SEARCH KEYWORD -- Response web design

  Microsoft wakes up to Open Source … in a big way!

Contrary to popular belief, Microsoft loves open-source. No, really! Don’t believe me? Read on: Today, Microsoft announced that it is open-sourcing all of its flagship web/cloud platform: ASP.NET MVC Web Pages (aka Razor), Web API. Importantly … these projects will be publicly hosted and that the team will continue development in the open (you’ll be able to view the repository and see the code commits as they happen) and that Microsoft will even cons...

   Oepn source,Microsoft,Ruby     2012-04-01 04:23:42

  Unfortunate Python

Python is a wonderful language, but some parts should really have bright WARNING signs all over them. There are features that just can't be used safely and others are that are useful but people tend to use in the wrong ways. This is a rough transcript of the talk I gave at my local Python group on November 15, with some of the audience feed back mixed in. Most of this came from hanging around the Python IRC channel, something I highly recommend. [update 2011-12-19: improved "array" cr...

   Python,Defects,Deprecated methods,Warning     2011-12-20 08:27:36

  Why Apple Mac switches its CPU? The war between Intel and ARM

About three months ago, the new iPad Pro was released and it supports touch pad and mouse. It conveys a clear message to users that they want people to treat iPad Pro as a laptop.  As we know, iPad and iPhone are both using iOS, if iOS can run on laptop,  it means MacOS and iOS can merge and become a unified OS. And if Mac and iPhone can share the same OS, it means the same app can run in all places. It is becoming clearer and clearer that Apple is planning to do this exact thing. Late...

   APPLE,INTEL,ARM,WWDC,A14     2020-06-20 00:19:02

  Load and execute JavaScript

When we load and execute JavaScript in a webpage, there are many points we need to care about because of its design and feature. There are two features about JavaScript execution in a browser: 1). The JavaScript codes will be executed immediately once loaded;2). When JavaScript codes are being executed, they will block the following contents (including page rendering and other resources downloading). So if there are multiple js files to be loaded, these codes will be executed sequentially. Since...

   JavaScript,async,defer,load,execute     2013-06-07 04:53:46

  Designing Great API Docs

Writing documentation is one of those things that is dreaded by many developers. It takes a lot of effort and time to get right. And too often, people take shortcuts. This is sad, because well designed documentation is the key to getting people excited about your project, whether it's open source or a developer focused product. In fact, I argue that the most important piece of UX for a developer product isn't the homepage or the sign up process or the SDK download. It's the API documentati...

   API docs,Design API docs,Advice     2012-03-09 23:15:00

  Steve Jobs's prediction about wireless,iPad and App Store in 1983

1983 was still a year uncultivated. That year, Apple released the first personal computer Apple Lisa with graphical user interface in the world, TCP/IP was released less than two years, the Internet was basically still a wasteland. General people had few knowledge about computer. Steve Jobs still needed to start with "What is the computer" in his speech. Today, we have become accustomed to social networking, smart phones and mobile Internet, it was really unbelievable at that time. That ye...

   Steve Jobs, record,Apple,prediction     2012-10-03 04:37:17

  Cleansing data with Pig and storing JSON format to HBase with Pig UDF

Introduction This post will explain you the way to clean data and store JSON format to HBase. Hadoop architect experts also explain Apache Pig and its advantages in Hadoop in this post. Read more and find out how they do it. This post contains steps to do some basic clean the duplication data and convert the data to JSON format to store to HBase. Actually, we have some built-in lib to parse JSON in Pig but it is important to manipulate the JSON data in Java code before store to HBase. Apache Pig...


  Your Code is My Hell

It occurred to me recently that my experience as a Rails developer may be somewhat unique.I often get brought in to help preexisting Ruby/Rails projects evolve and mature in a sustainable way. As a result, the vast majority of Ruby projects I’ve worked on have been well-established by the time I arrived. In fact, offhand I can only think of one commercial greenfield Ruby project I’ve participated in. All the rest have been “legacy” from my perspective, in the ...

   Code style,Clean code,Code paradigm     2011-09-15 08:39:16

  Be cautious before deciding to use ReactJS in your product

ReactJS is an open source JavaScript library used for writing user interfaces. It revamps the way developers write web applications. More and more front end developers start to use this Facebook crafted library in their products or projects nowadays. However, although ReactJS is an open source library under BSD license, it doesn't mean there is no risk to freely adopts it in your products. If you are building or plain to build some products which may compete with Facebook or its subsid...

   JAVASCRIPT,FACEBOOK,REACTJS,VUE     2016-07-16 20:43:16

  5 reasons on why local businesses need a website

Having a website for a local business is not a matter of doubt – this is what the market demands. Customers turn to the web practically all the time, so you can be sure that when they need a specific product or service, the internet will serve as their first choice. Moreover, having a website will allow every business to expand their operation and deliver their product to a wider market, effectively competing against other providers. Here are 5 key reasons on why any business should be set...

   small business, company website     2015-03-30 06:35:54