Google+ doesn't support Firefox 23?

Mozilla just released a new version of Firefox--Firefox 23, but after upgrading to the new version. We cannot login to Google+ anymore, instead it will show a page which says "Your browser is no longer supported" and it gives some choices to download new web browsers. It also allows to download Firefox. But the thing is we have updated to the latest version. Also when clicking on the "Download Firefox" link, it is redirected to the download Firefox for Android page, is it weird? Is this becaus...

   Firefox 23,Google+     2013-08-10 21:46:27

  Twitter user database is hacked

According to Sina Tech, One hacker from Islamic Republic of Mauritania claimed today that he had acquired Twitter's entire user database and he shared over 15000 user account information on file sharing website Zippyshare.These information include the name of each account on Twitter, username and access tokens of third-party applications which have access to their Twitter accounts(such as Instagram or HootSuite).Twitter has yet to comment on the matter, but the company sent messages urging ...

   Twitter,Hacker,Access token     2013-08-20 10:49:44

  Comparable and comparator in Java

Comparable and comparator are two similar interfaces used to compare objects in Java. When we want to sort a list of objects such as Employee or User etc, we may need to implement these interfaces to make them comparable as we want. However, there are some differences between comparable and comparator interface.ComparableA comparable object is capable of comparing itself with another object. The class itself must implements the java.lang.Comparable interface in order to be able to compare its in...

   Java,Comparable,Comparator,Sort     2012-07-04 12:06:15

  Balancing Convenience and Security in the Digital World

 Source The digital world has made everyday life easier in ways that were unimaginable a few decades ago. Online banking, smart home automation, cloud storage, and seamless communication have changed how people work and interact. With a few clicks or a simple voice command, tasks that once required time and effort are now completed instantly. However, this increased accessibility comes with risks. Every day, cybercriminals look for weaknesses to exploit, putting personal data, financial in...

   DIGITAL WORLD,DATA SECURITY     2025-02-07 06:14:43

  Integer overflow

You may be familiar with integer overflow, but what you may not be familiar with is how gcc handles signed integer overflow. First let's look at the standard, for unsigned integer, the standard says : A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow, because a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be represented by the resulting type. In other words, unsigned integer ov...

   Integer overflow,gcc,Linux     2012-10-20 13:33:10

  JavaScript to open link in new window without being popup blocked

To ensure security and reduce spamming, modern browsers have implemented very strict rules on when a new window can be opened in a web page. Currently browsers restrict that any new web page to be opened in a new window must be initiated with an user action. The action is usually an user click event. Otherwise, a popup blocker would show on the browser address bar which indicates that something is blocked. To workaround this issue, normally you should implement the window open logic in a click e...


  How does CSDN dare to use plain text as password?

Recently, the China's largest Chinese IT community website named CSDN leaked its user's account information. Later today CSDN made an announcements to its users on their website. The announcement said that some user account information was leaked and the passwords of the accounts were stored as plain text in their database before 2009, and after 2009, they adopted an encryption algorithm to encrypt user password. They urged all users who registered the account before 2009 to change their passwor...

   Security,Information leak,CSDN,Plain text     2011-12-22 09:10:01

  It looks like TechCrunch blocks GoDaddy server access

Recently, I encountered an issue with an app I maintain—it suddenly stopped pulling RSS feeds from TechCrunch. At first, I suspected that the RSS feed URL might have changed. However, after further investigation, I discovered a different story. The URL itself was unchanged, but the results varied depending on where the request was coming from. To troubleshoot, I started by setting up a local web server and running a test with my script to see if it could still pull the RSS feed. The script...

   TECH CRUNCH,GODADDY,AI,BLOCK ACCESS     2024-08-17 12:31:52

  + operation on JavaScript objects

In JavaScript, there are two types of values: primitive and object. Primitives consist undefined, null, boolean, number and string. Other values such as array and function are objects. When applying + operation on different type of values, there would be three kinds of type conversion. Primitive conversion Number conversion String conversion There three type conversions have corresponding abstract operations in JavaScript: ToPrimitive(), ToNumber(), ToString(). For number additi...

   JAVASCRIPT,PROGRAMMING     2018-10-12 22:19:12

  How to Find User Participants To Test Your Project

Image Source: Unsplash Recruiting the right participants is important to test your projects properly, but it's essential that your research participants are able to represent your target group, or the results won't translate into something you can use. Since recruiting for specific criteria can be time-consuming, follow these considerations that should make getting these types of user participants easier.  Sharply Define Recruitment Topic Criteria There needs to be a required criteria befo...