Go Error Best Practice

Being indulged in Go for quite a while and having implemented web-related programs, grpc interfaces and Operators, I seem to be an advanced beginner now. However, I am still a raw hand in production-environmental debugging, which is cumbersome if done by querying logs or error messages. Imagine the scenario that a full-text search is called when the specific location of the error log is missing. Then what happens when those error logs are not only in one place? Yes, my error logs can no longer h...

   GO ERROR,ERROR HANDLING     2021-10-07 07:38:28

  What kind of automated testing does Facebook do?

We do several kinds of testing. Some specifics:For our PHP code, we have a suite of a few thousand test classes using the PHPUnit framework. They range in complexity from simple true unit tests to large-scale integration tests that hit our production backend services. The PHPUnit tests are run both by developers as part of their workflow and continuously by an automated test runner on dedicated hardware. Our developer tools automatically use code coverage data to run tests that cover the ...

   Facebook,Testing,PHP,Automated testing     2012-02-28 08:10:10

  What It’s Really Like to Work at Google

Google. It’s one of the most common household words in today’s modern society, and yet for a company that is used by most of us essentially as an algorithm, it tends to trigger a highly emotional response when overheard. It’s a dream job for college students nearing graduation, a highly coveted invitation to lunch by friends and colleagues who work near campus, and the bane of existence for those who produce content for the Internet. For several years, most of the publ...

   Google,Work,Life,Workplace     2012-01-18 08:19:00

  Pair Programming: The disadvantages of 100% pairing

I’ve written a lot of blog posts in the past about pair programming and the advantages that I’ve seen from using this technique but lately I find myself increasingly frustrated at the need to pair 100% of the time which happens on most teams I work on. From my experience it’s certainly useful as a coaching tool, as I’ve mentioned before I think it’s a very useful for increasing the amount of collaboration between team members and an excellent way for ensuring ...

   Software development,Paring,Disadvantage     2012-01-11 12:08:47

  Guide for installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox on Windows

Have you ever tried to have two OSs installed on your PC? Do you want to try out the new Ubuntu system? If you do want to use Ubuntu when at the same time you are using Windows, you may want to install your Ubuntu in an VirtualBox. In this post, we will show you how to install Ubuntu in VirtualBox on Windows. Pre-requisites VirtualBox -- You can download it from Oracle. Ubuntu -- You can download it from here. Please note it should be an ISO file The Ubuntu used in this post is Ubuntu 12.04 LT...

   Ubuntu,Windows,VirtualBox     2014-01-15 03:21:05

  Stop obsessing over HTML5 and CSS3

As web designers, we all seem obsessed by HTML5 and CSS3 at the moment. Endless posts, tutorials and discussion about them dominate the blogosphere. But how much are we learning that can be applied today? Don’t get me wrong. We all need to understand HTML5 and CSS3. And a lot of it can be used today. My point is that we seem to be spending a disproportionate about of time reading up on the subject when so many other areas deserve our attention. While others are reading yet another tut...

   Clients, Opinion, Web Designers     2011-06-24 00:55:06

  Silicon Valley won’t dominate the tech world forever

Yesterday  I published a piece about Newry in Northern Ireland, which is looking to help boost its economy by encouraging a startup ecosystem. A little later, a post entitled ‘You will not be the next Silicon Valley, please stop trying‘ appeared over on Pando Daily, in which the author decided pull a bunch of Irish stereotypes out of the bag to attack the idea. Now, I could detail everything that’s wrong with the article, but the comments there do a perfect job of rippi...

   Silicon Valley,Domination,Technology,Startup,Trend     2012-02-13 05:21:57

  The Windows 8.1 Update is here! What to Expect from it?

Windows has finally released the update for Windows phone, the Windows 8.1! Microsoft has finally released the version upgrade which has interesting enhancements. This may not seem like a major upgrade but it definitely looks interesting. This latest update has been released on the Lumia phones that were running using the 8.0 version. There is a lot to look forward to in this new update, and some of it will definitely feel interesting. Folders along Live Tiles For a long time, people were attrac...

   windows 8.1     2014-08-21 08:34:24

  Bionic Office

Well. That took rather longer than expected. We have, finally, moved, into the new Fog Creek office at 535 8th Avenue, officially ten months after I started pounding the pavement looking for a replacement for my grandmother's old brownstone where we spent our first few years, working from bedrooms and the garden. Most software managers know what good office space would be like, and they know they don't have it, and can't have it. Office space seems to be the one thing that nobody can get rig...

   Work place,Life,Office,Confortable     2012-01-18 09:00:55

  How to check whether a web page can be loaded in iframe

Sometimes you may want to load other website's page in your own website's iframe, but due to some security concerns, other website may have security configurations which prevent you from loading their pages into your iframe. In this case, if you try to load them, you would see a blank page or a text message telling that it's prohibited. Fortunately, you can detect this before you actually decide to load it. To prevent a page from being loaded by an iframe from other site, the response ...