The Death Of The Spec

Earlier today, my colleague Matt Burns wrote a post noting that most tablet makers may be largely failing because they’ve sold their soul to Android and are now just in the middle of a spec war, which no one can win. I’m gonna go one step further in that line of thinking: the spec is dead.There have been a few key stories from the past couple of weeks that highlight this new reality. Barnes & Noble unveiled the new Nook Tablet. Consumer Reports looked at the...

   Specification,Android,Platform,Software design     2011-11-15 08:20:22

  Understanding JavaScript closure and where it can be used

Closure The official definition of closure is: an expression (usually a function) that has many variables and is bound to an environment that includes those variables. In JavaScript, closure refers to the ability of a function to access the lexical scope in which it was defined, even after the function has been executed and left that scope. This ability is due to the fact that when a function is created, it generates a closure that includes a reference to the definition environment of the curr...

   CLOSURE,JAVASCRIPT,USAGE     2023-03-05 02:17:08

  Twenty Years of Linux according to Linus Torvalds

Summary: In an interview, Linus Torvalds talks about Linux’s multiple 20th birthdays and life with Linux.The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, started the celebration of Linux’s 20th anniversary at the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, but when is Linux’s real birthday? Is it August 25th, when Linus announced the project? October 5th 1991, when 0.02, the first public release was made? I decided to go st...

   Linux,Linus Tonalds,Interview,Developmen     2011-09-28 09:39:10

  People Detection Radar [IoT] : Build a Raspberry PI Xandar Kardian IoT People Count Radar

Program Design Purpose: People detection sensors and radars are utilized in various applications across multiple fields such as security and surveillance, healthcare, building automation, smart cities, transportation and autonomous manufacturing systems. This project aims to develop a prototype IoT device for an indoor people counting using the Xandar Kardian people detection radar and a Raspberry Pi. The device will be network-ready and easily integrated with other systems. The Python-based I...

       2024-07-21 08:19:57

  Check if query string variable exists ASP.NET C#/VB

One of the problems I encountered when I started programming ASP.NET websites was to do with the Request.QueryString function. The first projects I was worked on were built with VB.NET and I used the following code to check the existence of a query string variable:VB.NET Codeview plaincopy to clipboardprint?If Request.QueryString("[VARIABLE]") <> Nothing Then        'CODE HERE  End If  This code check...

   ASP.NET,Query string,Request,Empty,NULL,Check     2011-11-05 15:29:50

  First steps with Scala, say goodbye to bash scripts…

Those who know me are aware that I’ve been following play framework, and actively taking part of it’s community, for a couple of years. Playframework 2.0 is right around the corner, and it’s core is programmed in Scala, so it’s a wonderful opportunity to give this object-oriented / functional hybrid beast a try… Like many others, I will pick a very simple script to give my first steps… Finding an excuse to give Scala a try With a couple of friends we are ...

   Scala,Functional programming,Bash script,Replacement     2012-01-12 06:45:16

  The Web: Important Events in its History

Straight forward simple fact of the functioning evening: The netting is normally not the same element as appearing the world vast world wide web. Brain damaged, correct? Related to the Included Press Stylebook, the “Net is normally a decentralized, world-wide web 2 . 0 of pcs that may talk with every solo diverse. The Environment Huge World wide web, like announcements, is usually normally a subset of the World wide web.” If the web is not really the internet, then what is it? The c...

       2019-06-03 00:06:00

  Ruby is beautiful (but I’m moving to Python)

The Ruby language is beautiful. And I think it deserves to break free from the Web. I think the future of Ruby is firmly stuck in Web development, though, so I’m going to invest in a new language for data analysis, at least for now. This is a look at the fantastic language I came to from Java and a look at a possible candidate. (Update: I’ve since written a followup.)Java to RubySix years ago, I added Ruby to my technical arsenal. I learned C++ and Java in high school, and I p...

   Ruby,Java,Python,Comparison,Advantage,Ruby vs Python     2011-11-01 07:18:11

  Tricks with Direct Memory Access in Java

Java was initially designed as a safe managed environment. Nevertheless, Java HotSpot VM contains a “backdoor” that provides a number of low-level operations to manipulate memory and threads directly. This backdoor – sun.misc.Unsafe â€“ is widely used by JDK itself in packages like java.nio or java.util.concurrent. It is hard to imagine a Java developer that uses this backdoor in any regular development because this API is extremely dangerous...

   Java,Directly memory access,Tricks,JVM     2012-02-13 05:31:19

  The seven rules of Unobtrusive JavaScript

I've found the following rules over the years developing, teaching and implementing JavaScript in an unobtrusive manner. They have specifically been the outline of a workshop on unobtrusive JavaScript for the Paris Web conference 2007 in Paris, France. I hope that they help you understand a bit why it is a good idea to plan and execute your JavaScript in this way. It has helped me deliver products faster, with much higher quality and a lot easier maintenance. 1. Do no...

   JavaScript,Feature,Tips     2012-01-18 08:21:39