SEARCH KEYWORD -- Parallel processing

  HTML5 Drag and Drop Upload and File API Tutorial

Update #3: Using the techniques outlined in this article I have rolled out and initial release of free to download the JS source (it is heavily commented) and take a look at how it was rolled out. Unfortunately the required File API support is only in Chrome and Firefox currently, Safari gets it in version 6, Opera possibly in version 11 and possibly IE 10 (9 has no support).IntroductionOver the last day I’ve been trying to learn how to use the new HTML5 D...

   HTML5,Drag and drop,DnD,File API,Tutorial,Coding     2011-10-29 13:47:14

  10 Tools Every Software Developer Should Use in 2018

The main problem I noticed about most programmers is that even though they know about latest software development tools, they never really spend significant time to learn them well. As a programmer, I always try to learn new tools and latest technologies. At the same time, I also look to improve my knowledge of tools which I have been using for many years. Whether you're a front-end developer, full-stack programmer or part of a DevOps team, you should familiarize yourself with the latest develop...


  Asynchronous UIs - the future of web user interfaces

It's an interesting time to be working on the frontend now. We have new technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, Canvas and WebGL; all of which greatly increase the possibilities for web application development. The world is our oyster!However, there's also another trend I've noticed. Web developers are still stuck in the request/response mindset. I call it the 'click and wait' approach - where every UI interaction results in a delay before another interaction can be performed. That's the process they'...

   AJAX,Asynchronous UI,AUI,User interface     2011-11-18 08:55:08

  How One Missing `var` Ruined our Launch

Well, that was a veritable shitstorm (sorry for the language).  Long story short, MelonCard was featured today on TechCrunch (along with other500Startups companies, also on VentureBeat, Forbes, …) and everything broke all at once.  Every. little. thing.  We had rolled out a huge change to MelonCard over the last few days to make our site a seamless “everything just updates” look-good / feel-good product using NodeJS lo...

   JavaScript,NodeJs,jQuery,Variable,Scope,Global     2011-11-02 13:01:22

  Let's talk about JavaScript deep clone

In JavaScript, deep clone means creating a brand new object that includes all nested objects, with all properties being completely independent copies. This is different from shallow copying, which only copies the first-level properties, with nested objects being referenced rather than copied. There are multiple ways to perform deep copying in JavaScript, but the best one to use depends on the specific use case. Can use JSON.parse & JSON.stringify? ❌ JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) is a dep...

   JAVASCRIPT,DEEP CLONE     2023-02-25 08:57:11

  Essential skills any web developer should have

As a web developer, besides writing HTML code, there is much more to do before the site can go live. You may consider about user experience, device compatibility, security etc. To be a good web developer, you should acquire some essential skills for web development. Below we list some of them. Some of them you may be familiar with a long time ago, but definitely some of them you may not be so familiar with or even never hear about before. Interface and User Experience Be aware that browsers imp...

   Web development,User experience     2014-03-21 06:44:49

   Move.Me Writing Your Own WebSocket Server

The WebSocket protocol has applications beyond plain vanilla web development.  I will explain how the protocol works, how to implement your own server and share some insights I had along the way. Before we get down and dirty, I will explain what I’ve been doing with it. At this point I expect many of you are saying “I’m not working on a web game this doesn’t seem relevant to me.” Well, neither am I. I embed a WebSocket server into my game engine and wit...

   Socket,NetWorking,WebSocket,Server development     2012-01-28 07:06:43

  Eleven Equations True Computer Science Geeks Should (at Least Pretend to) Know

This idea is a complete rip off an article that appeared in Wired a little while ago and it got me thinking what would my list for Computer Science look like?  Plus I thought it might be a fun post and unlike the Wired list this one goes to eleven.  So here they are in no particular order: Binomial Coefficient The Binomial Coefficient equation generates Pascal’s Triangle and gives you the coefficients for the Binomial Theorem these ideas are often attributed to Pa...

   Algorithms,Computer science,Euler formula,Fermat     2011-11-29 08:42:50

  Cracking Siri

On October 14, 2011, Apple introduced the new iPhone 4S. One of its major new features was Siri, a personal assistant application. Siri uses a natural language processing technology to interact with the user.Interestingly, Apple explained that Siri works by sending data to a remote server (that’s probably why Siri only works over 3G or WiFi). As soon as we could put our hands on the new iPhone 4S, we decided to have a sneak peek at how it really works.Today, we managed to crack ...

   Siri,Cracking,Defect,Speech to text,Record,AI     2011-11-15 08:38:23

  10 Questions with Facebook Research Engineer – Andrei Alexandrescu

Today we caught up with Andrei Alexandrescu for a “10 Question” interview. He is a Romanian born research engineer at Facebook living in the US, you can contact him on his website or @incomputable. We will talk about some of the juicy stuff that going on at Facebook, so let’s get started. Hello Andrei, welcome on Server-Side Magazine. 1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Who are you? Where and what do you work? Who am I? Ah, the coffee breath of one talki...

   C++,Facebook,PHP,Future,Machine learning     2012-02-06 08:08:12