What is blocking and how would you troubleshoot it?

Blocking is a common occurrence in an SQL server context, but if you are new to the world of database management you might not know what this issue entails and perhaps even fear that it is a sign of serious underlying problems. To allay your fears and clear up the mystery, here is a brief overview of blocking and the steps you can take to tackle it. Image Source: Pixabay SQL blocking explained SQL blocking according to SentryOne is an offshoot of the way that concurrent databases operate. Becau...

   SQL,DEADLOCK     2020-09-17 08:50:55

  Want to install 64 bit OS on VirtualBox?

By default, VirtualBox only allows to install 32 bit OS on it. But sometimes, 64 bit OS is wanted for specific uses such as running platform specific tests. To allow installing 64 bit OS on VirtualBox. Below information is needed. Here is the official documentation about 64 bit OS: VirtualBox supports 64-bit guest operating systems, even on 32-bit host operating systems, provided that the following conditions are met: You need a 64-bit processor with hardware virtualization support (see the ...

   VirtualBox,64 bit,hardware virtualization,Ubuntu     2014-11-08 03:52:07

  Why Python is important for you

I believe that Python is important for software development. While there are more powerful languages (e.g. Lisp), faster languages (e.g. C), more used languages (e.g. Java), and weirder languages (e.g. Haskell), Python gets a lot of different things right, and right in a combination that no other language I know of has done so far. It recognises that you’ll spend a lot more time reading code than writing it, and focuses on guiding developers to write readable code. It’s possible to...

   Python,Importance,Paradigm     2012-02-12 04:49:09

  Don't write on the whiteboard

I recently interviewed at a major technology company. I won't mention the name because, honestly, I can't remember whether I signed an NDA, much less how strong it was.I did well. Mostly because of luck. I normally step over myself when I interview. I guess I've improved over the years. Here are a few tips to ace your own interview.1. Don't write on the whiteboardWhen I interviewed at Palantir around 5 years ago, I had a lot of trouble with this. Yes, I knew next to nothing about compu...

   Interview,Preparation,Whiteboard,Note,Python     2012-01-11 11:31:32

  Java Concurrency Basics: CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier

CountDownLatch CountDownLatch can be used in synchronizing behavior among threads, it makes one or more threads wait for some actions in other threads to be completed. It has a property count which defines how many countDown() need to be called before other threads which called await() to be waked up.  When a thread calls CountDownLatch.await(), the thread will be blocked until the value of count becomes 0. The initial value of count can be specified when creating the CountDownLatch instanc...


  Comparing Floating Point Numbers, 2012 Edition

We’ve finally reached the point in this series that I’ve been waiting for. In this post I am going to share the most crucial piece of floating-point math knowledge that I have. Here it is:[Floating-point] math is hard.You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly hard it is. I mean, you may think it’s difficult to calculate when trains from Chicago and Los Angeles will collide, but that’s just peanuts to floating-point math.Seriously. Each ti...

   Floating point number,Comparison,True value     2012-02-23 07:11:03

  Set Theory in C++11

Have you ever felt the need to perform set theoretic operations on types? Not really? Me neither, but I thought it’s a fun thing to try out. So, if you ever feel the need of using type sets, C++11 makes it quite easy to do so. Especially variadic templates allow for a much more condensed syntax compared to type list constructs formerly used. (Disclaimer: This is rather a proof of concept, but maybe somebody comes up with a useful scenario.) Let’s start by d...

   C++,set theory,Math     2012-03-11 13:15:55

  Frequently used Git commands

Git configuration git config --global "robbin" git config --global "" git config --global color.ui true git config --global checkout git config --global commit git config --global status git config --global branch git config --global core.editor "mate -w" # Configure Editor to use textmate git config -l #List all configurations User's git configuration file : ~/.gitconfig Frequently used Git commands Check、add...

   Git,Command     2013-03-11 19:41:06

  Easy Parallel Processing in PHP

The proliferation of multicore CPUs and the inability of our learned CPU vendors to squeeze many more GHz into their designs means that often the only way to get additional performance is by writing clever parallel software. One problem we were having is that some of our batch processing jobs were taking too long to run. In order to speed the processing, we tried to split the processing file into half, and let a separate PHP process run each job. Given that we were using a dual core serv...

   PHP,Parallel processing,Multithreading like,Sleep     2011-12-12 10:58:59

  How I Became a Programmer

I posted a very brief response to a post on HackerNews yesterday challenging the notion that 8 weeks of guided tutelage on Ruby on Rails is not going to produce someone who you might consider a "junior RoR developer." It did not garner many upvotes so I figured that like most conversation on the Internet it faded into the general ambient chatter. Imagine my surprise when I woke up to couple handfuls' worth of emails from around the world asking me what I did, how I did it, an...

   Programmer,Advice,Method,Study     2011-11-24 09:14:50