SEARCH KEYWORD -- Strict mode. Introduction

  4 asynchronous programming methods in JavaScript

You may know the execution environment of JavaScript is single threaded. The so called single thread means only one task can be running at any time, if there are many tasks, they need to be in a queue and wait for the previous task to be completed. The advantage of this mode is it's easy to implement and the execution environment is relative simple; the disadvantage is that if one task takes long time, the tasks following it must wait in the queue and this will delay other tasks consequently. Th...


  The requirements of DevOps development

DevOps has become a popular and commonly adopted software development model in IT industry in recent years. Its popularity is partially because it advocates it could improve software development efficiency, delivery speed and cost saving. This is especially favored by managers who become the main force to promote this type of development model in their companies. However, we must be cautious about DevOps model as well. With their advantages, they also bring challenges to development teams and th...

   AGILE,DEVOPS,SPRINT     2018-06-03 23:18:44

  10 major updates of Windows 8.1

Last night, the 2013 Microsoft Build Developer Conference started in San Francisco. The highlight of the first day is Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced the release of Windows 8.1 Preview . The final version will be released in November and he also mentioned that there would be over 300 updates on the new OS. Now let's summarize 10 major updates of the new OS. 1. Classical desktop mode After getting a lot of feedback from users, Microsoft adds a new setting. Users can choose to start in clas...

   Windows 8.1,Build     2013-06-27 05:45:02

  HTML Email Guide

Many of us may subscribe to some newsletters to get update about their site or information about a topic such as JavaScript Weekly, we may receive an email every week or every month to know what's happening there. The email we receive is just a simple HTML page but with an Email format called HTML Email. It seems it's simple to write this kind of HTML Email. But the thing is it's not so easy. It takes much effort by just designing an Email template. Whether the HTML Email can be displayed norm...

   HTML Email,Guide     2013-06-16 03:38:36

  Implementing DESede/ECB/NoPadding cipher algorithm in GoLang

By default, GoLang doesn't provide the ECB mode cipher for DESede though there is CBC mode provided. In cases we need to encrypt/decrypt data with ECB mode, we need to implement those by ourselves. This mode is frequently used when encrypting/decrypting PIN block which is small block data less than 16 bytes. In this post, we will introduce how to implement the DESede/ECB/NoPadding algorithm in GoLang by using the existing cipher support. Here we will not cover how DESede works in detail, instead...

   SECURITY,SAMPLE,GOLANG,DES,DESEDE,3DES     2019-07-29 06:43:50

  Recursive class initialization in Java

When a Java class is referenced and initialized, it has to go through the loading and linking first. Once the loading and linking complete successfully. The class will be initialized. The static variables and constant variables will be initialized during this process. Once the class is initialized, it is ready for use. If when class A is initialized and it is referencing a class B, the class B will also get initialized. But what will happen if class B is referencing class A as well? This is call...

   Java,JVM,class initialization,static final     2015-04-15 21:04:29

  Turn browser into notepad with one line of code

This is the code shared by Jose on codewall. When you type data:text/html,   into the address bar of the browser and press enter, the browser will turn into a notepad which you can edit. Why it works? This uses Data URI’s format and it tells the browser to render HTML. But contenteditable is a property of HTML5, so this can only work in the web browser which supports this property. Here are some interesting contents. Some people make some changes to the code encouraged by the ide...

   HTML5, Browser editor     2013-01-30 04:20:54

  Can a == true && a == false be true in JavaScript?

JavaScript is a weak typed language and it has a loose comparison feature where two objects/values of different type can be compared using == operator. This provides developers great flexibility and confusion at the same time.  Before understanding how == works in JavaScript, can you first answer the question in the post title? Can a == true && a == false be true in JavaScript? Normally, we would think that this expression will always return false since a can be either true or ...


  Integer overflow

You may be familiar with integer overflow, but what you may not be familiar with is how gcc handles signed integer overflow. First let's look at the standard, for unsigned integer, the standard says : A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow, because a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be represented by the resulting type. In other words, unsigned integer ov...

   Integer overflow,gcc,Linux     2012-10-20 13:33:10

  Why to opt for Hadoop?

Hadoop is a open source that stores and processes big data. The framework is written in Java for distributed processing and distributed storage of very large data. Hadoop is Scalable. It is a scalable platform because it stores and distributed large amount of data sets to hundreds and thousands of servers that operate in parallel. Traditional database systems cannot process large amount of data. But, hadoop enable business to run applications involving thousands of Terabyte data. Hadoop is ...

       2015-09-22 10:17:43