What do programmers like to say usually?

Coding is an very important part of programmer's daily work. But beyond coding, programmers need to do other work as well, they need to fix bugs reported by users, they need to write documents for their codes. Also, they often need to answer questions from customers, bosses and colleagues. What do they often say when they are facing different sort of questions? Today we share some. It's done. I just need to clean up a few things. This is hacky, but I'll fix it soon. This can never happen: It's ...

   Programmer,Execuse,Bug     2013-08-07 07:38:30

  What’s Custom Software Development in 2021?

Each year, custom software development shows us its new angles — those shaped by the technology trends and changes in customer behavior and preferences. Considering the highly impactful nature of 2020 with the outbreak of COVID-19, 2021 custom software development was formed around the technologies that have contributed to the minimization of the pandemic’s harmful impact. So what are these technologies? In this article, you will find out info about the top trends in software develop...

   CLOUD,SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT     2021-11-04 01:22:37

  Facebook share price is over $38 before the market opens on Wednesday

According to Sina Tech, Facebook share price is over $38 before the market opens on Wednesday. It's the first time that its share price is over $38 since its IPO last year. In May 2012, Facebook went to public on Nasdaq with a releasing share price of $38. The share price went below $38 after the first trading day. Then after its share price kept dropping until last September it reached to its lowest point with a share price of $17.58. But as Facebook's performance was better than expected last...

   Facebook ,Share price     2013-07-31 07:45:18

  Java 9 release is delayed again

The original Java 9 planned release date is March 2017. But latest source shows that Java 9 release will be delayed again to July 2017. It's four months later than the planned date. Oracle Chief Architect of Java Platform group Mark Reinhold proposes this new release date in a message sent on the OpenJDK mailing list.  Despite this progress, at this point it's clear that Jigsaw needs more time. We recently received critical feedback that motivated a redesign of the module ...

   JAVA,RELEASE DATE,JAVA 9,JAVA 9 DELAY     2016-09-26 12:22:53

  Firefox 18 will adopt IonMonkey as its JS compiler

Tendency would be converse after 30 years. The previous famous Firefox is now forced to change its version number frequently becuase of the rise of Chrome. Last month Mozilla released Firefox 15 and  also released news about Firefox 17, And now Firefox 18 is also ready to come out. According to PCWorld, to keep the promise of bring quicker and smoother experience, Mozzila will adopts new JavaScript technology in Firefox 18. The new Firefox with new JavaScript technology will be 26% qu...

   Firefox 18,IonMonkey,JavaScript     2012-09-17 11:50:02

  A guide on installing and setting up GitLab server on Ubuntu

GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket are the three most famous code hosting platform in the world. They have different features which allow teams or individuals to share code with others remotely. In case you want to build your own code hosting server so that you can host and share the code by yourself, you can install and set up your own server. In this post, we will walk you through a guide on installing and setting up GitLab server on Linux environment. gitlab is a web based code hosting tool which i...

   UBUNTU,TUTORIAL,GITLAB     2020-04-25 07:05:33

  A Brief Guide to Voice Navigation and the Future of UX Design

Voice devices are now everywhere, whether you like them or not. Amazon's Alexa, Google's Assistant, and Apple's Siri have proved that voice interactions are not from science fiction films but part of our new reality. Just as touch screens, voice interaction with devices will completely revolutionize how we interact with our computers, smartphones, and watches (and even cars and houses) in the coming years. But you might ask yourself, why is it evolving at such a fast speed? Well, there are many ...

   UX DESIGN     2021-11-25 02:24:55

  Programmer professionalism

Programmer is a lifetime occupation. But first, as a programmer you need to love programming, rather than just an occupation to achieve other goals in life.Now if you plan to spend decades of life on programming, then you should continue to think about what is more efficient. In other words, how are you different from who you were a decade ago and how will you be better than who you are now a decade later?In my opinion, a programmer, regardless of his work, should improve himself in three aspect...

   Programmer, Idea     2012-12-10 12:05:24

  Start to work with rollup.js to pack JS files

rollup.js is a module bundler for JavaScript. It compiles small piece of JavaScript modules spreading in different files into a single larger standardized ES code file. This post will show some entry level usage for this library. Introduction Normally a bundler tool would compile a few small JavaScript files into a single JavaScript so that web browser can read, parse and render it properly. A bundler tool may be needed because of a few reasons: Some early stage browsers don't understand module...


  Will Intel acquire Nvidia?

According to BrightSideofnews, Intel may acquire Nvidia, Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang will likely serve as Intel's new CEO.It is reported that the two sides have begun to have some negotiations, but details are still unknown. Intel CEO and President Paul Otellini has decided to retire in May next year,  The board of directors said Intel's new CEO may not come from Intel internal, now they are in the process of finding new CEO.Intel CEO Paul Otellini is thought of performing poorly in the...

   Intel,Nvidia,CEO     2012-12-14 13:08:12