How to check a port is taken by which program on Linux

Lots of you may have encountered some error message stating that the port has been taken by another program while trying to start a program on Linux. And you would want to know which program takes the port you want to use. This post will provide some feasible ways to check out which program is taking a specific port. lsof -i:[port] lsof is the command to list open files on Linux. And if you know more about Linux you should get to know everything on Linux is a file even including networ...

   LINUX,PORT,NETSTAT,LSOF     2018-08-12 04:27:57

  Find where the start up page is set in Firefox

Recently I encountered a weird behavior where a strange webpage showing up every time when I launched my Firefox. The first thought came into my mind is that my homepage of Firefox had been tampered. It might be changed because some software changed my browser settings to promote something. So the next immediate thing I went to check was to see my Firefox browser settings. To my surprise, the homepage setting was not touched. It would still open the Momentum screen which would display some beaut...


  Fix SSL 'alert protocol version' issue while git clone remote repository

Git provides ways to securely connect to remote repository and clone remote repository to local machine. This post will teach you how to fix the "SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version" issue while cloning a remote repository. The issue would look like: If this error occurs, it is most probably caused by out of date git version being used.To improve its security awareness, some weak cryptographic algorithms have been disabled and all git clients should upgrade to latest ones to acc...

   GIT,GIT CLONE,GIT SECURITY     2018-07-08 05:41:39

  Install and use GSpace to install apps from Google Play on Huawei Harmony OS

Huawei has released its own branded mobile OS Harmony OS sometime back and some Huawei device models now support installing or upgrading to use Harmony OS. Since this OS is Huawei's own OS and it doesn't come with Google Play by default which most of the current Android apps are hosted on. In this case, how can someone install the apps from Google Play on Huawei Harmony OS or use GMS services like Google Play, Google Maps? The solution provided by Huawei is to install GSpace which is an APP cont...

   HUAWEI,GOOGLE PLAY,HARMONYOS     2021-08-01 04:23:58

  10 Best Android Apps of 2016

The year 2016 has been gone with all its good and bad memories. But in the field of information technology, this year was another boost in which the field rapidly grew and explores some more essentials for the ease of users. In the field of mobile apps, specially users of Android OS, the year 2016 was awesome because in this year, they got many useful apps created by the highly qualified app developers of the world.Experts of Android OS rounded up a lot of apps created in the year 2016 and they ...


  Encrypting and decrypting PGP file or text on MacOS

When doing data exchange among different parties, there is a frequent need of encrypting data or file and sending it to partner and asking partner to use corresponding key to decrypt the data or file. A famous way of exchanging data is using asymmetric keys where no secret key needs to be shared. One party can just use the public key shared by partner to encrypt the data and the other party uses the private key to decrypt the data. Today, we will introduce how to use PGP to encrypt and decrypt d...