Speech balloon with pure CSS--One step further

Many of us want to add cool features to our websites to make our websites user friendly ad more attractive. Especially in Web2.0 era. Today we are talking about adding speech balloon feature to our webpage so that we can display beautiful help windows while users mouse over some help icons on our page. First, let me introduce one post written by Umar Ashfaq named "How to create a speech balloon with pure CSS". He also explains how this works. You can also refer Magic CSS shape for more informati...

   Speech balloon, Pure CSS,border     2013-03-16 04:11:58

  Efficiency of code execution

If you want to optimize your program codes, you need to find their Hotspot, i.e, the codes which are executed most frequently. If you can optimize this portion of codes a bit, you may gain much improvement of your code efficiency. Here I give you three examples about efficiency of code execution.1. PHP's Getter and Setter (From Reddit)This example a quite simple, you can skip it if you want.Consider the code below, we can find it's slower when we use Getter/Setter method to read a member variabl...

   Code, Efficiency,Analysis,Trick     2012-07-13 10:59:21

  Kubernetes: Docker out

Recently,The hottest news in the Kubernetes circle that docker will be deprecated has been confirmed by the release of 1.20. Docker support in the Kubelet is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The Kubelet uses a module called “dockershim” which implements CRI support for Docker and it has seen maintenance issues in the Kubernetes community. We encourage you to evaluate moving to a container runtime that is a full-fledged implementation of CRI (v1alpha1 or v...

   DOCKERSHIM,DOCKER,KUBERNETES     2020-12-19 21:10:21

  10 Tools Every Software Developer Should Use in 2018

The main problem I noticed about most programmers is that even though they know about latest software development tools, they never really spend significant time to learn them well. As a programmer, I always try to learn new tools and latest technologies. At the same time, I also look to improve my knowledge of tools which I have been using for many years. Whether you're a front-end developer, full-stack programmer or part of a DevOps team, you should familiarize yourself with the latest develop...


  ICO Checklist: How to Launch a Successful Initial Coin Offering

Amongst the many important things that took place in Blockchain industry in 2017, Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) may be considered as the most important of all. ICO helps business/idea owners to pre-sell access to their services or products and in a way to fund the development of those services or products. To help founders/ startups define an effective launch process and provide perspective on everything that they will need on their ICO journey, we have jotted down few points which will serve as...


  Inside Google's recruiting machine

FORTUNE -- In the hot war for talent being fought in Silicon Valley, no company has an arsenal quite like Google's. Named Fortune's Best Company to Work For in 2012, the search giant made a record 8,067 hires last year -- boosting total headcount by a third. The thirteen-year-old firm's recruiting has an almost mythical quality about it, particularly for the two million candidates applying to work there each year. In terms of elite American institutions, getting a job at Google ranks with b...

   Google,Recruiter,Contract,Recruit machine     2012-02-25 04:50:01

  etcd installation and usage

etcd is an open source and highly available distributed key-value storage system and is commonly used in critical data storage and service discovery and registration use cases. It is focusing on: Simple: well-defined, user-facing API (gRPC) Secure: automatic TLS with optional client cert authentication Fast: benchmarked 10,000 writes/sec Reliable: properly distributed using Raft etcd and Redis both support key-value storage and can be set up in distributed systems. Also Redis supporst more key...


  Secret Symphony: The Ultimate Guide to Readable Web Typography

Right now, there’s a mathematical symphony happening on your website.Every single one of your readers is subconsciously aware of this symphony, and more important, they are all pre-programmed to respond to it in a particular way.The question is this:Is your site’s symphony pleasing and inviting to your readers, or does it turn them off and make it harder to communicate with them? The Mathematical Symphony of TypographyAs it turns out, this symphony is not unique to websites. You...

   Web design,Typography,Math,Golden rule     2011-12-23 07:48:10

  Optimization Tricks used by the Lockless Memory Allocator

With the releasing of the Lockless Memory Allocator under the GPL version 3.0 license, we can now discuss more of the optimization tricks used inside it. Many of these are things you wouldn't want to use in normal code. However, when speed is the ultimate goal, sometimes we need to break a few rules and use code that is a little sneaky.The SlabA slab is a well-known technique for allocating fixed size objects. For a given object size, a chunk of memory is divided up into smaller regions of that ...

   Optimization,Memory allocation     2011-11-16 08:02:16

  Programming Language Readability

Lets compare some Python to Haskell for solving the same problem.  The problem we’ll pick is Trie data-structure for auto-completions.  We are interested not so much in the nitty gritty of the algorithm, but in the language style itself.  Auto-complete has been in the programming news a lot recently; both a Python and a Haskell solver have turned up. (I suspect this post got flagged on Hacker News :(  It never got on the front-page despite the rapid upvoting on a n...

   Programming,Readability,Python,Haskell     2012-02-27 04:52:02