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  Facebook will release new News Feed

According to 36Kr, Facebook sent out invitations to media to release a new version of the News Feed. This new News Feed will be released at 10 o'clock on March 7th(PST time) at the headquarters.The web version and mobile version of News Feed was updated in September 2011 and May 2012, Web version adds a dynamic display feature, if you login to Facebook per day, it will recommend popular content to you first If you frequently log in to Facebook, it will recommend the latest content. The mobile v...

   Facebook, News feed     2013-03-01 22:19:24

  Why is my IP blocked at a website I visit regularly after I changed ISPs?

I just installed a new Express Card with Verizon Broadband wireless last night. Had tons of fun accessing the web from places I usually cannot, (we are in trucking) until I got to my favorite forum. It's a public place I have been to thousands of times, but instead of happily browsing all the daily news events and checking to see if the world blew up yet, I found myself blocked by a big white screen that said YOUR IP ADDRESS HAS BEEN BANNED. What can I do? I can't go to the forum owners to ...

   ISP,IP Block,StopForumSpam,Solution     2012-02-01 08:53:38

  Google to build Google Babble to unify all its chat tools

--Note : Image is from If Google Talk / Hangout / Voice / Messenger are put  together, what will you find?They are all chat tools launched by Google, but with careful comparison, you will find that the difference between them is not very big. The useful tools are Google Talk and Google+, but both of them needs to be improve their user experience.According to, Google is planning to launch a chat application Google Babble which will integrate all its chat tools and serv...

   Google Babble,Chat tool     2013-03-19 13:02:47

  Top 9 Most Popular Programming Languages In IT Companies

1.) C LanguageC  Language is a general-purpose computer programming language developed between 1969 and 1973by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratoriesfor use with the Unix operating system.Although C was designed for implementing system software. it is also widely used for developing portable application software.?0102030405060708091011#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("hello, world!\n");&nbs...

   C,Java,C#,C++,Ruby,Popular programming l     2011-04-27 09:21:52

  Twenty Years of Linux according to Linus Torvalds

Summary: In an interview, Linus Torvalds talks about Linux’s multiple 20th birthdays and life with Linux.The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, started the celebration of Linux’s 20th anniversary at the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, but when is Linux’s real birthday? Is it August 25th, when Linus announced the project? October 5th 1991, when 0.02, the first public release was made? I decided to go st...

   Linux,Linus Tonalds,Interview,Developmen     2011-09-28 09:39:10

  When You Should Consider Moving From HTML to WordPress Platform?

No matter, you want to introduce big changes in your HTML website or a minor one, you'll have to make the edits in your site's files and then upload all of them by connecting to your FTP server. Now, this can be a pretty time-consuming and a daunting prospect for business owners who requires to make changes to the site on a regular basis. You should think about moving from your static HTML to some dynamic platform that provides you the flexibility to make the process of content editing become a ...

   HTML to Wordpress, HTML to Wordpress Conversion, Convert HTML to Wordpress,     2014-07-29 07:16:30

  â€œBuild something people want” is not enough

Most people take “Build something people want” to mean “Pick a problem to solve and solve it well.” This is not sufficient to build a world changing company.“Why now?” is the question entrepreneurs really need to answer. “Why now” encompasses two important and closely related concepts:Why have previous attempts at this idea failed?What enabling factors have emerged that enable you to succeed today?The world is full of smart people who have the same...

   User requirement,User friendly,Example,People needs     2011-11-16 08:18:45

  Asynchronous UIs - the future of web user interfaces

It's an interesting time to be working on the frontend now. We have new technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, Canvas and WebGL; all of which greatly increase the possibilities for web application development. The world is our oyster!However, there's also another trend I've noticed. Web developers are still stuck in the request/response mindset. I call it the 'click and wait' approach - where every UI interaction results in a delay before another interaction can be performed. That's the process they'...

   AJAX,Asynchronous UI,AUI,User interface     2011-11-18 08:55:08

  Social network website homepage design analysis

This article is to discuss outstanding design principles to enhance the social networking site registration conversion rate by comparative analysis of the social web site home page .In general, the user registration conversion process generally consists of the following components:    Attractive home page contents.    Simple and fast registration process.    The effectiveness of friends search and invite mechanisms.    User ...

   Social netwrok,Homepage design,Analysis     2012-04-16 14:27:06

  Best practices of front end optimization

1. Use DocumentFragment or innerHTML to replace complex elements insertion DOM operation on browser is expensive. Although browser performance is improved much, multiple DOM elements insertion is still expensive and will affect the page load speed. Assume we have an ul element on our page, we now want to retrieve a JSON list using AJAX and then update the ul using JavaScript. Usually we may write it as : var list = document.querySelector('ul'); ajaxResult.items.forEach(function(item) { // ...

   JavaScript,Front end,Optimization,Tips     2013-07-06 11:26:27