SEARCH KEYWORD -- Reference counting

  Top 8 website operation laws

As a website operator, in addition to have some necessary professional knowledge to master a website, such as prototype planning, interaction design, SEO, as well as basic html code, you should also know more about some of the theories which are good for site operations to ensure that the site can be long-term, stable. 1. Law of 250 Girard thinks every person knows at least 250 people. If you win the goodwill of a customer, it means you win the goodwill of 250 individuals; Conversely, if you off...

   Website management,Rules     2012-09-13 20:55:50

  New function signal.NotifyContext in GoLang 1.16

os/signal package in GoLang may not be frequently used but it provides some good features like Shutdown() which can be used to gracefully shutdown a running HTTP server. func (srv *Server) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error With this function, there is no need to use third party library to gracefully shutdown HTTP server. How is it being used? package main import ( "context" "fmt" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "time" ) func main() { server := http.Server{ Addr: ":8080", } http.Handl...


  passing parameters to XMLHttpRequest’s onreadystatechange function

I’ve been smashing my head against this all day – but I finally got something working consistently and reliable, so I better damn well document it. This is as good a place as any, and hopefully it will be useful to others.I needed to make an Ajax call, so I turned to my good friend XMLHttpRequest. One wrinkle was that I needed to pass in a parameter to it… so I tried:var test = "bar"; req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", myURL, true); = test; req.onreadystatech...

   JavaScript,AJAX,XMLHttpRequest,parameter,onreadystatechange     2011-10-09 01:32:09

  try { return } finally {}

Do you know what value will be printed when following program is ran? class Test { public int aaa() { int x = 1; try { return ++x; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { ++x; } return x; } public static void main(String[] args) { Test t = new Test(); int y =; System.out.println(y); } } And before answering the above question, do you have answers to following questions? If ther...

   JAVA,JAVA INTERVIEW QUESTION     2016-09-26 08:06:28

  4 Things Every Great Online Teacher Knows

Virtual classrooms have become the new norm for education during the pandemic. Teachers from every school have to adjust to this new reality to ensure students keep learning even in the absence of a physical classroom setup.  Thankfully, there are various digital solutions to help teachers conduct online classes without much hassle. One such tool that has revolutionized the online learning market is a Learning Management System (LMS). For schools, the in-house learning management department...

   EDUCATION,ELEARNING,ILEARNING     2021-02-12 03:23:43

  Check out Google Reader substitutes

It's only a few hours left that Google Reader will be shut down Since Google decides to decommission such a good product, many people are disappointed about Google. The gene of Google is completely different from Facebook, The strategy of promoting Google+ everywhere is becoming a bit offensive. As a heavy user of Google Reader, people have to start looking for an alternative, Below we give a comparison of different Google Reader substitutes. And we compare them with following parameters: Lload...

   RSS reader,Google Reader,Feedly     2013-06-30 08:46:42

  Why Python is important for you

I believe that Python is important for software development. While there are more powerful languages (e.g. Lisp), faster languages (e.g. C), more used languages (e.g. Java), and weirder languages (e.g. Haskell), Python gets a lot of different things right, and right in a combination that no other language I know of has done so far. It recognises that you’ll spend a lot more time reading code than writing it, and focuses on guiding developers to write readable code. It’s possible to...

   Python,Importance,Paradigm     2012-02-12 04:49:09

  Top 10 WhatsApp Tips & Tricks To Try in 2017

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} Normal 0 false false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE

       2017-02-01 03:14:42

  Should we use Abstract class or Interface?

When we write programs, we may often get into a situation where we don't know whether we should use Abstract class or Interface when we want to define an abstract object. These two are very similar and they are interchangeable in many cases. On Stackoverflow, this question is asked lots of times and it's related to many programming languages. Also in the official documentation of PHP regarding the Abstract class and Interface, people are arguing about this. To understand this question, their dif...


  6 necessary WordPress plugins for personal blogs

WordPress is now adopted by most bloggers, it has various themes and powerful plugins. There are lots of amazing plugins can be chosen such as spam comment filers and sitemap generators. For novice WordPress users, you may be confused about which plugin to choose, here we share with you 6 necessary WordPress plugins. Akismet Akismet is a built-in WordPress comment plugin. It checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not and lets you review the spam it ...

   WordPress plugin,Comment,Sitemap     2013-08-05 03:18:40