Designing Great API Docs

Writing documentation is one of those things that is dreaded by many developers. It takes a lot of effort and time to get right. And too often, people take shortcuts. This is sad, because well designed documentation is the key to getting people excited about your project, whether it's open source or a developer focused product. In fact, I argue that the most important piece of UX for a developer product isn't the homepage or the sign up process or the SDK download. It's the API documentati...

   API docs,Design API docs,Advice     2012-03-09 23:15:00

  Why to opt for Hadoop?

Hadoop is a open source that stores and processes big data. The framework is written in Java for distributed processing and distributed storage of very large data. Hadoop is Scalable. It is a scalable platform because it stores and distributed large amount of data sets to hundreds and thousands of servers that operate in parallel. Traditional database systems cannot process large amount of data. But, hadoop enable business to run applications involving thousands of Terabyte data. Hadoop is ...

       2015-09-22 10:17:43

  Difference between localhost and

Lots of people would think what the address is when first seeing this address. In fact, is a loopback address which refers to the local machine. It is generally used for local testing. When typing ping on local command console, it will send network packets to local IP/TCP layer to test whether IP/TCP works properly or not.  To those who are used to use localhost, it is actually mapped to by default. There are hosts files in the system which store this...

   LINUX,NETWORK,LOCALHOST,,LOCALHOST VS     2018-09-29 22:11:12

  The story behind Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a cross-platform text and source code editor, with a Python application programming interface (API). The graphical user interface design was inspired by Vim.Its functionality is also extendable with plugins; Post its release, it gained much attention and wide popularity. Do you know what's the story behind Sublime Text? Jon Skinner left his job as a software engineer at Google in order to pursue a dream: to build a better text editor. The end result is the popular Sublime Text t...

   Sublime Text,Story,History     2013-09-22 11:05:36

  Using Nlog Logging Framework With Vnext In Asp.Net

In this article, development company experts will brief you about asp.netVNext and its features. They will also explain how to use NLog Logging framework in Read this article and learn what they want you to understand. Overview of Asp.Net VNext The next level of Asp.Net after Asp.Net 5 is Asp.Net VNext. Currently, the code is run in Asp.Net with same CLR as that of desktop apps. There is a need for cloud optimized version of Asp.Net for getting higher throughput with lesser memo...


  Programming Achievements: How to Level Up as a Developer

How does a good developer become a great developer?Forget greatness for a moment: How does a decent developer become a good developer?There is no definitive path from Step 1 to Step n. Heck, it's not even clear what Step n is. And as logically-minded developer types, the lack of a well-defined route can make for a daunting journey from novice to master.I've spent a fair bit of time over the last few years bumping up against this conundrum. What's next? How do I go from being a goo...

   Good developer,Great developer,Comparison,Knowledge,Skill,Platform     2011-11-09 02:12:58

  Top rules you can't afford to miss while developing a Magento website

A powerful and attractive website has become a vital necessity of every online entrepreneur. Whether its about boosting the inflow of customers or enhancing the overall profitability of your business, a good website can do all the hardwork. The growing demand and popularity of Magento development services has made online merchants switch to Magento for promoting their business products and services via the internet. As a website creator, it is absolutely essential for you to consider some basic...

   Magento development service, offshore Magento development, outsource Magento development, Magento de     2015-06-19 04:21:55

  JavaScript Is Not A Language

Recently people presented arguments for and against using CoffeeScript. I felt the argument against was pointless and obviously wrong, but I couldn't figure out why, and I thought the counterargument for was kind of toothless and irrelevant. I've figured out the real issue.The real argument for CoffeeScript is that JavaScript is not really a language.Years ago I read something which explained, in my opinion, why Lisp has never achieved the mainstream adoption its passionate advocates belie...

   JavaScript,Not a language,CoffeeScript,Model     2011-12-29 08:46:15

  Web programs written in C++ are no big deal

I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day. She wanted to try putting together a weekend "hackathon" just to see what we could build. It would be one of those fun things where we just start tinkering and see what comes out of it. Somehow, this conversation got to the topic of libraries, programming languages, and frameworks. Then it got a little weird. I guess the current "shiny" thing is still more-or-less Ruby, and particularly when used with Rails. Oh, I suppo...

   C++,Web design,Library,Web app     2012-01-11 11:57:26

  5 Exemplary Material Design Frameworks That Are Worth Knowing

Google unveiled Material design last year, and it has inevitably created a great buzz among the designers' community, including both web and mobile designers across the globe. Today, you can observe many mobile and web applications are steadily deploying this design approach and overhauling their UI designs. Material design undoubtedly offers a refined and best approach to create a modern UI design. It embraces polished design principles that have been comprehensively described by Google in its ...

   material design, mobile app     2015-06-18 04:35:20