Send Email Using Gmail in ASP.NET

If you want to send email using your Gmail account or using Gmail's smtp server in ASP.NET application or if you don't have a working smtp server to send mails using your ASP.NET application or aspx page than sending e-mail using Gmail is best need to write code like this First of all add below mentioned namespace in code behind of aspx page from which you want to send the mail.using System.Net.Mail;Now write this code in click event of button C# code protected void But...

   ASP.NET,Email,Send email,Gmail     2011-11-15 13:01:02

  How Online Training Is Revolutionalizing The Corporate Landscape

Everything is transforming to the digital world. Be it a retail store or training of employees, irrespective of the industry, every business, and its aspect is finding its space online.  One of the major reasons for this transformation is the ease of accessibility. When you understand you don’t need to be at a certain place to get your training, you will be more interested. This convenience is what drives online training.  It is vital to keep conducting training programs for empl...

   EDUCATION,ELEARNING     2021-03-08 05:36:41

  Understanding PHP's internal function definitions

Welcome to the second part of the “PHP’s Source Code For PHP Developers” series. In the previous part ircmaxell explained where you can find the PHP source code and how it is basically structured and also gave a small introduction to C (as that’s the language PHP is written in). If you missed that post, you probably should read it before starting with this one. What we’ll cover in this article is locating the definitions of internal functions in t...

   PHP,internal function,definition,rationale     2012-03-16 10:46:26

  Is Ubuntu becoming a big name in enterprise Linux servers?

Summary: Mark Shuttleworth says yes, Ubuntu is now competitive with Red Hat Enterprise Linux in the enterprise space. Since last summer, Ubuntu has been more popular than Red Hat as a Web server. When you think of Ubuntu Linux, what do you think of? I would guess you think about the Linux desktop. While Ubuntu is certainly a big player—maybe the biggest—when it comes to the Linux desktop, Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical, the c...

   Linux,Ubuntu,Daat center,Server     2012-04-15 01:22:53

  The Programmer Salary Taboo

Salary is an interesting topic. It's certainly one everyone has an opinion on. It's also a uniquely taboo subject among members of the working public. Since I'm about a month away from being done with University and entering the programmer workforce, I've taken to asking my classmates what type of starting salaries they're getting at their first jobs. The first thing I discovered is that not everybody is very comfortable with this question, and many companies are even less so. Microsoft requests...

   Salary,IT company,Taboo,Google,Microsoft     2011-04-18 00:19:03

  Is Java the platform of the future?

I've mentioned before, but I think we are living in a period of time where a bigger explosion of programming languages is occurring than at any time in the past four decades. Having lived through a number of the classic languages such as BASIC, Simula, Pascal, Lisp, Prolog, C, C++ and Java, I can understand why people are fascinated with developing new ones: whether it's compiled versus interpreted, procedural versus functional, languages optimised for web development or embedded devices,...

   Java,Platform,Future     2012-04-03 12:59:52

  Some Thoughts on Twitter's Availability Problems

As a regular user of Twitter I've felt the waves of frustration wash over me these past couple of weeks as the service has been hit by one outage after another. This led me to start pondering the problem space [especially as it relates to what I'm currently working on at work] and deduce that the service must have some serious architectural flaws which have nothing to do with the reason usually thrown about by non-technical pundits (i.e. Ruby on Rails is to blame). Some of my suspicions ...

   Twitter,Architecture,Availability,Design     2011-08-12 07:39:21

  What we still can’t do client-side

With the rise of all these APIs and the browser race to implement them, you’d think that currently we can do pretty much everything in JavaScript and even if we currently can’t due to browser support issues, we will once the specs are implemented. Unfortunately, that’s not true. There are still things we can’t do, and there’s no specification to address them at the time of this writing and no way to do them with the APIs we already have (or if there is a ...

   Chanllenge,Client side,Server side     2012-01-10 07:22:31

  Tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google

JavaScript is now a very popular client side language. It's flexible, powerful but easy to make mistakes. So good programming style is better for you to write efficient and readable JavaScript codes. Here are some tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google. True and False Boolean Expressions The following are all false in boolean expressions: null undefined '' the empty string 0 the number But be careful, because these are all true: '0' the string [] the empty array {}&n...

   JavaScript, Google, Coding standard     2013-02-26 23:11:03

  Static Code Analysis

The most important thing I have done as a programmer in recent years is to aggressively pursue static code analysis.  Even more valuable than the hundreds of serious bugs I have prevented with it is the change in mindset about the way I view software reliability and code quality.It is important to say right up front that quality isn’t everything, and acknowledging it isn’t some sort of moral failing.  Value is what you are trying to produce, and quality is only one a...

   Static code,Analysis,Quality,Microsoft 360,Value     2011-12-24 06:50:18