SEARCH KEYWORD -- Source code

  Embrace open source

In past few days, there are many tech news which are related to open source. For example, Microsoft enables Linux on its Windows Azure cloud, Facebook open sourced its C++ library Folly and Samsung joined Linux foundation. Now more and more big companies realize the power of open source and are willing to contribute to the open source community. It will benefit not only developers but also these big companies as well.By providing some open source libraries or projects, developer may reduce their...

   Open source,Microsoft,Samsung,Facebook,Linux     2012-06-06 05:37:59

  JavaScript's New Features: Exploring the Latest Additions to the Language

As the web continues to evolve, so too does the JavaScript ecosystem. With the release of ECMAScript 2023 (ES2023), JavaScript developers can now leverage a range of new features that promise to improve code quality, readability, and maintainability. In this blog post, we'll dive into some of ES2023's most exciting additions and provide practical examples of how they can be used in your projects. 1. Private Fields and Methods in Classes One of the most anticipated features in ES2023 is the intro...

   JAVASCRIPT,ES2023     2023-04-16 01:41:58

  Reflection in Java

What is Reflection? Reflection is a feature in Java that allows a program to obtain information about itself at runtime and dynamically manipulate the properties, methods, and constructors of classes or objects. With reflection, we can instantiate objects, call methods, and set properties without knowing the exact class name beforehand. The core of the reflection mechanism is the Class object, which represents a class. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) automatically creates this Class object when i...


  Empty slice vs nil slice in GoLang

In Go, there is a type called slice which is built on top of array. It's a very convenient type when we want to handle a group of data. This post will explain a subtle but tricky difference between empty slice and nil slice. A nil slice is a slice has a length and capacity of zero and has no underlying array. The zero value of slice is nil. If a slice is declared like below, it is a nil slice. package main import "fmt" func main() { var a []string fmt.Println(a == nil) } The output will be t...

   GOLANG,JSON,EMPTY SLICE,NIL SLICE     2018-10-18 09:25:21

  A simple example on implementing progress bar in GoLang

Sometimes when handling a long running process, there would be need to track the progress so that people know something is still running instead of doubting something goes wrong. In this case, a progress bar which indicates the current status and progress would be desired. This post will show an example on how to implement progress bar using GoLang. Let's take a look at the final outcome first before jumping into the implementation detail. The key in the implementation is actually just the \r ...


  Using msmtp to replace sendmail

sendmail is a mail client in Linux with many vulnerabilities and tedius configuration steps, many system administrators have disabled using it. Then how do we know what happens if a crontab script executes with error? Actually there are some replacements for sendmail, one is ssmtp, but this application is no longer maintained, we even cannot find its source code on Google. Fortunately, we can use msmtp to replace sendmail. The address : 1. Installation After downloa...

   sendmail, msmtp, replacement     2012-09-27 11:41:48

  Top 10 reasons to use a low-code platform

Generally, as the best coding platforms, low code includes low code app development, process development solutions and software development tools. IT users utilize low code solutions as a source of the required building blocks for the building of workflows and applications. The building blocks make it easier to assemble apps and workflows without requiring hand-coding. The growth of low-code platforms therefore levels business grounds by reducing the time spent in coding among other benefits.&nb...

   LOW CODE,PROGRAMMING     2021-02-18 19:43:49

  A mini guide to HTTP referer

In HTTP header, there is a field named Referer which is to provide the referrer of the current accessed page. In this post, we will introduce the usage of HTTP referer field. On the web, when a user visits a webpage, s/he must be from some place. This place is usually referred a s referer. This information is very important to some website operators and server owners as they want to know where they get the traffic from and this helps them provide better service for potential targeted users. In t...

   HTML,HTTP REFERER,REFERRERPOLICY     2019-06-29 02:23:25

  What does super.clone() do?

Object class has a protected clone() method declared to make it possible for all classes make a clone of itself when needed. The clone() is often used when a new instance of the class is needed while at the same time to maintain the same state as the original object. Any class which wants to have clone enabled has to implement the marker interface Cloneable. If a class which implements Cloneable doesn't override the Object.clone() method, the Object.clone() method will be called to just make a b...

   Cloneable,super.clone(),clone,Java     2015-01-07 05:25:52

  Samsung will build its own mobile browser

According to the Korean IT News, Samsung is developing its own brand mobile browser based on WebKit, make its the default browser for future Gaxlaxy products.Samsung has posted recruitment advertisements for recruiting Webkit developers in its Advanced Software Platform Lab located in the Silicon Valley. Webkit is an open-source browser engine, Apple's Safari and Google's Chrome are based on this open source engine.For many users, the phone's built-in default browser is still the most used, so S...

   Samsung,Browser,Webkit     2012-09-24 22:32:00