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  PHP: a fractal of bad design

Preface I’m cranky. I complain about a lot of things. There’s a lot in the world of technology I don’t like, and that’s really to be expected—programming is a hilariously young discipline, and none of us have the slightest clue what we’re doing. Combine with Sturgeon’s Law, and I have a lifetime’s worth of stuff to gripe about. This is not the same. PHP is not merely awkward to use, or ill-suited for what I want, or suboptimal, or...

   PHP,Design,Analysis     2012-04-11 13:46:57

  Nokia is still alive and lives a good life indeed

1 Do you believe that Nokia, which you thought had gone bankrupt, not only survived but is still one of the world's most profitable technology companies, making trillions of dollars in profit every year? In 2022, Nokia's annual revenue reached 24.9 billion euros. Its net profit of 4.25 billion euros also hit a new high in nearly a decade. Moreover, as early as 2017, it quietly returned to the Fortune Global 500. In the telecommunications field, it is the world's third-largest telecommunications...

   5G,APPLE,NOKIA     2023-03-11 22:49:36

  Example on integrating TypeScript with Webpack

TypeScript is now a very popular language to create typed JavaScript code to reduce development error. It provides a type system on top of JavaScript which has only a weak type system. Once the TypeScript code is developed, it can be compiled into corresponding JavaScript so that they can be loaded and parsed by browser. Webpack is another tool for bundling multiple JS files into a single one so that no multiple connections to be established between browser and server. when a page is loaded This...


  Is Toutiao taking general content creators seirously?

Tiktok is now very popular among the Z-generation around the world. This is an app created by the Chinese company ByteDance. In China, the Chinese version of Tiktok called Douyin is not the only popular app created by ByteDance, there are a few other apps created by ByteDance are also popular such as Jinri Toutiao, a news app famous for its recommendation algorithm similar to Tiktok, also Huoshan Video, another video app similar to YouTube. This Toutiao app encourages general people to create co...


  Why (offset, limit) is slow in database select?

Starting from a problem Five years ago when I was working at Tencent, I found that MySQL request speed was very slow in the pagination scenario. With only 100,000 data, a select query on a single machine took about 2-3 seconds. I asked my mentor why, and he asked in return, "In an indexing scenario, what is the time complexity to get the nth largest number in MySQL?" The pursuit of the answer Confirming the scenario Assuming there is an index on the "status" column, a query like "select * from t...

   SLOW,LIMIT,OFFSET,MYSQL     2023-03-12 05:21:02

  First impression of Github Copilot

It has been some time since I heard about the new generation of AI powered coding assistant -- Github Copilot. Don't get chance to experience it until obtained the tech preview access recently. So this post will document some first impression while using it. For now, this tool is only supported in VSCode and it can support various different programming languages. To enable it, just need to search and install the Github Copilot extension within VSCode. Once that is enabled, you will find that whe...

   GITHUB COPILOT,FIRST IMPRESSION     2021-08-13 22:45:31