Remove browse button from input type=file

In Web 2.0 era, many websites will ask the user to upload their avatar when creating their profile. In HTML, the input control we should use is input="file". This is a file control provided by the browser vendor and it should be ran in a sandbox for security consideration. Browsers don't provide ways to choose file from local and upload to the remote server without the input="file" control.  There is one annoying part about the input="file", which is a default button named "Choose File" or...

   file,html,browse,remove browse button     2015-07-12 05:17:51

  Install and remote access phpMyAdmin on CentOS

phpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a Web browser. It can perform various tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing users and permissions.Today I walk through you the steps to install phpMyAdmin on CentOS. Actually, these steps are applicable to other Linux systems as well. 1. Download the phpMyAdmin from Run command:wge...

   phpMyAdmin,linux,installation,demo     2012-06-21 07:30:29

  How Cloud Computing is changing the Face of Business

The world of information is getting bigger and bigger and so does the need for cloud computing is felt broadly across various industries and platforms. The ever growing popularity and adoption are due to the fact that cloud computing is efficient, reliable and secure than any other business model. However, the way cloud computing is adopted across different enterprises may vary. How cloud computing has been adopted worldwide by companies- let us have a look at few statistics that would blow you...


  Linux Clock : CST,UTC and NTP setup

1. There is an option when you set up clock on installing Linux: system clock users UTC, so what does UTC mean? It's Universal Time Coordinated(UTC), there are two different times in GPS system: one is UTC , the other one is LT(Local Time). The difference between these two is just the timezone difference, UTC is the time in timezone 0. If the local time in Beijing is 8 o'clock in the morning, then UTC time is 0 o'clock, which is a 8 hour difference. 2. In Linux, when we use date to check the tim...

   Linux,Clock,UTC     2013-03-21 12:19:30

  Marissa Mayer has something to say about work from home

A few months ago Yahoo started to prohibit employees working from home. This controversial decision attracts many arguments about work from home. Previously we published one article Silicon Valley engineers have something to say about work from home. Now the key person behind this prohibition expresses her opinion about this. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer responded to the policy of prohibiting working from home the first time on Thursday. She said that when people were working together they could be m...

   Work from home,Yahoo, Marissa Mayer     2013-04-19 22:54:44

  How to praise yourself in resume

When finding a job, we first need to send our CV and resume to the employer. Among many candidates, how do we make our resume prominent and noticed by the employer. We need some impressive information. We can praise ourselves in the resume so that the employer can have a good impression on me. Here we summarized a list about how to praise ourselves in our resume.Mature, dynamic and honest.Excellent, ability of systematical management.Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful.A person...

   Resume,Career,Job,Content     2012-06-09 00:27:14

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Installation and configuration

After understanding what the configuration would be for an OpenLDAP proxy, it's time to explain the installation of OpenLDAP proxy and how to make it run. In this post, we will cover how to install OpenLDAP proxy both locally and using docker. Local installation The installation is quite easy, there are a few packages to be installed including the ldap server, ldap client and some utilities. Below steps are for CentOS, the instructions for other platforms should be similar with minor differ...


  10 notorious computer virus

The history of computer virus is the same as computer history. With more and more powerful computers, virus also are smarter and harder to be detected and killed. They have big impact on data security and system usability. We introduce 10 notorious computer virus in the history. 1. Creeper In 1971, the Creeper virus, an experimental self-replicating program, is written by Bob Thomas at BBN Technologies. Creeper infected DEC PDP-10 computers running the TENEX operating sy...

   Computer virus,History,Security     2013-07-16 21:09:22

  The worst part working at Google

Google is rated as the best employer to work for in last few years. This is because Google provides not only flexible working environment but also attractive welfare. For the benefits of working at Google, you can find many posts online. However, is there any bad part to work at Google? The answer is YES. There is no perfect company in the world, there are also bad parts working at Google.  The worst part of working at Google, for many people is that they're overqualified for their job. Goo...

   Google,Bad part     2013-10-24 22:10:37

  How to check why Vim is slow

On *nix, some processes may not be able to start up, software runs very slowly suddenly and software's "Segment Fault" are some issues faced by many *nix users. Here we show you how to use truss to trace why Vim becomes slow suddenly. Operating system : FreeBSD-5.2.1-releas vim version is 6.2.154, after typing vim on command line, sometimes we need to wait for a few minutes to get into the edit interface and there is no error output. After carefully checking .vimrc and all vim settings, there ar...

   vim, truss, linux     2012-11-26 11:54:35