Will IBM fall?

IBM has over 100 year's history and it faced many tough challenges along the way but every time it came back successfully. This time its revenue dropped 6 quarters consecutively, with the popularity of cloud computing and big data, IBM seems lag behind and is heavily hit by the storm. Its current technologies are only suitable for serving traditional companies 15 years ago but not companies now. Can IBM go though this challenge and come back again? It seems IBM doesn't want to be left out. Th...

   IBM,transformation,Watson     2014-01-27 08:01:41

  What should Microsoft do after Steve Ballmer steps down?

Steve Ballmer decided to retire from Microsoft within 12 months last week. Where should Microsoft head to and what should they do on their products to maintain their influence.Whether you like or hate Ballmer, and regardless of who will replace him as Microsoft new CEO, his voice became a very important part of different Microsoft conferences, Ballmer said : "We need a CEO who will be here longer term for this new direction."Steve Ballmer is criticized for many things. Under his control, Micros...

   Microsoft,CEO,Trend     2013-08-26 07:33:41

  What drives the popularity of Node.js?

JavaScript is a programming language which can be used on both front end and back end. Its popularity should mainly be attributed to its power in front end side. While people seem not realize its power in back end until the appearance of Node.js.  Node.js is a server-side software system designed for writing scalable Internet applications, notably web servers. Programs are written on the server side in JavaScript, using event-driven, asynchronous...

   Node.ks,Popularity,NPM     2013-07-24 01:22:58

  How to Prevent a Data Breach: Guide For Businesses

The consequences of a data breach are nothing to joke about. From reputation damage to regulatory fines, it is a disaster for any business. So you should always strive to do your best to prevent it. But with so many steps to take, where do you even begin? Businesses of all shapes and sizes should follow this 8-step approach: 1. Outline Your Assets Your assets, whether digital or physical, should always remain in your sight. It should be the very first step you take. Picture anything that might r...

   DATA SECURITY     2020-03-04 08:16:44

  One Way to Quickly Locate SQL with High CPU Usage in MySQL

When the CPU usage of a MySQL database rises abnormally, it's necessary to quickly identify the problematic SQL statements. In this post, we try to provide one way to achieve this.  Below are the actual steps. 1. Use the top command to find the threads with the highest CPU usage in the MySQL process. # Find the MySQL process ID ps -ef | grep mysql # Use the process ID to find the thread IDs with the highest CPU usage: top -H -p In top, press P to sort by CPU usage. Note the thread ID, fo...

   MYSQL,DEBUG,HIGH CPU,SLOW QUERY     2024-08-01 21:25:48

  Steve Jobs's prediction about wireless,iPad and App Store in 1983

1983 was still a year uncultivated. That year, Apple released the first personal computer Apple Lisa with graphical user interface in the world, TCP/IP was released less than two years, the Internet was basically still a wasteland. General people had few knowledge about computer. Steve Jobs still needed to start with "What is the computer" in his speech. Today, we have become accustomed to social networking, smart phones and mobile Internet, it was really unbelievable at that time. That ye...

   Steve Jobs, record,Apple,prediction     2012-10-03 04:37:17

  What has Google done on improving programming languages

Google is now becoming the most innovative IT company in the world. Every now and then they would deliver one revolutionary product to us such as Google Glass, Google Fiber, Automatic Mobile Cars etc. All these great products are backed up by the powerful software system built into. Google has used many programming languages to develop these software and they have put much resource in improving the programming languages they use and we use today. What has Google done in improving programming lan...

   Google,Programming     2014-02-21 09:36:34

  Is Facebook developing RSS reader?

According to Sina Tech, on Thursday developer Tom Waddington said that he found some strings like "RSS feeds" in Facebook codes, it means that Facebook may launch its own RSS reader.Google announced in March this year that they would close its RSS subscription service Google Reader on July 1 mainly because its use had constantly declined in the past few years. Subsequently, many companies competing to launch Google Reader alternatives. Waddington believes that this time Facebook will also join t...

   Facebook,RSS reader     2013-06-14 12:41:11

  How does Class box get 1 million users with only 4 people?

"Class box" is an app which helps students create course plan developed by 4 Chinese. This app was created in 2012. They get over 1 million users with only 4 people. How do they make this? The co-founder of "Class box" Tianfang Li explains this on Zhihu. Here is what he said: About millions of users, in the mobile Internet era what we need to do is just find a good entry point, rapid iteration and with a little luck, a small team or even an independent developer can make millions user level prod...

   class box,team size,sillicon valley     2013-04-03 08:08:21

  How Cybersecurity Preparedness Can Minimize Downtime During Cyber-Attacks

According to statistics, the average cost of a data breach reached $4.88 million in 2024, marking the highest recorded average to date. Moreover, 68 percent of data breaches in 2024 involved a human element. Cyber-attacks are no longer rare events—they’re an everyday risk for businesses. When a business isn’t prepared, even a minor attack can lead to costly downtime, disrupt operations, and harm its reputation. The good news is that businesses can reduce these impacts with pro...

   CYBER SECURITY ,CYBER ATTACK     2024-11-14 02:38:42