SEARCH KEYWORD -- Software design

  Bug caused by using changeable value as the default in "python method overload"​

In python we can set the passed in parameter's default value to make the function has the same running feature as the method overload in Java. Define a function like this: def testFunction(self, param1, param2=None, param3=None): Normally we use "None" as the parameter's default value. We can also use str/bool as the default value, but is it OK we use empty list [] as its default value? This is our test program: """ A test program using empty list as the passed-in parameter's default value. ...

   PYTHON     2019-03-11 08:52:52

  Apple investigating new iPad WiFi issues, tells AppleCare to replace affected units

According to an internal AppleCare document, Apple is actively investigating a series of WiFi-related issues affecting the third-generation iPad. Since the new iPad’s launch, many users have been complaining about third-generation iPad WiFi issues ranging from connection drops, slow download and upload speeds, or the device’s inability to even pickup local WiFi networks. A thread discussing the issue exists on Apple’s online support forums has almost amassed 700 repl...

   Apple,iPad,Wifi,Hardware issue     2012-04-06 01:37:59

  Pair Programming Stereotypes

Over the last couple of years, I’ve done a lot of pair programming. Pair programming inside my team, at customer sites, in coding dojos and in my open source projects. Pair programming is really a great and effective experience when performed by an pair of developers knowing how to pair program. Unfortunately, you cannot just put two developers in front of a single computer and expect them to perform perfectly from the start. Pair programming has to be learned. Both developers need to...

   Code programming,Pair gramming,Sterotype     2012-02-29 05:09:14

  Stub Mixlib::ShellOut and shell_out in Ruby unit testing

Unit testing is part of software development to ensure the tiny component of a function can work as designed. Different frameworks and tools can be used to run unit testing for different programming languages. In Ruby, one popular unit testing framework is Rspec, or Chefspec if you are writing Chef recipes. While writing Chef recipes, some low level commands(DOS commands or shell commands) need to be executed on the managed resource to perform actions or gather information. For example, lis...


  Eclipse 4.4 is going to fully support Java 8

Eclipse is the most popular IDE for developing Java applications, but it seems lag behind the Java 8 release a couple of months ago. The current Eclipse is not supporting Java 8 and if you want to run Java 8 programs on it, you need to install a plugin. You can find the plugin at the Eclipse market place. Now Eclipse 4.4 is coming to us on 25th June and the code name for it is Luna. This new version of Eclipse introduces some new features which can ease developer's work, these features includin...

   Eclipse,Luna,Java 8     2014-06-18 05:00:37

  Preparing for the real costs of cloud computing

Computerworld - At a cloud computing conference in New York in June, a number of speakers pointed out that the cloud is moving past the hype stage and is beginning to deliver tangible benefits to organizations. These improvements include increased flexibility and agility. But moving to the cloud can also mean added costs, some of which might be unexpected, according to IT executives whose organizations have implemented cloud services or are considering them. While these types of costs ...

   Cloud computing,Cost,Chanllenges,Platfor     2011-08-23 07:48:24

  I hate cut-and-paste

Me, I blame the IDE's.Coding used to be hard. Not because programming itself was overly hard, but mostly because editors absolutely sucked. How much the typical development environment in the 70's and 80's sucked is hard to convey (except for a very lucky few, and those would have likely been using DEC and WANG gear). I got in on the tail end of the punch card era. Punching your own program is lots of fun. Once. And if you drop a deck you get to play with the sorter, which is also lots of fun (o...

   IDE,Editor,Cut and paste,Shortcut,Blame     2011-10-24 11:33:46

  How to choose effective colors to improve your website traffic

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that looks don’t matter and it’s what’s inside that counts. Would you be eager to open a present that does not seem too promising on the outside, even when knowing what it hides may pleasantly surprise you? Right – it’s about the whole package. It may be the content on the site that creates value and makes a visitor stop for longer, but the background that accompanies it definitely plays a major role, too. Now that you’re a...

   Color,Web design     2014-10-06 13:35:08

  Be Aware of these 10 mistakes while designing Your Mobile App!

So you have finally decided to enter the world of technology and you are going to design an application for your business. The time has become when you have to give all the nitty-gitty grins a look and design your own mobile app for promoting your business online. Well when you have finally decided to design your mobile application, here are some mistakes that you are not allowed to make. Have a look:   Do Not Start Designing Your App Without Wireframes Normal 0 false ...

       2014-12-11 02:12:02

  Static Code Analysis

The most important thing I have done as a programmer in recent years is to aggressively pursue static code analysis.  Even more valuable than the hundreds of serious bugs I have prevented with it is the change in mindset about the way I view software reliability and code quality.It is important to say right up front that quality isn’t everything, and acknowledging it isn’t some sort of moral failing.  Value is what you are trying to produce, and quality is only one a...

   Static code,Analysis,Quality,Microsoft 360,Value     2011-12-24 06:50:18