SEARCH KEYWORD -- Network programming

  Taking C Seriously

Dennis Ritchie, a co-creator of Unix and C, passed away a few weeks ago, and was honored with many online tributes this weekend for a Dennis Ritchie Day advocated by Tim O’Reilly.It should hardly be necessary to state the importance of Ritchie’s work. C is the #2 language in use today according to the TIOBE rankings (which, while criticized in some quarters, are at least the best system we currently have for gauging such things). In fact, TIOBE’s pre...

   C,Efficiency,Memorization,Dennis Ritchie     2011-11-03 13:42:14

  The Problem With Client-Side Analytics

Client-side analytics is broken. The numbers produced by it are trivially spoofable by competitors and nefarious characters. Most websites use client-side analytics of one type or another and the only way to get numbers you can trust is to compare numbers from multiple providers and to take an average of the closest two.This post highlights the problem and proposes a partial solution that substantially mitigates the issues with minimal effort. Our proposed solution is simply to include a digital...

   Client side,Analysis,Problem,Tricks,ASP.NET,spoof     2011-10-22 12:58:51

  Coder or Clown?

That’s the challenge. Sit down with someone you’ve never met and try to work out if they are a coder or a clown. I don’t mean to insult anyone, of course, and I’m the first to acknowledge the years of training and effort that goes into being a professional clown. But some coders, oh boy. Like the time I interviewed a recent graduate. I’ll call her Ada. Full of sympathy for the novice programmer I started with a gentle warm-up, a soft-ball question to break the ...

   Coder,Clown,State,Profile,Category     2011-08-28 23:04:46

  How to create offline HTML5 web apps in 5 easy steps

Among all cool new features introduced by HTML5, the possibility of caching web pages for offline use is definitely one of my favorites. Today, I’m glad to show you how you can create a page that will be available for offline browsing.Getting startedView DemoDownload files1 – Add HTML5 doctypeThe first thing to do is create a valid HTML5 document. The HTML5 doctype is easier to remember than ones used for xhtml:<!DOCTYPE html> <html> ... Create a file named index...

   Offline store,Steps,demo,Html5,Cache     2011-09-20 13:15:45

  5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Data

The average cost of a data breach is $148 per record. Records include everything from personal addresses to birthdates to even more sensitive data, like Social Security Numbers and business files. Each year, these hacks cumulatively cost billions of dollars to companies and individual users. Nonetheless, like many other criminals, hackers tend to prey on easy targets. By following these essential steps, you’ll be able to ensure your data is always kept safe. 1) Use a File Encryption Servic...

   DATA SECURITY     2019-08-20 08:35:54

  Simple Strategies to Boost Your Android Phone Security

Android is one of the safest operating systems for smartphones and tablets if used correctly. Unfortunately, only a third of Android users use the latest version, and older versions are far more vulnerable than newer ones. Not to mention that many manufacturers take their time when it comes to downloading the latest security patches. A news blog Android Authority ranked the fastest manufacturers in downloading system updates. Here are the results: LG - 78 days Motorola - 88 days HTC - 95 days S...

   ANDROID,DATA SECURITY     2019-02-19 07:36:46

  API Design is UI for Developers

I’ve been thinking a lot about APIs and their design recently.I stumbled on this fantastic quote from Greg Parker: A programming language is a user interface for developers. Language authors should learn from HCI principles.22/02/2012 19:10 via webReplyRetweetFavorite@gparkerGreg ParkerWhen I first started learning C++ (back in the bad old days) I was convinced that any 1st year student could design a better programming language. One which behaved in a sane fashion without a lot of le...

   API design,UI,developers,PHP     2012-03-11 13:21:43

  Steve Jobs attacks Android just for show?

Steve Jobs has a famous statement which says Android is a stolen product. What does Google CEO Larry Page think about this statement? Recently, Page said in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek that Apple hates Android just for show. He believes people should not look only to the competitions, but should focus on the potential cooperation opportunities to make the world better.The following is overview of the interview:Q: When you took over as CEO, one of your goals was to take the cle...

   Steve Jobs,Android,Larry Page     2012-04-08 08:30:33

  Peculiarities of cloud infrastructure

MarketsandMarkets claims that the cloud computing market is worth more than $545 bln nowadays. Moreover, by Thales, nearly 60% of worldwide commercial data is stored in the cloud today. Nay, under Exploding Topics, about 90% of large companies across the world use cloud infrastructure. So, the mentioned technology is incredibly popular among business owners worldwide presently. However, not so many company holders, as well as managers, know enough about the specified solutions. That's because mo...

   CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE,DATA STORAGE     2022-12-30 12:00:44

  Introducing LocalDB, an improved SQL Express

Updated 2011-11-28: Added reference to the walkthrough of using LocalDB in Visual Studio 2010 and to the new LocalDB Installer. Updated 2011-11-02: Added reference to .NET Framework 4 support for LocalDB in the Q&A section. Introduction It gives me great pleasure to introduce a new version of SQL Express called SQL Express LocalDB. LocalDB is created specifically for developers. It is very easy to install and requires no management, yet it offers the same T-SQL language, programming surfac...

   LocalDB,Microsoft,SQL Express     2012-03-31 00:13:43