How to be jQuery-free?

jQuery is now the most famous JavaScript library. There are around 57.3% websites in the world using jQuery, i.e, 6 out of 10 websites are using jQuery. If we only consider those websites which use libraries, then the percentage is even higher which is 91.7%. Although jQuery is very popular, its size is still a headache to many websites maintainers. The uncompressed jQuery 2.0 has a size of 235KB, the size is 81KB after optimization.The jQuery 1.8.3 which supports IE 6/7/8 has a uncompressed si...

   jQuery,JavaScript,ECMAScript,CSS3     2013-05-13 11:53:20

  Useful functions to provide secure PHP application

Security is a very important aspect of programming. There are many functions or modules in any kind of real programming language providing security functionalities  In modern websites, we may often get inputs form users all around the world.There is a famous saying which says that never trust user input. So in web programming languages, we will often see functions which will guarantee the security of the data input from users. Today we will cover some of these functions in the most famous o...

   PHP,security,SQL Injection,XSS,AJAX     2014-10-30 04:21:59

  Use of @font-face

Almost all web browsers(including the dinosaur browser IE6) support the web font property @font-face. Its usage is: @font-face { font-family: 'MyWebFont'; src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */ src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */ url('webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */ url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */ } Now we...

   CSS,@font-face     2014-06-08 07:17:34

  Let’s Find Out What the Future holds for .Net Technology

Technology is more like an evolution, not a revolution. The disruptive industry seems to be changing day in day out. Due to which tech companies by default have to chase new trends in order to stay ahead of the curve. Now, Microsoft.Net framework has been around since the 1990s! Do you think such refined technology can be considered relevant now? From what I can see, .Net is going through a major transformation. It’s gone largely open source and has been getting modernized so that its wor...

   ASP.NET ,.NET     2018-06-12 05:07:53

  Web Design 101: Get Your Color Contrasts Right

Great web design is hard.  It requires imagination, a keen eye, and the ability to project ideas onto a, generally digital, medium.  In today’s world this calls for a conflation of both artist and technologist.  I am not one of these people. I am a technologist, but I am no artist (thankfully I know some great artists!). Nonetheless, I’ve always had a good eye for things that look good and for sites that look like they were built with an early version of Micro...

   Web design,Structure,UI,Contrast     2012-02-04 21:42:50

  Eclipse 4.4 is going to fully support Java 8

Eclipse is the most popular IDE for developing Java applications, but it seems lag behind the Java 8 release a couple of months ago. The current Eclipse is not supporting Java 8 and if you want to run Java 8 programs on it, you need to install a plugin. You can find the plugin at the Eclipse market place. Now Eclipse 4.4 is coming to us on 25th June and the code name for it is Luna. This new version of Eclipse introduces some new features which can ease developer's work, these features includin...

   Eclipse,Luna,Java 8     2014-06-18 05:00:37

  The video Twitter is coming

 Last October, Vine was acquired by Twitter before it released. Now Twitter launched this app. Vine only supports 6 seconds video recording, when you tap on the screen, the video recording starts, when you finger leaves the screen, the video recording stops. It can contain a few frames in 6 seconds. You can share the video on Twitter and Facebook. Vine seems like a video version of Instagram because it allows user to record video and share it. It has the same features as Instagram such as L...

   Twitter,Vine,Video Twitter     2013-01-25 05:10:29

  Chrome extension to display desktop notification

Have you ever thought about writing extension for web browsers so that we can complete some tasks easily. Do you think writing extension for browsers is very difficult? You have no clue where to begin? On Chrome, this isn't any problem now as long as you know how to write HTML,CSS and JavaScript. We will show one example of Chrome extension today. The extension will display a desktop notification on your desktop. You need to create two files here, one is the notification.json which is the config...

   Chrome extension,Desktop notification,Example     2013-06-29 22:23:51

  Google to build Google Babble to unify all its chat tools

--Note : Image is from If Google Talk / Hangout / Voice / Messenger are put  together, what will you find?They are all chat tools launched by Google, but with careful comparison, you will find that the difference between them is not very big. The useful tools are Google Talk and Google+, but both of them needs to be improve their user experience.According to, Google is planning to launch a chat application Google Babble which will integrate all its chat tools and serv...

   Google Babble,Chat tool     2013-03-19 13:02:47

  Web Symbols typeface

There are those points in every interactive designer’s career when he becomes fed up with producing the same set of graphics all over again for every website he designs. It could be the social network icons, gallery arrows or any number of his «signature» butterflies for the footer of each of his projects. Similar for interactive developers that have to slice the same GIFs and PNGs each time art-director asks them to.U...

   Web,Type face,Interactive mode,Design icon     2011-11-19 02:08:47