Chrome overtakes IE as the No.1 browser

According to data from market research company StartCounter, by May 2012, Chrome has overtakes IE as the No. 1 web browser globally. Firefox and Safari is following IE to be 3rd and 4th most popular web browser.In May, market share of Chrome is 33%, while IE only gets 32%. Firefox is slowly dropping, which has a share of 25%.  However, with release date of Windows 8 approaching, IE 10 will also be shipped with Win8, at that time, the number of users who use IE may increase because according...

   Chrome,No.1,IE,StatCounter     2012-05-21 06:03:04

  Don't Overload #nil?

There’s a popular post on Hacker News about writing confident code by, among other things, overloading Object#nil? and returning “null objects” instead of nil itself.DO NOT DO THIS.In Ruby, all objects (except nil itself) coerce to the boolean value true. Your object will be nil and true at the same time. Bad things will happen. Your coworkers will cry. Sad people from around the world will ask bewildering questions on your mailing list.Here’s what happen...

   Ruby,#nil,Overload,Object     2011-11-10 10:50:22

  Go channel explained

In Go, a channel is a type of concurrent data structure that allows two or more goroutines (Go's term for lightweight threads) to communicate with each other. Channels provide a way for goroutines to send and receive values, and they are an essential part of Go's concurrency model. Here's a simple example that demonstrates how to use channels in Go: package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { // Create a new channel with the `make` function ch := make(chan int) // Start a new ...

   GOLANG,CHANNEL     2022-12-10 22:24:26

  Forgotten TODOs: ideas for contributing to open-source projects

I often talk to students that want to contribute to open-source projects, but just don't have an idea what to work on. Here's a tip if you're in a similar situation (e.g. you want to apply for GSOC) : 1 git clone repository_url_of_some_open_source_project target_directory 2 grep -RIn TODO target_directory/* So, find the URL of the repository project you want to contribute to, checkout the repository using git/mercurial/svn and then find all the TODOs in the source code using grep. The -RI...

   Open source,constribution,TODO,participation     2012-03-03 22:30:28

  Using keytool to create certificate chain

JDK provides a command line tool -- keytool to handle key and certificate generation. This tool has a set of options which can be used to generate keys, create certificates, import keys, install certificate and export certificates etc. In this tutorial, we will show how to create certificate chain using keytool. If you want to understand how to create certificate chain programmably, please refer to Generate certificate in Java -- Certificate chain. To begin, we first generate a key pair whi...


  String.length() vs String.getBytes().length in Java

In Java, String.length() is to return the number of characters in the string, while String.getBytes().length is to return the number of bytes to represent the string with the specified encoding. By default, the encoding will be the value of system property file.encoding, the encoding name can be set manually as well by calling System.setProperty("file.encoding", "XXX"). For example, UTF-8, Cp1252. In many cases, String.length() will return the same value as String.getBytes().length, but in some ...

   Java,UTF8,String,Encoding,Sample     2015-04-01 22:22:23

  JSON unmarshal in GoLang

In almost all mainstream programming languages, there is either built-in or third-party library to support parse JSON data because it is so popular for organizing and transferring data among different services. In GoLang, the built in json package also provides functions for marshalling and unmarshalling JSON data. Marshalling GoLang struct to a JSON string is relatively simple, just need to call json.Marshal(), it's a bit complicated to unmarshal an arbitrary JSON string into a GoLang struct ob...


  Replacing small C programs with Haskell

C is the classic go-to tool for small programs that need to be really fast. When needed a small program to be a glorified cat that also added useful HTTP headers to the beginning of its output, there was no question about it: it would be written in C, and it would be fast; the speed of our static content serving depended on it! (The grotty technical details: our webserver is based off of a networked filesystem, and we wanted to avoid giving Apache too many credentials in ca...

   C,Haskell,Small program     2012-01-03 10:51:39

  Email Modular Design – An Overview

Email is one of the most prevalent forms of business communication. Businesses all over the world send hundreds of email every day to communicate with their customers in a personalized, intimate way, providing useful information, special offers, records of business transactions, official news or messages and much more. Right from one or two-man projects to large Fortune 500 companies, every business entity uses emails on a daily basis to stay in touch with their base of customers. As a company g...

   email     2014-08-14 08:22:03

  Coding tricks of game developers

If you've got any real world programming experience then no doubt at some point you've had to resort to some quick and dirty fix to get a problem solved or a feature implemented while a deadline loomed large. Game developers often experience a horrific "crunch" (also known as a "death march"), which happens in the last few months of a project leading up to the game's release date. Failing to meet the deadline can often mean the project gets cancelled or even worse, you lose your job. So w...

   Tricks,Advice,Gamedesign,Plan     2012-02-12 04:50:30