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  How Can Anyone Still Hate Bill Gates

David Coursey from Forbes has a nice article on Gates titled - How Can Anyone Still Hate Bill Gates?There were a couple of line in Coursey's article that rang very true.All that money you think Gates stole from you? He’s giving it back, with interest, to the world’s poorest.All that money you think Apple has overcharged people? Apple still has it and Steve got and kept his share.Steve Jobs has fittingly had a long list of tributes. He was among the greatest technologists, busi...

   Bill Gates,Steve Jobs,Glory,Competition,Good guy     2011-11-05 07:08:56

  Reasons to use blue in design

Blue color is used in many product designs and logo designs such as Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and our site. Why do companies choose blue color in their design? It's not a coincidence for them to choose blue. One saying is the color blue is associated with trust, efficiency, clarity and simplicity. Beside this reason, are there other reasons? From an interface design standpoint, blue is an incredibly useful color. Among the dark colors designers have in their toolbox, red, orange and green al...

   Design,Blue     2013-12-13 07:13:22

  Ways to undo wrong Git operations

While using Git to version code, programmers would inevitably perform some invalid operations which are not expected. Sometimes it's difficult to deal with this kind of awkward situations. If the programmer chooses to undo the operation, the programmer needs to bear the risk of deleting something which is not supposed to be deleted if the undo is done improperly. If the programmer leaves it as is, the file needs to be updated again manually with a new commit. In this post, we will try to pr...

   GIT,GIT COMMIT,GIT RESET     2018-07-07 03:28:21

  Reproduce "MySQL server has gone away" in PHP

If you want to debug the issue of "MySQL server has gone away", you can reproduce it with below steps: Modify configuration file: sudo vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf  Make below changes: [mysqld]   wait_timeout = 30   interactive_timeout = 30  Restart the service: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart  Write below PHP codes: $link = mysql_connect('', 'root', 'root');   if (!$link)&nbs...

   MySQL,debug,rMySQL server has gone away     2013-04-15 11:33:14

  What I learned from a month of blogging and 250k visits

Roughly a month ago, I decided to give blogging another try, in earnest. I put out an article most days and up to 3 per day when I was experimenting with new channels.It has been fascinating.That being said, this is not a post about blogging tactics. It’s about what the experience has taught me about startups.Find the customers first, then build for themIt took me a long time to understand YC’s motto that you should:Make something people want.The first time I heard that, ...

   SEO,Promote,Website,Advice,Traffic     2011-11-10 10:58:40

  Why programmers are not paid in proportion to their productivity

The most productive programmers are orders of magnitude more productive than average programmers. But salaries usually fall within a fairly small range in any company. Even across the entire profession, salaries don’t vary that much. If some programmers are 10x more productive than others, why aren’t they paid 10x as much?Joel Spolsky gave a couple answers to this question in his most recent podcast. First, programmer productivity varies tremendously across the profession, but...

   Productivity,Salary,Efficiency,Programmer,Not match     2011-11-16 08:12:00

  Understand JavaScript prototype

For an front end programming language like JavaScript, if we want to understand its OOP feature, we need to understand its objects, prototype chain, execution context, closure and this keyword in deep. If you have a good understanding on these concepts, you should be confident that you can handle this language well. The inheritance in JavaScript is not class inheritance like Java, but it adopts another mechanism-- prototype inheritance. The key to prototype inheritance is the prototype chain mec...

   JavaScript, prototype, __proto__     2013-02-02 02:34:09

  The Best Wireless Headphones for Everyday Use

Wireless headphones have consumed a little bit of slamming during the previous six months, complying with Apple's debatable choice to clear the newest set of Apple iPhone of the reliable old earphone port. HTC observed fit using the U Ultra and also in businesses and undergone lots of objection from both customers and market professionals. Several sets are more concentrated on sports and also exercise and set in additional functions to perform so that some others are created mainly for hearing t...

   HEADPHONES,WIRELESS     2017-10-12 10:54:56

  Top 5 Hot WordPress Social Media Plugins

Social media has become a great need for businesses as well as personal brands in order to carve a vital presence over web. It has become necessary for everyone to have an energetic presence in social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Youtube etc. Having a great virtual persona, you can be in constant touch with your followers. If you are using a platform like a WordPress then there is a great pool of social media plugins. Some of its plugins are free to download and others are paid...

   Custom WordPress Development     2015-07-10 00:21:57

  If You’re Busy, You’re Doing Something Wrong: The Surprisingly Relaxed Lives of Elite Achievers

The Berlin StudyIn the early 1990s, a trio of psychologists descended on the Universität der Künste, a historic arts academy in the heart of West Berlin. They came to study the violinists.As described in their subsequent publication in Psychological Review, the researchers asked the academy’s music professors to help them identify a set of stand out violin players — the students who the professors believed would go onto careers as professional performers.Weâ...

   Relax,Elite,Achievement,Work life balance     2011-11-11 02:37:03