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  How expensive is a MySQL query?

Database access speed is always the bottle neck of many applications. Many application have large amount of data to search, retrieve and display nowadays. How do we improve the performance of our applications, how do we reduce the cost of database access? Apart from the design of database, the quality of the query is also one important factor to take care.  But before that, we need to know how much network traffic a query will consume. Yunyang,Zhang from Nubee in Singapore did some research...

   MySQL,Network traffic,Query     2013-04-09 05:13:33

  The Best Video Editing Software for Windows 7

It might seem like it was only recently that we witnessed the release of Windows 7 by Microsoft but in reality it was initially released more than 9 years ago. Despite being ‘ancient’ according to the modern technology standards, Windows 7 still holds a special place in many people’s hearts. It is still widely used by people around the world due to its much more user friendly environment than its successors the Windows 8 and 10. However, many software companies do not care abou...

   SOFTWARE,VIDEO,MOVAVI     2018-12-01 08:30:19

  Host multiple websites in Wamp

I have decided to start playing around with the Zend Framework. I have a web host (of course) however sometimes when developing I find it is easier and faster to use a local web server, with all the bells and whistles. WAMP, LAMP (this link is ubuntu specific, but any linux distribution should have easy HowTo guide for installing the LAMP software stack), MAMP, all provide the basic environment for beginning web development, and some have nice little GUIs to help you con...

   multiple hosts, wamp, websites, differen     2011-04-04 11:42:06

  PHP advisory file lock : flock

When we process a file in PHP, we may often need to acquire a lock so that other scripts cannot edit the same file at the same time. There is a flock() function in PHP which can help us lock the file we want to process. But there is one issue we should take care. Recently, ffb encountered one issue while he was trying to lock a file handle. The codes are below: $filename = "/tmp/lock.txt";      $fp = fopen($filename, "r+");   if (!$fp...

   flock(),advisory locking,PHP     2013-04-23 11:42:48

  ICO Checklist: How to Launch a Successful Initial Coin Offering

Amongst the many important things that took place in Blockchain industry in 2017, Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) may be considered as the most important of all. ICO helps business/idea owners to pre-sell access to their services or products and in a way to fund the development of those services or products. To help founders/ startups define an effective launch process and provide perspective on everything that they will need on their ICO journey, we have jotted down few points which will serve as...


  How to tell if this idea is a good idea.

Good Idea or Bad Idea?I’ve got an idea for a product. I’ve talked to some people. I know some people in the industry. I have been cold calling others. The idea is promising. The price point people have agreed with is about where I would like it to be. I’ve shown some mockups around and iterated on them. Now, I feel the need to start writing code because, well, I like writing code. And I’m comfortable writing code.But I see lean people.Steve Blank, Eric ...

   Idea,Good,Bad,Distinguish,Feature,Coding     2011-11-24 09:19:01

  Want to write some code? Get away from your computer!

I’ve recently realised something. The best place to write code isn’t in front of your computer, with your compiler, IDE and tools. The best place to write code is far, far away from any of these tools – somewhere where you can think properly. For a language with which you are fairly familiar, the mechanics of translating the program in your mind to a program that the compiler can compile (or the interpreter can interpret) is fairly easy – it’s coming ...

   Program,Goo dcode, Away, Use mind     2011-03-30 23:48:10

  How does GoLang know how many CPUs to use?

When running lscpu command on Linux, it will list the CPU info on the machine. Take one example where there is one CPU with 2 cores and each core has two threads which indicates there are 4 cores available. Now let's see how many cores GoLang program would identify. From output, NumCPU and GOMAXPROCS both output 4 which is expected. How does go runtime get this info, does it get it through similar command like lscpu or /proc/cpuinfo? Let's dig more in GoLang's source code. In runtim...

   GOLANG,CPU,NCPU     2020-12-29 23:22:15

  Chrome overtakes IE as the No.1 browser

According to data from market research company StartCounter, by May 2012, Chrome has overtakes IE as the No. 1 web browser globally. Firefox and Safari is following IE to be 3rd and 4th most popular web browser.In May, market share of Chrome is 33%, while IE only gets 32%. Firefox is slowly dropping, which has a share of 25%.  However, with release date of Windows 8 approaching, IE 10 will also be shipped with Win8, at that time, the number of users who use IE may increase because according...

   Chrome,No.1,IE,StatCounter     2012-05-21 06:03:04

  Display GIF animation while submitting the web form

Internet appears everywhere in our life. Form as a data gathering component is the must have component in a web app. When the page is submitting data to the server, if it takes a relative long time for the backend server to process the data, then the client users will feel lost while waiting for this if he cannot get any indication about what's happening. They may even reclick the button which will cause the data resubmission. This affects the user experience and also the system performance and ...

   HTML,Spin,Submit,Form     2013-05-17 11:47:07