Build a Kubectl Plugin from Scratch

by author The command-line tool kubectl is indispensable when using Kubernetes. You need it to query related Pod and Service information both in developing or performing some maintenance operations, such as events, scale, rolling update, etc. However, when using kubectl, there are many inconveniences. Though Kubernetes is officially maintaining kubectl¹, and you can submit the problems, improvement, and even PR in its Github Issues, you still have to wait long before its release. The m...

   KUBENETES,KUBECTL,PLUGIN,GOLANG     2020-12-02 03:43:16

  Understanding JavaScript closure and where it can be used

Closure The official definition of closure is: an expression (usually a function) that has many variables and is bound to an environment that includes those variables. In JavaScript, closure refers to the ability of a function to access the lexical scope in which it was defined, even after the function has been executed and left that scope. This ability is due to the fact that when a function is created, it generates a closure that includes a reference to the definition environment of the curr...

   CLOSURE,JAVASCRIPT,USAGE     2023-03-05 02:17:08

  JavaScript finite state machine

Finite state machine is a very useful design model, it can be used to simulate many events in the world. In short, finite state machine has three features: Number of states is finite At any moment, one object can only be in one state In some condition, it will transfer from one state to another state In JavaScript, finite state machine can be applied in many places. For example, one menu element on a webpage. When the mouse hovers on the menu, the menu will show up, while the mouse moves away...

   JavaScript,Finite state machine,State     2013-09-02 11:00:57

  Top 7 M-Commerce Trends to Pay Attention in 2018

Ever since eCommerce came to mobile, new technologies have been providing an advanced shopping experience to the users. Every year new concepts are introducing in the industry to improve the ways users are shopping through smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Pieces of evidence advocate that more than 80% of buyers prefer using smartphones than computers to search products, compare prices and, locate stores. According to Statista, m-commerce revenue is forecasted to reach $669 b...


  When can Chinese buy fresh food online?

Farmigo is an online agricultural marketing platform. Farmers can post their own products, people can directly purchase their favorite ingredients on it. Farmigo promises that fresh ingredients will be sent to the designated location within 48 hours, but the price is 20-30% cheaper than the supermarket.In other words, Farmigo itself does not sell agricultural products, it just plays a platform intermediary role. Their advantages to attract consumers are fresh ingredients supply, home delivery a...

   Agriculture, Online sales, B2B     2012-12-12 13:37:03

  Building an iPhone application.

One of my New Years resolutions was to finally learn the iOS SDK and build a 'real' application.I am happy to report that progress is going really well and wanted to share something that I have noticed about iOS programming.It only looks scary... it's not. It's actually very easy.Now, I am not building Mail, Angry Birds or Photosynth or anything, but the core concepts of the SDK are not that bad once you spend some time learning delegation. If you don't understand delegation, iOS programmi...

   Apple,iOS,Application development     2012-01-28 07:03:36

  new() and make() in GoLang

GoLang is a modern, statically typed, compiled programming language designed for building scalable, concurrent, and efficient software. It provides various built-in functions and features that help developers write concise and efficient code. Among them are the new() and make() functions, which may appear similar at first glance but serve different purposes in GoLang and are crucial for memory allocation and data initialization. In this blog article, we will explore the differences between the n...

   NEW,MAKE,GOLANG     2023-11-18 13:43:25

  Internet trends and your web development strategy

Takeaway: Ryan Boudreaux looks at some of the latest reports on how users are spending their time on the web. Keeping an eye on trends is one way for web developers to stay current. Recent figures in Internet activity include several interesting trends, including: the number of smartphone-user adoption rates Cyber Monday sales figures mobile banking app usage social networking on mobile social media hours spent online search habits Trends in worldwide Internet activity may or may not translate ...

   Internet trend,Mobile,Web design,Web app     2012-02-01 00:02:29

  6 Tips to Help You Build a Great Web Application

Web applications are a little more challenging to design than websites. Designers need to anticipate user behavior, make users’ lives easier and make the experience as visually appealing as possible. Many designers tend to do what is easier for them than think about what’s easier for the user. The following is a small list of tips that designers often overlook in the process of designing a web application.1. The Power of a Good TooltipWhen you present your web application to a...

   Web design,Mobile device,Library,Style     2011-11-25 03:02:11

  Should Small IT Companies Compete for Government Projects

No matter where in the world you look, you will find that various government agencies spend enormous amounts of money to procure products and services from outside companies. And while most of us immediately think about construction projects and perhaps defense contractors, a huge portion of government projects over the last decade or so were in the IT sector. In essence, governments on all levels often require services that their existing employees cannot handle and they invite outside IT comp...

   IT, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS     2017-12-28 17:51:09