SEARCH KEYWORD -- User experience

  How does CSDN dare to use plain text as password?

Recently, the China's largest Chinese IT community website named CSDN leaked its user's account information. Later today CSDN made an announcements to its users on their website. The announcement said that some user account information was leaked and the passwords of the accounts were stored as plain text in their database before 2009, and after 2009, they adopted an encryption algorithm to encrypt user password. They urged all users who registered the account before 2009 to change their passwor...

   Security,Information leak,CSDN,Plain text     2011-12-22 09:10:01

  WeChat has 100 million international users now

Just one month ago, Tencent announced that it had 70 million international users outside of China mainland. Today, they announced that WeChat hit 100 million international users. In just one month, the international users increase by 30 million. WeChat becomes one of the most tough competitors in the international IM market. Although there are still Whatsapp, Line and some other IMs, WeChat provides many different robust features, especially in the newly released WeChat 5. The new features in W...

   WeChat,Tencent,Internationalization     2013-08-20 02:38:14

  Commonly used AJAX frameworks

Have you ever wondered to design your website like desktop applications? Fortunately, with AJAX we can achieve this. By using AJAX, we no need to refresh the whole page when we just want to update a portion of a website such as the weather information or news panel. This makes our web apps look like desktop applications and bring good user experience to our visitors. You can create an XMLHttpRequest object every time when you want to initialize an AJAX call, unfortunately you may need repeat eve...

   AJAX,framework,jQuery,Dojo,YUI     2012-06-27 04:40:05

  PaaS vs. SaaS: The Differences And How To Pick The Right Option

Platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) are two kinds of cloud computing products that enable businesses and their clients to deliver and use various services, respectively. Before diving into the differences between the two concepts, it’s important to take a step back and understand what a cloud service really is. Cloud computing primarily refers to large storage of data, programs, and operations that are accessible via the Internet and are not stored on a user&rsquo...

   CLOUD,PAAS,SAAS     2020-04-06 06:30:32

  Do designers need code?

So many problems in software occur because programmers and designers don't communicate well all the time. Why don't more designers learn to code themselves or have engineers build abstractions better suited to them? People's minds work in different ways, they can process thoughts differently, solve problems in completely different but equally valid ways. It's a mistake to assume everyone should possess the same skill set.  Also not everyone should be a full stack engineer although full stac...

   Design,Coding     2014-01-07 06:22:52

  Google to build Google Babble to unify all its chat tools

--Note : Image is from If Google Talk / Hangout / Voice / Messenger are put  together, what will you find?They are all chat tools launched by Google, but with careful comparison, you will find that the difference between them is not very big. The useful tools are Google Talk and Google+, but both of them needs to be improve their user experience.According to, Google is planning to launch a chat application Google Babble which will integrate all its chat tools and serv...

   Google Babble,Chat tool     2013-03-19 13:02:47

  How IoT is Challenging The World of "Smart" Cars

Smart cars have long been the subject of optimism in the auto industry, with their suites of advanced driver assistance and road safety features. Handy as they are, however, their convenient systems come with a substantially higher price tag. For now, however, many car owners are opting into a cheaper, more modular way to enhance their driving experience: a network of IoT devices. This makes it so that even pre-loved cars can enjoy the same features as smart cars. While IoT remains small at the...

   HARDWARE,IOT,CAR     2020-03-09 07:42:26

  Read white space with scanf()

Usually, when we want to enter string with white spaces in C, we need to call gets() or fgets(0 method. We usually will not use scanf(0 or fscanf() because they cannot accept white spaces when scan user inputs.   But when we specify the format in scanf() function, we may read strings with white space. the code section below illustrate this: #include <stdio.h>   int main(int argc,char **argv){        char name[30];      fprintf(stdout,"Please en...

   C,scanf,white space, string format     2011-09-26 11:45:43

  How to organize a successful technical party?

Since last year, I began to take part in some technical parties. Some are held very successful, while some seem not. In this article, I will share ideas about how to organize a successful technical party and use Golang programming language as an example. To hold a party, there must have been a stable user group first. According to the number of user, there may need a committee or a president, and the job of the organizer is searching for the sponsors, selecting the topics, etc. Although there ha...

       2015-05-15 22:28:38

  How to help new joiners involve in projects

Usually when a new joiner involves in a new project, he will spend much time on understanding the background of the project, the current status of the project and the requirements of the project etc. It is very easy for them to get lost in this stage. So to effectively help them involve in the project, we need have some people guiding them, giving them some useful instructions. What should we do to help them? Here are some steps I take.1. Project backgroundIn this phase, I will introduce to them...

   New joiner,Experience     2012-05-05 11:06:18