Why I switched from Ruby back to C++

After two months of Sol Trader development in Ruby, I took a difficult decision last Wednesday morning: I’ve decided to rewrite the game code from scratch in C++. Let me explain my reasons. If you'd like to receive announcements about Sol Trader or be part of the beta program, sign up at Why I did it Slow frames: When working with Ruby, I use the excellent Gosu library to do all my game specific coding. This initially worked great, but occasionally I’d just...

   C++,Ruby,Advantage,Feature     2012-01-09 08:56:21

  Unknown system variable 'query_cache_size' in DbVisualizer while accessing MySQL

DbVisualizer is a very popular GUI application to view the data stored on a database. It supports various databases such as Oracle, MySQL etc. It relies on different database drivers to connect to the database server and access the data stored there.  In this post, we will try to solve one problem when accessing the latest MySQL database(8.0+) through DbVisualizer. MySQL database starting from 8.0 has lots of changes which may not be compatible with old version of software or libraries whic...


  Learn these technical skills within one day

It takes days and days reading books, practicing and involving in real project if you want to learn a programming language well. It's just like a marathon, you will get more if you can insist longer. During this long and boring period, there are always something you can learn within a short period of time, like within one day. These skills can bring your big satisfaction. Below are a list of technical skills which you can pick up within one single day, they are advocated by Jacob Jensen, a Googl...

   Technical skill     2014-06-12 09:33:15

  SkipList in Go

Algorithmic thinking is the must-have in the coding world, so I have been keeping the routine of algorithm practice every week, consolidating my knowledge of data structures on one hand, and improving my coding skills as well. A difficult one happened to be stuck in my mind- Implement SkipList with Go, which took me quite a weekend. Below is the front-line report of how I finally got the hang of it. First, from its concept. Wiki has explained it well. a skip list is a probab...

   GOLANG,SKIPLIST     2022-04-05 02:21:59

  Application vs Database Programming

A few years ago, I had a problem.  A database routine for processing bulk payments for LedgerSMB that was humming along in my test cases was failing when tested under load with real data prior to implementation.  Some testing showed that while it ran fine with small numbers of inputs, it eventually slowed way down as the number of inputs rose.  Andrew Sullivan, who was also on the project through a different company, suggested it was something called a "cache miss" because I...

   Application Programming,Database programming,Comparison,Difference     2012-03-04 12:08:35

  Android create button tutorial

This tutorial assumes that you already have an activity and are using an XML layout. Open the layout XML and add the button element.  Assign an ID with the “@+id” operator.  The + tells Android to generate an ID for this element so that you can reference it in your Java files. This is an example. Your layout and text elements will probably be very different. In this example case, the ID of the button is “close”. <Button android:id="@+id/close" android:lay...

   Android,Simulator,Button,XML,Tutorial     2014-11-07 08:30:10

  RAM is the new disk...

Jim Gray, a man who has contributed greatly to technology over the past 40 years, is credited with saying that memory is the new disk and disk is the new tape. With the proliferation of "real-time" web applications and systems that require massive scalability, how are hardware and software relating to this meme? Tim Bray, in his discussions about grid computing before it became such a hot topic, pointed out how advances in hardware around RAM and networking were allowing for the creation...

   RAM,Flash,Memory,,Future,Disk     2011-08-12 07:34:27

  Do you really understand Geolocation?

LBS(Location based service) services continue to emerge, it seems that every product has some relationship with maps. But to be honest, do you really understand what is Geolocation? Not necessarily. Although lots of products have LBS service, they can be categorized as sign, search, navigation and information display, these are functional features of the map as a software should have. However, Geolocation is not software, it is just a functional feature, a functional feature of all LBS applicat...

   geolocation,app,significance     2012-10-22 12:11:41


What should a ‘cache’ be? It means a lot of things, but to my mind the default programming type should be: “keep around expensive-to-generate bits of read-only data in case we need them again, or until the computer really needs that RAM for something else” I was writing a custom video editing program in Python (interesting choice of language for that problem) and I wanted to cache decoded frames; but I just wasn’t happy with the memory management of explici...

   Buffer,Cache,Web browser,Memory,RAM     2012-02-24 05:10:10

  Building the new AJAX mail UI part 2: Better than templates, building highly dynamic web pages

This is part 2 of a series of technical posts documenting some of the interesting work and technologies we’ve used to power the new interface (see also part 1, Instant notifications of new emails via eventsource/server-sent events). Regular users can skip these posts, but we hope technical users find them interesting. As dynamic websites constructed entirely on the client side become de rigueur, there are a number of templating languages battling it out to become the One True Wayâ„...

   Web design,Dynamic,Ajax,UI     2012-02-21 05:32:29