SEARCH KEYWORD -- Software design

  How to password protect a Winzip file

Winzip files are great ways of sharing documents and images of large sizes over the web or through email, since their reduced size makes it possible for them to be sent and received. Also, it is easier to manage one attachment than multiple. But what if the file contains sensitive information you don’t want snoopers to see? Simply add a password protection in Winzip. Adding a password will ensure more security and reliability of the transported files. How to add a Password to your Zip Fil...

   DATA SECURITY,WINZIP     2019-08-29 11:42:41

  Python Process Protection Watchdog

Project Design Purpose: During participating the cyber exercise as red team member, we found that the injected malware or attack launching program can easy be stopped by the blue team or defense program / mechanisms via killing the process / deleting the file. To address this, our project aims to develop a robust watchdog program designed to bind to target programs, diligently monitor their execution states, and ensure uninterrupted functionality. Continuous Monitoring: Establish a vigilant wa...

       2024-09-14 11:09:14

  Why Building a Mobile App is Hard

Kent Nguyen has a great article about how building iOS apps takes a lot of work. And, here at Parse, we agree. Making a well-designed app is not a trivial task. Many non-developers hugely underestimate the amount of sweat and tears that goes into a single app. The big component that is overlooked and that Kent stresses is the server component. An app is not an island. Users expect their apps to richly interact with the internet. This means you need to worry about developing code on servers, com...

   Mobile app,Hard,Chanllenges,Platform     2012-02-01 04:45:45

  Will We Need Teachers Or Algorithms?

Editor’s note: This is Part III of a guest post written by legendary Silicon Valley investor Vinod Khosla, the founder of Khosla Ventures. In Part I, he laid the groundwork by describing how artificial intelligence is a combination of human and computer capabilities In Part II, he discussed how software and mobile technologies can augment and even replace doctors. Now, in Part III, he talks about how technology will sweep through education. In my last post, I ...

   Teacher,Algorithm,Development     2012-01-16 10:17:45

  Welcome the new Google logo

Google today changed their logo, the new logo adopts the flat design with a lighter color scheme. Apart from these, there are no major changes on the font style, character color etc. Old logo New logo Along with the new logo, Google also released a new navigation menu that sits next to the Share and account info. The launcher, which looks just like the app launcher on Chrome OS, brings up an App grid with your favorite Google services. Actually, Google wanted to replace the top black navigati...

   Google logo,Chrome OS,App menu     2013-09-19 23:06:36

  Rebirth of Microsoft?

Only from the point of view of design and products, Microsoft may seem like an ongoing decline of the old giant: IE browser market share continues to drop, PC market continues to shrink where Windows depends on and tablet PC market gets rapid expansion, Windows Mobile, Windows phone perform not so well, even CEO Steve Ballmer is often ridiculed and accused. All these seem to indicate that Microsoft's golden era is over. But on the other hand, while its net profit for the past two years has ...

   Microsoft,Rebirth,change     2012-10-05 20:09:15

  What to Know About Windows 11

Windows 11 launched in October, with Microsoft bringing some changes to the operating system. It was the first name change in six years, and the rollout began on October 5. The rollout is being phased on eligible devices.  You can download it if you don’t want to wait for it to be your device’s turn.  Some businesses are opting to defer upgrades to Windows 11, as are some individuals. Others are excited to take advantage. The following are some things to know about impleme...

   MICROSOFT,WINDOWS 11     2021-12-06 10:41:04

  Microsoft announces new Microsoft Band

Microsoft just announced a new Microsoft Band on a new product release event held in New York today. This new device is the second generation of the smart wearable device since the first generation announced around 1 year back(29 October, 2014). The biggest change of the new Microsoft Band is that it has a whole new design with curved screen. It now can be better adept to our body structure. In addition to this, there are a few other features as well. Below is a list of the features this new Mi...

   MICROSOFT BAND 2,MICROSOFT     2015-10-06 09:51:41

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- rwm-map vs map

OpenLDAP proxy is used to proxy ldap request and response between clients and servers, different servers may have different representations/attributes to mean the same thing. For example, in one LDAP server, the firstName may be represented by firstName, it may be represented by givenName in a different server. However, from the client perspective, it only wants to get the firstName, it doesn't care about the backend attributes. In this case, attribute mapping can help provide a virtual view of ...


  Difference between sans-serif and serif font

When we design website, we will often need to choose which font to use while displaying contents on the page. Basically what's the criteria for the choice? There are two big families of fonts : sans-serif and serif. We need to first understand what the difference is between these two. The word sans is from French, the meaning of it is without. So the difference between sans-serif and serif is serif font will have lines in all ends of the character while sans-serif fonts don't have. Some examples...

   Sans-serif,Serif,French     2013-06-10 05:11:57