Coming up Next for JavaScript Web Apps Is Next.Js 3

Are wondering who is going to be the next PHP of the internet; except JavaScript. Next.js is all set to bring the PHP experience to JavaScript with its latest version. As the technology continues to be considered as a “win” amongst a number of developers across the globe, professionals are trying to improve it as much as they can. Because of its minimalist approach to server-rendered apps, this highly customizable framework can be recommendable for beginners as well as experienced pr...

   NEXT.JS3,JAVASCRIPT     2017-11-20 23:43:38

  Regular expression to get html meta description

When we need to process a HTML page source code, we often need to retrieve the meta description of the page besides the links in the page. This description is usually located in <meta> tag of a HTML page. The meta description is very useful for search engine index. How can we retrieve the meta description? If we use a regular expression, we can easily get the meta description. In JavaScript, the regular expression looks like : var pattern = /<meta.*?name="description".*?content="(.*?)"....

   Regular expression,meta description,HTML,JavaScript     2012-07-03 10:09:20

  Java SynchronizedList and Iterator

While reading some material about concurrency, I come up with some writing about using SynchronizedList wrap about normal List to enable synchronization.   But one interesting thing is   It says     It is imperative that the user manually synchronize on the returned list when iterating over it:     1   List list = Collections.synchronizedList(new A...

       2015-12-03 03:04:08

  Microsoft is to promote 80-inch Win8 Tablet PC

Microsoft VP Frank Shaw told Wired that Microsoft is going to offer 80-Inch Windows 8 Tablets PC. He said that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has one such tablet PC, “Steve Ballmer has an 80-inch Windows 8 tablet in his office. He’s got rid of his phone, he’s got rid of his note paper. It’s touch-enabled and it’s hung on his wall.”He mentioned the display screen of the 80-inch Windows 8 tablet PC will not be made by Sharp. Earlier this year, at the CES in Las...

   tablet pc,Window 8,80-inch,Microsoft     2012-05-28 06:05:33

  My ten development principles

After several years developing software, I have acquired a very a strong opinion on how software should be developed, I actually have come to the conclusion that everything boils down to 10 principles, that if well implemented, will make any software development successful. 1.- Customer first. “If we don’t take care of the customer… somebody else will.” Customer first means focusing from a customer perspective on real value for the product being developed,...

   Principle,Software,Development,Communica     2011-08-15 07:28:55

  Huateng Ma becomes the richest person in China

On 22 July, Licai Zhoubao, a famous wealth management media in China, released a ranking about Chinese most richest people. In this ranking, Tencent CEO, Huateng Ma for the first time becomes the richest person in China with 46.7 billion RMB(around  $7.6 billion), his wealth was 35.4 billion RMB(around $5.76 billion) last year. That means his wealth increases 11.3 billion RMB($1.84 billion) in one year. In 2012, Tencent Corp had a revenue of 43.9 billion RMB(around $7.15 billion), which inc...

   Tencent,WeChat,Huateng Ma     2013-07-22 08:55:13

  Who’s the winner: Python vs. Java, C/C++?

If there is one debate that never dies in the language community then it is this: Who’s the winner: Python Vs Java, C/C++. Obviously each has its own pros and cons, but in which language do the pros outnumber the cons or which language has better cons than others! For some it just comes down to familiarity, they like what they like!   The Numbers  But as far as the rest of the language world goes, the debate is still out there. By last count, Java, C and C++ were still winning. A...

   JAVA,INDIA,DEVELOPERS     2017-09-11 00:38:25

  Google may integrate Chrome OS and Android to build Google OS

A few days ago Google announced Andy Rubin would not in charge of Android anymore and Sundar Pichai would take over Andy Rubin's position. This triggers many guesses on the future direction of the Chrome OS and Android operating system.According to Digitimes, Google is likely to integrate the Chrome OS and Android to build an unified Google OS. But to challenge Windows in the global notebook market, this new system may be in a difficult time in next 1 or 2 years.Google and Acer have indicated b...

   Google OS,Sundar Pichai     2013-03-16 23:55:24

  Top 10 Go Coding Traps and Tips

Go is currently the most common programming language in cloud development. Though I use it very much in my work, I am still repeating certain mistakes. This article is more a record of these errors, figuring out the causes and solutions so that people who read this article will save themselves time when coming across the same problems. Let’s cut through to the tips. Don’t rely on index var in the for loop The most common mistake we make is that we often create goroutine&nbs...

   TIPS,GOLANG,NIL INTERFACE     2021-07-03 23:45:51

  Unicode over 60 percent of the web

Computers store every piece of text using a “character encoding,” which gives a number to each character. For example, the byte 61 stands for ‘a’ and 62 stands for ‘b’ in the ASCII encoding, which was launched in 1963. Before the web, computer systems were siloed, and there were hundreds of different encodings. Depending on the encoding, C1 could mean any of ¡, Ё, Ä„, Ħ, ‘, ”, or parts of thousands of characters, from æ to å...

   Unicode,Encoding,Website,Percentage,Statustic     2012-02-07 06:19:34