Samsung announces Galaxy Note II

Samsung announced Galaxy Note II in today's Mobile Unpacked conference. It has been one year since the first generation of Galaxy Note released in October last year.Galaxy Note â…¡ is not lighter, but a little thinner compared to Galaxy Note I. It is equipped with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean with a 5.5-inch screen. Detailed parameters are as follows: 1.6GHz quad-core Exynos processor 5.5 inches HD Super AMOLED screen, 1280 x 720 (16:9) 8 megapixel rear camera, 1.9 megapixel front camera 2G RAM,...

   Samsung,Galaxy Note II,Parameters,Price     2012-08-29 20:01:08

  Revolutionize Your Event Planning with Interactive Presentation Templates

Making a plan for a successful event requires a lot more than just booking a place and sending out invitations. To truly catch your audience’s heart and ensure a memorable experience, you need to think outside of old-school presentations. One effective way to uplift your event is by using interactive elements in the presentation.  The Power of Interactive Presentations Such presentations are made to engage and involve the crowd actively. They won’t just be presenting info passiv...

   EVENT PLANNING     2024-08-29 01:23:53

  JavaScript: It's a Language, Not a Community

There's nothing like jsconf for bringing out the meta! Since the conference ended two blog posts have created a lot of buzz, at least within my own twitter bubble. First, Rebecca Murphey's JavaScript: It's a Language, Not a Religion. I take Rebecca's post as a cautionary tale about the dangers of hero-worship and the tendency to assume that the people we respect in one sphere share our views in other spheres. I bring it up here not because I want to discuss the content of her post but b...

   JavaScript,Language,Community     2012-04-07 10:37:40

  Why Firefox Isn't Doomed

This has been a rough year for Mozilla and its Firefox team. Once the darling of the Web and the champion of the oppressed against Microsoft and Internet Explorer, Firefox is facing stiff competition from its primary benefactor and backlash from users. Chrome also seems to be the preferred browser of Web developers. Naturally, this means speculation about the future of Firefox. Has Firefox had better years? Absolutely. Does this mean that Firefox is "doomed"? Not so fast. Google Will Pro...

   Firefox,Market share,Competition,Google     2011-12-15 07:39:27

  Please Steal These webOS Features

When Apple introduced the first iPad in 2010, I bought one immediately. I didn’t know what I’d use it for, but I was sure that I would find some use for it. I never did. I played around with it, wrote some code for it, but eventually stopped using it. I would pick it up from time to time to read something or watch a YouTube movie, but even that was a rare occurrence. I have since picked up an iPad 2, and I’m using it a lot more than the first iPad, but again, I’...

   WebOS,Feature,HP,borrow     2012-02-22 05:45:49

  First Chinese app on Google Glass : is an open source PM2.5 project developed by BestApp. It retrieves PM2.5 data of different cities in China through a crawler and then processes the data retrieved. They also created an API which enables third parties to access these data. Now the team has built something new, they moved this project to Google Glass and developed the world's first Chinese Google Glass application -- Now users with Google Glass can check PM2.5 of different cities in China. The final effect on Goog...

   Google Glass,China,,BestApp     2013-06-23 10:17:40

  What I learned from Google - You Get Fifteen Years

four years ago I was in Mountain View, California, interviewing for a position with Google. It was an odd sort of interview.  Lots of puzzles, math-like challenges, and code.  Lots, and lots, and lots of code. What struck me at Google wasn’t the challenges.  Nor was it the office environment, the cafeteria, or the mini-swimming pool, all of which were impressive. No, what struck me were the people. All of the people I met — and I mean all of them — had this ...

   Career,Technology,Programmer,Transform,Lifetime     2011-12-06 02:27:04

  Using an Image Submit Button within an HTML Web Page Form

If you're using an HTML form on your web site and would like to use an image submit button instead of the boring standard submit button, this HTML code is for you.In order for your form's input box and your image submit button to line up properly, you will need to place it within an HTML table. In addition, unless your image has a transparent background, you will need to set the table background color to the same color as the image background so that it will seamlessly b...

   Submit button,Image,Html     2011-10-02 12:17:01

  How to Develop a Successful SEO Strategy for Your Startup

SEO is usually viewed as under-the-table formula manipulations and trickery, once actually it’s simply a series of core steps and actions you wish to require, to create your web site rank higher. An economical SEO strategy may be countermined to the subsequent three parts, that create the entire issue look less daunting in spite of everything.   Step 1: On-site Optimization On-site optimization strategy consists of these subsequent elements: Your Content Website Structure Layout of ...

   SEO,MARKETING     2016-03-18 15:33:37

  What are the Four Most Important Technologies Inside an Office, Today?

The office life has changed a lot since the beginning of the 21st century. Nowadays, technologies have taken over a large part of the work that people have to do, inside their walls. Some of them are more important than others, though. Here are four that no company should live without.  A VoIP Phone System If a company wants to communicate with its clients, it needs to install a centralized phone system. The old ones were complicated and costly. The more phone lines you had, the higher the ...

   SMARTPHONE,VOIP,5G     2022-12-24 06:35:02