SEARCH KEYWORD -- Response web design

  Huawei phone with HarmonyOS installed is becoming real

In past few days, there is a photo of a Huawei phone with HarmonyOS installed appearing on the web. This is an engineering testing phone circulating inside Huawei according to the source.  This is the first time that a real phone with Huawei's own operating system HarmonyOS installed is being seen on the web. This indicates that it will not be that far for general public to be able to access the new Huawei self developed OS. From the photo, there are a few indications: This phone sample s...

   HUAWEI,HARMONYOS,P40     2020-05-19 08:23:48

  Google launched new Chromebook in cooperation with Samsung

According to report from technology blog GigaOm, Google and its partner Samsung launched a new Chromebook and Chromebox yesterday, mainly targeting at education and corporation market.New Chromebook looks like any other 12.1 inch computer, while Chromebox is a mini PC that can be connected to peripherals such as keyboard, mouse and monitor, just like Apple’s Mac Mini. Currently prices for Chromebook and Chromebox are $499 and $329 respectively.They both are equipped with Intel Core proces...

   Google,Chromebook,Samsung     2012-05-30 04:58:28

  The Singular Secret of the Rockstar Programmer

Before all the laws of software, before the purpose of software, before the science of software design itself, there is a singular fact that determines the success or failure of a software developer. This fact makes the difference between the senior engineer who can seem to pick up new languages in a day and the junior developer who struggles for ten years just to get a paycheck, programming other people’s designs and never improving enough to get a promotion. It differentiates the poor...

   Programming,Tip,Great developer,Rockstar     2011-08-07 23:42:09

  Scala, Patterns and The Perl Effect

He tried to understand that one concept for a couple of months before it made sense to him. Admittedly, partial functions are not intuitive for anyone who has been schooled in traditional programming, but still, looking at the problem he was trying to solve it seemed like James was required to expend too much effort relative to the simplicity of the problem (as he pointed out, now that he understands the concept it seems straightforward). He showed me the code, and it was basically a situa...

   Scala,Perl,Pattern,Partial function,Template     2011-12-21 09:25:41

  The First Bite on etcd Code

Etcd, one of the crucial components of Kubernetes. If APIServer is the heart, then etcd is the blood vessel that sends the end state of Kubernetes resources to various “organs”, providing high-speed, stable storage, and supporting APIServer’s high load performance. What if the etcd is not working properly? Just the condition as someone has a vascular disease. The deeper you know about them, the better diagnose you can make when issues occur. from unspl...

   SOURCE CODE,ETCD     2022-02-12 01:03:14

  List of Web Safe Fonts

Here is the list of websafe fonts that I use in my own personal web development. Websafe (or "web safe", "safe for the web") fonts are supposedly fonts that are common among all versions of Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. Fonts that you expect everyone viewing your webpage to have. Please contact me if you know of any other web-safe fonts that should be added to this list. These font names are in typical font-family CSS format, in other words (first choice font), (second choice fon...

   Web,Font,Safe font,Font list,CSS,Font fa     2011-10-01 04:48:03

  Microsoft launched Office Store

Microsoft launched Office Store, with the intention to build an application platform for Office. The Office Store, is an Office application platform that allows third-party developers to build Office-related applications, used to enhance the functionality and usability of the Office.Microsoft Office product manager, said: "The launch of the Office Store based on three considerations: integration, simplicity and developer opportunity. Integration refers to that we hope to help users bring some we...

   Microsoft Office,Office Store     2012-08-07 13:46:02

  On Programming Deadlines

There are a lot of differences between programming, and programming professionally. The most notorious of which, is deadlines.DeadlinesWhen you're writing code for yourself, you can spend as much (or as little time) on it as you please--but when you're writing code for other people, you've got only a limited amount of time and resources to get the job done. In my experience, this typically leads to one of two situations:You've got to extend the deadline to finish the job properly.You've got to w...

   Programming,Deadline,Transparent,Test,TODO     2011-11-01 07:10:21

  6 Most Effective Methods to Code HTML and CSS

IntroductionJust few weeks ago, I have resigned as a "full on" web developer (frontend, backend, server admin and misc) and moved on to become a pure frontend developer (yay)! It is a really exciting change, as you might know frontend developer role didn't exist few years ago. Thanks to the introduction of HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript framework, frontend development has to be separated from backend due to its complexity, and I think I'm trained to fit in that gap nicely.For many years, I've equipp...

   html,CSS,Style,Design,Pattern     2011-05-26 10:42:21

  CSS Animation vs. JavaScript: Which One Is Better?

You know that there are two ways of creating animations on the web: with CSS and JavaScript. And, their selection completely depends on the dependencies of the project. But many web developers hold a wrong perception that CSS is the only way of creating the animations. In fact, CSS has established as the most pampered system of the web development industry and most of the developers recommend it because it is mobile-friendly and powerful system. No doubt CSS is good, but JavaScript is the best....

   CSS animation, JS animation     2015-07-24 02:45:01