SEARCH KEYWORD -- Software design

  What is your opinion on WordPress hosting providers?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of websites around the world. According to data from, at least 64.2% of websites that have CMS use WordPress’s system. However, to run a WordPress website, you need a hosting provider that can support it. There are many hosting providers that offer specialized WordPress hosting. For example, they would provide seamless, one-click WordPress migrations, or dedicate a team of experts to address any WordPress-r...

   WORDPRESS,HOSTING PROVIDER     2023-02-27 06:45:29

  On testers and testing

Over the years, I’ve come to hold some strong. opinions on testing, testers and the entire business of quality assurance. Inspired by this post on Facebook’s testing, I wanted to write this down so I can point people to it. Some of this is controversial. In fact, even mentioning some of this in conversation has caused people to flip the bozo bit on me. Most product teams don’t need a separate testing role. And even if they do, the ratio of full time dev:full time te...

   Software tester,Testing,Development,Understanding     2012-01-08 10:00:49

  Java 9 release is delayed again

The original Java 9 planned release date is March 2017. But latest source shows that Java 9 release will be delayed again to July 2017. It's four months later than the planned date. Oracle Chief Architect of Java Platform group Mark Reinhold proposes this new release date in a message sent on the OpenJDK mailing list.  Despite this progress, at this point it's clear that Jigsaw needs more time. We recently received critical feedback that motivated a redesign of the module ...

   JAVA,RELEASE DATE,JAVA 9,JAVA 9 DELAY     2016-09-26 12:22:53

  Apps and web apps and the future

Dave Winer: Why apps are not the future: The great thing about the web is linking. I don’t care how ugly it looks and how pretty your app is, if I can’t link in and out of your world, it’s not even close to a replacement for the web. Let’s set aside one thing right away. The browser is an app. Text editors, outliners, and web servers are apps. And, without them, there’s no web at all. Somebody has to write these things. That implies APIs and more tools ...

   App,Web app,Future,Difference     2011-12-14 07:10:43

  Introducing an LMS? Here's How You Can Get Your Employees Excited About It

One of the best ways to keep employees engaged and motivated to perform well is to invest in their growth. Learning & development opportunities help employees grow their knowledge and become more efficient in their jobs. Implementing a Learning Management System(LMS) is the best way to provide L&D opportunities to your employees.  Finding the best LMS for your employee learning needs starts with listing down your priorities. What do you want to achieve with the help of the LMS? What...

   CAREER,LMS,DOCEBO     2021-05-02 06:58:29

  PHP to Objective C, where the f**k are parameters?

Javascript, PHP, Ruby functionsI assume you are very familiar with declaring functions in any of the languages above, if not, you should not be reading this. Let’s begin with a simple function to send email in these languages:// PHP or Javascript do_send_email (recipient, cc, subject, body); // Ruby do_send_email (recipient, cc, subject, body)So it’s clear by looking at the function’s signature that it takes 4 parameters and they could be optional, depends on your imple...

   Objective-C,PHP,JavaScript,Parameter,Function name     2012-01-16 09:46:09

  Seven Java projects that changed the world

O\'Reilly is celebrating the release of Java 7, and our inaugural OSCON Java conference: July 25-27 in Portland, Ore. Java\'s open source ecosystem is strong and healthy, one of the primary reasons for our creation of OSCON Java. Over the last decade, several projects have traveled beyond mere adoption and had effects dominating the Java world, into software development in general, and some even further into the daily lives of users. JUnit Ported to Java by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma from Be...

   Java,Projects,Prominent,Eclipse,Sue     2011-07-26 02:50:42

  Info -> Design -> Build

First who we are: account managers and business developers at web design agencies. This process is geared towards bigger agencies, however it can be applied to freelance and smaller shops in theory.The important piecesWeb design projects tend to be unique in nature, however it is important to have a basic process that can be applied in most cases. This process is executed in a linear fashion starting with information and ending in code, but requires iteration loops at each step.Information ...

   Webdesign,Content,Info,Design,Build,Process     2011-11-13 08:25:21

  How To Build A Site That Looks Great On Every Screen

The responsive design revolution is upon us. With tablet and smartphone use soaring and changing our media habits, Web publishers no longer have a choice but to build designs that work properly on any device or screen size.The hard-working Silicon Valley design firm ZURB has recently released version 2.0 of its responsive design boilerplate kit called Foundation, which is a fundamental framework for a one-size-fits all Web project.Foundation is a CSS and Javascript framework that comes with...

   Website,Design,Device,Screen,Adaptable,Mobile     2011-10-31 10:46:32

  Program Or Be Programmed

On Thursday night I gave a talk at NYU Poly and in the Q&A a young man asked me for advice for "those who aren't technical". I said he should try to get technical. The next morning I met with a bunch of Sloan Business School students doing a trek through NYC. A young woman asked me the same question. I gave her the same answer.I don't mean that everyone should become a software engineer. I do mean that everyone should understand software engineering (or whatever technical...

   Program,Technical,Basic knowledge     2011-11-10 10:31:02