Undoing Changes in Git: Working Directory, Staging Area, and Committed Changes

When working with Git, it's crucial to understand how to undo changes at different stages—whether in the working directory, the staging area, or after committing changes to the local repository. This guide walks you through the essential Git commands to effectively manage and revert changes, ensuring that your version control process is smooth and error-free. Modifying Files in the Working Directory but Not Yet Added to the Staging Area When you make changes to files in your working direct...

   GIT RESET,STAGING AREA,UNDO CHANGE     2024-08-11 08:53:34

  How to undo git changes?

When using git for version control, there is frequent need on undoing commits due to some unexpected changes. This post will introduce how to undo changes with git command in different cases. Undo commit A common undo case is that some commit needs to be reverted as the commit contains error. In this case, the code is already committed. The command to revert the commit is git revert HEAD This command will add new a commit to the existing head to undo the previous commit. It will not change the p...

   GIT,GIT RESET,GIT REVERT,GIT CHECKOUT     2019-12-28 02:21:47

  A handbook on the first day of joining a new internet company as BE engineer

When joining a new internet company, there might be lots of things need to be done to get ready for taking new challenges. These include both culture and tech preparation. in this post, we would focus on how to prepare the first day technically. The first thing to do is to get your laptop or your work machine up, these involves lots of tool setup and accesses. Normally there are three major task categories. Access As an engineer, there are lots of accesses needed to access different resources wi...

   TIPS,CAREER ADVICE,ONBOARDING     2021-12-11 21:32:10

  On Programming Deadlines

There are a lot of differences between programming, and programming professionally. The most notorious of which, is deadlines.DeadlinesWhen you're writing code for yourself, you can spend as much (or as little time) on it as you please--but when you're writing code for other people, you've got only a limited amount of time and resources to get the job done. In my experience, this typically leads to one of two situations:You've got to extend the deadline to finish the job properly.You've got to w...

   Programming,Deadline,Transparent,Test,TODO     2011-11-01 07:10:21

  QScrollArea Scrollbar Display Solution

Qt framework is a popular C++ GUI framework developed by Nokia. And it is also cross platform compatible. Many developers are using Qt to develop C++ GUI programs. In Qt, some important components are deserved our close attention. Many developers faced the problem when they put some widgets in a QScrollArea widget and they want it to display scroll bars when the widgets inside the QScrollArea overflows. After many experiments, I propose a way which can show scroll bars as you expected. The...

   C++,Qt,GUI,QScrollBar,ScrollBar,Not display,Solution     2012-03-03 07:48:36

  Mobile payment status quo in Singapore

Currently there are lots of mobile payment companies operating in Singapore, these players include GrabPay(a subsidiary of Grab), AliPay, WeChat Pay, Fave Pay, NETS Pay and some others. In some hawker centers, you can see QR code from different companies. This brings lots of benefits to users. But this introduces a big headache to consumers as they have to download different apps to use in different merchants. There is no dominating mobile payment company in Singapore though there are a few lead...

   SINGAPORE,GRAB,GRABPAY,ALIPAY     2019-02-27 07:19:49

  CSS box-shadow Can Slow Down Scrolling

Working on one of the Chromebooks Google lets you borrow on Virgin America flights, I noticed scrolling down the page on my dashboard was much slower than on my normal laptop. I chalked it up to weak Chromebook hardware, but other sites were scrolling just fine. box-shadow had caused slow scrolling on our search results page before, so I did some investigation.I used Chrome's Timeline tab to see the duration of paint events on the page. Before each test I forced a garbage collection a...

   CSS,box-shadow,performance,Timeline,Chromebook     2011-11-13 08:13:48

  Creativity requires isolation

How many times have you tried to get something done that needed some touch of originality and creativity and yet got that annoying mind block which is manifested by blank stares, scratching and biting on anything in reach? “all the damn time” I hear? As preconditions to be creative, one should know something well while having the utmost focus on it. Someone who knows little about aerodynamics can’t come up with the idea for next concord. And focus has two aspects: kno...

   Creativity,Isolation,Quiet,Paper,Pen     2011-11-28 09:33:57

  Stanford Computer Science '10-'11 Salary Survey Results

CS/EE UndergradsData: I received 140 responses which described 360 job offers. 95% of the job offers were primarily located in the Bay Area, 5% were from the Midwest and East Coast. 10% of the job offers were from start-ups.Salary offers ranged from $64,400 to $100,000. The average salary offer was $79,914. The median salary offer was $ 82,200.About 70% of students were offered stock options. About 80% of students were offered signing bonuses. And about 60% were offered relocation assistan...

   Stanford,Computer science,Salary,Survey     2011-12-25 00:54:41

  Mac shortcut key cheatsheet

More and more people are using Mac computers or switch from Windows or other OS to MacOS, there are lots of shortcut keys which can help improve the work efficiency or ease operations. This post will try to list some commonly used shortcut keys in Mac. But before that, let's first know some common keys on a Mac computer keyboard. There are four major function keys: Command, Control, Option and Shift. Most of the shortcut keys will combine the functional key and other key. Basic Command key is t...