SEARCH KEYWORD -- Response web design

  Ways to make elements in HTML center aligned horizontally

In our daily HTML design,  it is an easy job to horizontally center align an element with known width. <div class="element">I am<a href="" target="_blank" rel="external" title=""> bug </a>!</div>  .element{width:960px;margin:0 auto;}  The above codes set the width of the div block and horizontally center align it. It's very easy to implement. However, if we have some elements we don;t know their width and we still want to...

   HTML,CSS,Center align,Unknown width     2012-07-11 12:55:00

  Bill Gates : Ctrl+Alt+Del was a mistake

Microsoft chairman Bill Gates admitted that Ctrl+Alt+Del command was a mistake when he was in a fund raising campaign at Harvard University last week. This command was initially designed to reboot the system. David Rubenstein, the Harvard fund raising campaign chairman, asked Bill Gates : "Why when I turn on my software or computer do I need to have my three fingers to press control,alt and delete? Whose idea was that?" The answer given by Bill Gates is : "Basically because when you turn your co...

   Bill Gates,Ctrl-Alt-Del,Mistake     2013-09-26 23:28:37

  6 Reasons Why Devs Should Learn Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails has during the last ten years become an increasingly popular framework for web app development. The current shaky economy and rapidly changing tech environment requires the art of app building to be faster and more cost-effective. That's why becoming fluent in Rails might be a great way for developers to expand their knowledge, which can land them a number of great jobs or interesting projects, as well as grant access to a thriving community. Let's start with the basics – wha...

   Ruby on Rails,Advantage     2014-07-25 10:56:29

  Create rounded corner buttons in photoshop using gradient

Hi People,I should rather call you photoshop lovers, right ? We are going to create a very simply yet eye catching but sober buttons in photoshop. They are simple light in weight and can be used the way you want. You can also add some glossy look if you wish to. But these days not many people like website with those glossy looks. Here is the final output which you will get after reading this tutorial.However many web-developers, webmasters, designers do not like to use images as buttons, but the...

   PhotoShop,Rounded button,Design,Gradient     2011-10-10 14:04:33

  Use DTrace to diagnose gdb issues

A few days ago, I installed the newest 64-bit gdb program (version 7.7.1) on Solaris 10 (X86_64 platform) to debug programs. After playing with the gdb a day, I found 2 issues about gdb:(1) The "set follow-fork-mode child" command doesn't take effect. By default, after the parent process forks the child process, the gdb will track the parent process, so this command can make gdb begin to follow the child process. But this command works OK on Linux.(2) The gdb can't parse the 32-bit application c...

   DTrace, debug, gdb, UNIX     2014-06-28 05:11:20

  Design Trends That Can Help You Boost Ecommerce Sales

Since the beginning of 2016, a considerable growth in the eCommerce sector has been experienced across the globe. There are certain trends that were accepted globally but as liking, preferences and monetary conditions of people vary from region to region, we can say that different places have their own trends when it comes to Ecommerce software solutions. In this blog we have brought to you some of the most significant eCommerce design trends that are lingering around the development world.&nbs...


  Breaking Barriers: How 3D Printing is Democratizing Product Development

Innovation has always been the cornerstone of progress, driving societies forward and shaping our future. However, for many years, the realm of product development and manufacturing was largely restricted to big corporations with hefty budgets and access to specialized resources. This created a barrier for individuals and small businesses aspiring to bring their ideas to life. Fortunately, the advent of 3D printing technology has shattered these barriers, democratizing product development and op...

   UV PRINTING,3D PRINTING     2024-03-05 08:15:32

  Jackie the smart quadcopter to launch at Robotics Week

Flying security camera synced to smartphone kicks off Kickstarter campaign Entrepreneurs and robotics graduate students Jackie Wu and Ritwik Ummalaneni, in Northwestern University’s Master’s in Robotics program, are launching their new product, Jackie, during the National Robotics Week. The flying security camera quadcopter syncs straight to a smartphone, and is the next evolution in home security platforms that consumers have been waiting for. Jackie’s intuitive and easy co...

   Startup,Quadcopter,Security camera,Jackie Wu     2015-04-05 20:56:11

  Let browser prompt for storing password when doing AJAX login

In Web 2.0 era, more and more web applications are using AJAX to replace the traditional HTML form element to perform user login. This usually provides a better user experience than form submission. But it also brings a side effect to the end users. That is the browser will not prompt the user whether s/he wants to save the password so that s/he no needs to enter the username/password again when visiting the same site next time. Below is the code snippet which does the AJAX login.  <scri...

   AJAX,Browser,Login,Password     2015-06-04 10:02:46

  iPhone 7 may come with following new features

There are all kinds of news that iPhone 7 will be released in the coming September. Now the news seems to be convincing. On 26 August, a Sina Weibo(China's Twitter) user @POPPUR posted an weibo which says that China Telecom, one of the largest telecom vendors in China, has opened the pre-order of iPhone 7. Along with this, a few new features of iPhone 7 are also released. On the photo uploaded, there are a few new features of iPhone 7 displayed. They are : Waterproof No headphone jack Wireless...

   NEW FEATURE,NEWS,IPHONE 7,CHINA TELECOM     2016-08-27 03:50:41