41:10

  Is Facebook becoming Tencent like?

Recently there is news that Facebook is developing a Reader application which is to compete with Flipboard and Pulse. This reminds me a few movements of Facebook in the past few months. First they built a copy of Snapchat named Poke which failed badly at last. Then they launched a new feature on Instagram named Video on Instagram which allows users to shoot and share short videos up to 15 seconds. This feature is to compete with Vine from Twitter. It seems Instagram wins over Vine on this. You c...

   Facebook,Tencent,Copy     2013-06-24 01:17:27

  China has blocked Wikipedia again

Recently lots of Chinese found they experienced problems while trying to access Wikipedia, the world's largest and most well-known free encyclopedia. It turns out that the notorious Chinese GFW(Great Firewall) is playing the critical role here. It blocks the Chinese version of Wikipedia. The reason why the Chinese version of Wikipedia is blocked is said to be that Wikipedia has changed its default protocol from HTTP to HTTPS. This change made it difficult for the GFW to filter some sensiti...

   CHINA,WIKIPEDIA,GFW,BLOCKED,NEWS     2015-12-05 19:04:12

  3 Mistakes Website Owners Must Avoid to Enjoy SEO Success

The first thing a consumer asks themselves when they enter any website/webpage is whether they should stay or not. A consumer has just a few seconds during which, you have a chance to capture and retain them or else they will go. Whether or not they stay depends on a number of factors, but these are things that you can improve in on-site SEO, assisted of course by the web design and development team. Read on to find the three biggest peeves that are causing high bounce rates on your site and ho...

   SEO,WEB DESIGN     2015-11-20 02:33:07